Looking at the two-meter-tall spider in front of him, which was shaped like a small tank and had a pair of huge iron pincers on the front, the spider was suddenly stunned.

The purple-named elite monster!

The so-called elite monsters are extremely outstanding individuals among monsters, with stronger attribute panels, super-standard racial talents, and even extra skills unique to elites.

Monsters of the same race, elite monsters can defeat ten ordinary monsters one by one.

This can be seen from the blood volume of this elite monster.

According to Spider-Zi's current basic health volume of only 30 points, and his extremely pitiful growth health value, he may only have two to three hundred health points at the same level 8.

But the opponent has a whopping 1090 HP points.

A full five times difference.

Although it pales in comparison to the Earth Dragon, which is known for its blood volume, with such attributes, it can easily crush any monster of the same race.

And the attack power has also reached 291.

This attack power has exceeded Zhong Chen's defense.

As expected of an elite monster, its attributes in all aspects are extremely impressive.

What's even more outrageous is that this elite monster is different from other monsters in that it has skills.

【Iron Pliers Throw]: Throw iron pliers forward, causing damage to enemies along the way, and can catch objects weighing less than 300 kilograms to yourself. obviously.

The skill that attacked Zhong Chen just now was the so-called [Iron Pliers Throw].

However, Zhongchen Earth Dragon was huge, covered in thick rocks, and weighed more than 300 kilograms, so it was not captured by the opponent.

If it had been her, I'm afraid she would have been caught next to the elite monster and killed directly

"Be careful, it is an elite monster and has skills!"

Hearing Spider Zi's reminder, Zhong Chen nodded. For an elite monster of this size, if you say it doesn't even have skills, that would be too low.

After all, it is an elite monster, and it must have some cards.

And the opponent's skills , Zhong Chen also guessed something.

From the pulling force attached to the iron pliers that attacked him, we can know that the opponent's skills are similar to the mechanical arms of the claw machine, which can pull the prey in front of him.

If he were not heavy enough, he would probably be caught. , becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

Think about it the other way around. This spider can't catch him. I'm afraid strength is not its advantage. He is still capable of fighting.

Zhong Chen blocked the attack. The iron-pinched spider seemed a little surprised. The little head that is out of proportion to the body twisted a little, as if thinking about why its attack was blocked.

If it were the food it usually encountered, it should have been wiped out by it with one blow.

Of course, its little head would definitely not be able to think about it. I understand why, but this does not prevent it from staring at these two little cuties with playful eyes.

In its view, this little spider and earth dragon have become its bag.

Lunch is settled.

It Knowing that the other little spider was nothing to be afraid of, it stared at Zhong Chen with its eight eyes, and the giant pincers at the front were about to move.

Soon it started to move, heading towards Zhong Chen at a very fast speed. It was also a spider creature, although its speed was not as fast as that of Zhong Chen. Wei Tuotian's spider was not weak in speed. It flew in front of Zhong Chen at an extremely fast speed and slashed his head!

Its iron pincers were attached with a dark green poisonous liquid that could corrode everything.

Even the Earth Dragon, which is famous for its defense, would probably be extremely uncomfortable after being poisoned. The

Earth Dragon was very slow before it evolved.

This elite monster obviously has a certain intelligence. It knows the weaknesses of the Earth Dragon and relies on its speed to You are confident!

But this does not mean that Zhong Chen has nothing to do with the other party.

"Desolate star!"

The rocks deep in the earth gathered together, erecting a rock structure on the ground, which instantly enveloped Zhong Chen.

The huge iron pincers fell on the rock, corroding a large hole, but the thickness of the desert star was not something that venom could penetrate. It breaks the defense.

The attack of the elite monster is higher than its defense, so it cannot be fought head-on. It is a way to deal with it in desperation.

Every time an attack of this level is carried out, there will be a certain degree of stiffness, and this is also when the elite monster reveals its flaws. Again Using the Desolate Star, the rock element structure broke out of the ground and directly lifted the iron pincer spider high.

Although this spider is terrifying in size and fast, its abdomen is its weak point. Once it attacks its abdomen, It was simply difficult to guard against.

After being lifted up by the desolate star, Zhong Chen immediately used another skill.

Rock blast!

Two explosions sounded.

The outside of Zhong Chen and the desolate star that lifted the elite monster exploded at the same time.

Although he himself also It will inevitably be affected by the explosion, but for the same monster, the spider is weaker than the earth dragon. Its magic resistance is much higher than that of the elite spider, and even if it explodes, it will suffer less damage



Damage with completely different values.

The former is the damage suffered by elite monsters, and the latter is the damage suffered by Zhong Chen.

Because Yuzhang's shield partially offset it, the first shock wave only caused 13 points of damage to Zhong Chen, but the second shock wave did not have enough damage to fully absorb the shield.

Seeing the injury, Zhong Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, this kind of blood exchange, the one who cannot bear it in the end must be this elite monster!

This is the advantage of being reincarnated as an earth dragon. It has high double resistance. Even if you use a suicide attack, the opponent's blood loss will definitely be higher than yours.

Even the elite spiders had very little double resistance. With the same explosion, Zhong Chen would suffer less damage than his opponent.

Thanks to him being an Earth Dragon, if it were other monsters, I am afraid that under such an explosion, let alone exchanging blood with the elite monsters, I would probably fall before the elite monsters.

One attack directly caused nearly 300 points of damage to the elite-level Iron Pincer Spider. Even with a four-digit health volume, it could not last more than a few times!

It's a pity that the critical hit rate in the early stage is too low, otherwise if the damage is doubled, half of the opponent's health will be knocked out directly.

But it doesn’t matter, just grind it slowly. aside.

Spider-Zi watched the collision of these two huge monsters, resulting in an unparalleled visual effect, as if he was watching a 3D blockbuster.

Seeing this scene, she felt helpless and powerless.

She is too weak now and is not even qualified to participate in the battle. Any casual attack from these two huge monsters can easily kill her.

She felt a little unwilling.

Even though he teamed up with Earth Dragon, he still had no choice but to run away.

So cowardly!

It’s so cowardly!

She could only run for her life, she was too weak.

What would she do if she encountered a monster that even an earth dragon couldn't fight?

Do you want to keep running away?

According to their current progress, sooner or later they will encounter an unbeatable monster. If they have to watch the earth dragon fight with others, they can only hide in the corner and tremble.

She doesn't want this!

Never just run for your life again.

She wants to become stronger and become as powerful as the earth dragon!

Spider Zi secretly vowed in her heart that she did not want to be under the protection of the earth dragon all the time. She also wanted to fight and live with dignity!

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