Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 99: They actually sent special forces here, how can anyone fight like this?

Chapter 99: Special forces were sent here. How can we fight this?

 Speak quickly!

Wang Fei urged expectantly.

Zhang Chuan responded: Let’s go directly to the battalion headquarters, which is the heart of the battalion. Otherwise, I will tell you again, and you will have to report to the battalion commander, which will waste your time.

Wang Fei nodded in agreement, OK! Then come with me, I'll take you to the battalion headquarters!

Without saying a word, the company commander immediately started the car and drove Zhang Chuan straight to the battalion headquarters three kilometers away.

 At this moment, in the battalion headquarters, the faces of the battalion commander and several staff officers were serious!

Before he even entered the door, Zhang Chuan heard scoldings coming from inside.

 If you can’t attack, you can’t defend! Until now, we don’t know the details or specific location of the enemy’s troops. What kind of battle is this?

The school gave such an important strategic location to our Third Battalion, but we made a mess. How could I have the face to explain it to my superiors?

The staff officers all kept silent and could only bear the criticism.


At this moment, the correspondent rushed in and reported to the battalion commander: Battalion Commander, the commander of the Seventh Company has come with Comrade Zhang Chuan and said he wants to see you.

 Zhang Chuan?

  When the battalion commander and several staff officers heard this name, their eyes shone.

  Why did I ignore this big man! Quick, invite them in!

 The battalion commander quickly ordered.


Wang Fei led Zhang Chuan into the battalion headquarters.

Hello, battalion commander! Hello fellow advisors!

 Zhang Chuan and Wang Fei stood still and performed a standard military salute.

 There is no need to salute.

The battalion commander waved his hand and asked impatiently: Zhang Chuan, what can you do to change the current predicament of our battalion?

Wang Fei on the side also looked at Zhang Chuan expectantly.

Zhang Chuan nodded and said: Although the current situation is very unfavorable to us, it is far from desperate!

battalion commander, what is the current casualty ratio between our battalion and the enemy?

The battalion commander sighed and replied: Very tragic! Twenty-five to one!

Zhang Chuan smiled slightly, this number is not too exaggerated.

 Not too high?

The battalion commander and others were stunned when they heard this.

 Brother, if one person can defeat fifteen of us, you actually think it’s not that good?

 Brother, are you sure you are here to fight?

With this kind of casualty ratio, even during previous wars, we people would have been dragged out and killed!

 One of the staff officers continued:

ˆ Judging from several battles, the opponent is an extremely elite rapid reaction armored force! However, which unit of the Northwest Military Region it is is still being investigated. But it is certain that whether it is armored attack or infantry firepower, we are at a disadvantage! The most terrifying thing is that their infantry is extremely powerful! Most of our casualties were caused by their infantry!