The dragon soared above the clouds.

Meira held Sophia and sat on Zhong Chen's back, looking at the thick clouds below, feeling a little frightened.

The dragon didn't know where it was taking them.

The giant dragon had no intention of explaining to them and just kept flying.

The other party saved him and the eldest lady, so he must have no ill intentions towards their master and servant.

But Mera could feel that this giant dragon was quite disgusted with him. If he hadn't been holding Sophia, the giant dragon would have thrown him directly from the sky.

Recalling everything she had experienced before, Meera felt like she was in a dream.

From the outbreak of the war, to the destruction of Flame City, to the death of the lord and his wife, and finally to the devil, the elf king, and the dragon king in front of him, the top figures in the world actually gathered in the small lord's castle to play mahjong..

When Meera thought about it again, she felt deeply unbelievable.

He could slightly guess that his little master Sophia, as a vampire's true god, was the first vampire in the world, which was of great significance.

The Elf King once said that if the eldest lady could grow up, she would probably become one of the giants in this world.

Perhaps they are competing for this, and these world giants gathered here just to compete for the power of the eldest lady!

Meera thought so.

He hugged Sophia a little tighter in his arms and became a little wary.

But Mela didn't know that Sophia in his arms was not only the vampire Allah, but also a reincarnation.

"Here it is."

Zhong Chen directly threw Meira and Sophia out of the air.

The high-speed landing made Meira think that she was going to die.

But Zhong Chen fell from the air at a faster speed and completed"four nine zero" in mid-air. After transforming, she caught the master and servant pair on the ground, and then threw them casually on the ground.

From beginning to end,

Meira hugged the eldest lady tightly, with no intention of letting go.

"What a loyal servant."

Zhong Chen shook his head.

Then he said to Sophia in Meira's arms:"I am a reincarnation just like you. Hello, Akiko Negishi."

Meira opened her eyes wide.

Akiko Negishi?

He had never heard of this name.

He saw that the eldest lady in his arms reacted and looked at Zhong Chen with cold eyes.

Meira opened her mouth wide. , I never expected that the eldest lady in the family was actually someone reincarnated from another world.

It was not unusual for Sophia to have such a reaction.

She used to be humble and weak, and suffered ridicule and abuse from everyone.

In a class, There are beautiful girls and ugly girls, which is normal. And she is the ugly one among them.

In District 11, girls who are too ugly and girls who are too beautiful will be excluded.

Those who are too beautiful will be excluded because they are too beautiful. It is easy to attract men's attention, and she will be the center of attention wherever she goes. All girls will be threatened by her appearance, and will naturally resist it. If boys don't get it, they will naturally want to destroy her.

Rumors and rumors will instantly destroy her. The most beautiful classmates in the class are overwhelmed.

Wakaba Hime is like this.

As for ugliness, it is easier to explain.

Everyone can bully you without any scruples, and there is no cost at all.

Especially Negishi Akiko's character is still She was very cowardly and did not dare to fight back against her classmates who laughed at her.

Because of this, Sophia was very taboo about her former name, and she did not want to hear her former name spoken by others.

That was her dark history, and she used to This is a shame! She is now Sophia Galen! The Vampire God of her world, whether it is appearance or growth, is a unique existence! She does not want others to mention her original name again. It’s just that Now Sofia has no ability to [speak], so she can only babbling in protest!

"My name is Zhong Chen, and as you can see, I was reincarnated into an earth dragon."

Zhong Chen said with a smile.

"Of course, it wasn’t just me who became a dragon, there was also a beautiful girl named Urushihara, whom you should have heard of."

Urushihara Meimei!

Has she been reincarnated too?

Damn that guy, she has actually been reincarnated into a dragon!

Sophia's face is getting uglier.

After all, she has seen the power of the earth dragon in front of her, and she is so competitive that she immediately feels it. A trace of despair.

This Urushihara Mei is a female classmate in the class.

Just like her name, Urushihara Mei is beautiful. Although she is not as beautiful as Wakaba Hime, she is a very social girl in the class and is very popular with everyone. Welcome, both boys and girls are welcome, and they are completely different from marginal figures like Sophia!

Sophia is very envious of Urushihara's beauty.

Because in her opinion, such girls are successful people and the best in the class.

And Urushihara Beauty looked down on Negishi Akiko. Such a sloppy and ugly girl dressed like a man, so Urushihara Miuri once mocked the latter without hesitation. After reincarnation,

Negishi Akiko became Sophia.

She knew who she was now. , with infinite possibilities, she hopes to become powerful and beautiful, surpassing all her classmates!

This is her goal in this world!

But when Zhong Chen said that Urushihara Meili was reincarnated into a dragon, her face instantly darkened.

Because Zhong Chen was so powerful, she subconsciously thought that Urushihara Mei had also evolved into a dragon like Zhong Chen, so even if she had grown up for 10,000 years, she wouldn't be able to compare!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Why are these dogs now full of energy ? , the luck was so good after reincarnation.

Only then did Zhong Chen speak calmly:"However, Urushihara Meili reincarnated into an earth dragon, which is my lower dragon species. From a common rational point of view, there should be some differences."

A low-level dragon.

After hearing this, Sophia smiled with wide eyes.

What, just like this?

Urushihara Mei is not as good as herself. When she grows up, she must humiliate Urushihara Mei in order to avenge her previous ridicule.

Everyone has a desire to compare.

Sophia even more so.

The rarer things she once had, the more she wanted to show off in front of her classmates after reincarnation.

Didn’t you laugh at my ugliness before? Are you making fun of my lack of ability?

After reincarnation, none of you can compare to me!

This was the strongest thought in her heart.

She longs to become stronger. She wants to avenge her parents in this life and the hatred from her previous life.

In this life, she will live a glorious life and stand at the top of the world!

Unconsciously, the baby Sophia clenched her fists.

Zhong Chen smiled slightly.

He had already sent a message to Spider Zi, asking her to bring Emilia over quickly.

After a fight with Potimas, the forest is no longer safe.

Although the Demon King is still hostile to them, it is still better than the unscrupulous Potimas.

Zhong Chen decided to go to the Demon King's base camp to try to apply for a job.

In fact, this decision is quite dangerous. After all, the Demon King really wanted to kill them before, but Zhong Chen is more willing to believe in the Demon King. After all, the Demon King is also Spider Zi's grandmother.

And compared to Potimas, the Demon King also has a better bottom line.

What's more, in the original work, the Demon King did not kill Spider-Man in the end.

Many factors made Zhong Chen finally decide to set off.

"Wait here for a moment, someone else is coming. When she comes, we will take action."

Zhong Chenyan said concisely.

Hearing this, Sophia raised her head from her swaddling clothes.

At this time, Melazofi spoke timidly.

"Can I ask?"

"Excuse me"

"The eldest lady and you are both reincarnations, so is the person acting with us also a reincarnation?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mera quickly accepted the setting of the reincarnated person.

He could even accept that Sophia was a vampire, and he had endured the death of the lord and his wife. Now there is nothing for him Unacceptable.

Sophia opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhong Chen with her dark eyes.

This is what she wants to know.

Which classmate is the person who acted with this powerful earth dragon? He (she) What species has he been reincarnated into? What kind of strength does he have now?

These are what Sophia wants to know urgently.

Can that classmate compare with herself?

Probably not. It is impossible for everyone to be reincarnated into the vampire Allah.

In front of me The earth dragon is already perverted, but she doesn’t believe that his companion is the same.[]

"Ruoyeji color."

Zhong Chen said a name.

Just saying this name, Sophia's whole body trembled slightly.

It's her!

Sophia remembered that she was the object of jealousy in her previous life.

Yes, it was jealousy!

For Urushihara's beautiful appearance now Mitsuru, she was very envious, but for Wakaba Hime, she was purely jealous.

Because Wakaba Hime was very beautiful, a quiet beauty with black hair and black eyes.

Her beauty was felt by all the girls in the class.posed a great threat.

Anyone who sees Wakaba Jisei for the first time will have their heart beat faster involuntarily. Her face is almost like the image of a goddess in a dream. She is so naturally beautiful that she is astonishing!

Same as Sophia.

Unsurprisingly, Wakaba Hime was ostracized.........

But Ruoyeji's color doesn't matter.

She goes to and from school alone every day. She has no friends and no need for them.

In her opinion, only the weak need to hug each other for warmth.

Powerful and beautiful.

This is also the reason why Sophia is jealous of her. Why can she not care about other people's eyes? She goes her own way, freely, without caring about other people's opinions. No one can change her.

In contrast to Wakaba Himeki's strong heart, Sophia, formerly known as Negishi Akiko, immediately fell into a disadvantage.

She extremely hopes that if Ye Jise is reincarnated into a weak ant, this will meet her inner expectations!

"she......Reincarnated as a spider."

Zhong Chen said lightly.

He knew what Sophia wanted to hear.

It's just that, unlike Sophia,

Spiderzi has a strong heart. No matter how weak she is, she will never give up on herself.

Even the weakest creature in the world, Spiderzi Still unyielding, not pitiful, but relying on her own strength to become stronger little by little.

This is the biggest difference between Spider Zi and Sophia.

It has nothing to do with appearance.

At this moment, Sophia's mouth showed a smile.

In her heart The biggest stone fell to the ground.

What she fears most when she is reincarnated into this world is that the former great beauty Wakaba Hime is still as powerful and beautiful as ever. If that is the case, she will go crazy with jealousy! In her previous life, Wakaba Hime was her An eternal nightmare.

In this life, please become weak and consciously withdraw from the stage of this world.

When she heard that Wakaba Jisei was reincarnated into a spider, Sophia was extremely happy. Finally

, the god-like person A woman has become an inferior existence.

Just like a princess who once attracted much attention, became a prisoner of another country. Her once sacredness and elegance have disappeared in this life!

Instead, as the vampire Allah, she is the embodiment of power and beauty..The farmer turned over and started singing.

Her inner demon finally disappeared.

This kind of identity reversal was so enjoyable!

"As for other things, you should wait until Wakaba Jisei comes and then talk to her."

Sofia nodded.

That's fine.

If the great beauty Ye Jise comes to see her in the form of a spider, will she be sad? Will she be jealous of her?

After all, she is just a spider.

Thinking about it makes me so happy that I can't breathe!

Ruoye Jise should also be able to understand the inferiority and pain she felt back then.

This is called empathy!!

Ignoring Sophia's thoughts, Zhong Chen focused on his own system reward.

Demon doll * 1 godhead point + 10 and the secret space. Apart from the godhead points, Zhong Chenjian has never seen the other two rewards.

The first is the magic puppet.

This should be a summoned object. From the introduction, we can know that the magic puppet has strong combat power and is very effective against The master who summoned her has 100% loyalty. 1.9 is a very reliable partner.

For Zhong Chen who is planning to organize his own team, such a demon is a timely help!

No matter how the finished product is, summon it first and take a look.

So , Zhong Chen directly clicked to wake up.

But at this time, the system gave a choice

【Choice 1: Dragon Clan】

【Choice 2: Elves】

【Choice three: Human race】

【Choice 4: Demons】

【Choice five:......】

"Can you choose your own race?"


Zhong Chen nodded, and then chose the Dragon Clan without any surprise.

There is actually not much deep meaning in choosing the Dragon Clan. It was just because he was a Dragon Clan, so he made such a choice subconsciously.

The next moment.

A man wearing pink A cute dragon with double ponytails appeared in front of him in a maid outfit, her hair gradually changed from white to pink, and its horns were like mutton-fat white jade.

She stared at Zhong Chen blankly, as if she was not awake.

After a long time, Only then did I remember what I wanted to do

"The dragon maid of Zhong Chen’s family......Kangana Kamui has met the master."

Zhong Chen opened his mouth.

At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

The maid+ clan really summoned the dragon maid for him!

Although the series is a daily series, it is undeniable that, The fighting power of Mei Dou Long is beyond your imagination!

This is a baby dragon that can destroy the whole world!

He smiled, and was about to ask her not to be polite, but the little girl didn't wait for him to answer, and swooped directly into the into his arms

"Finally see you, master......"

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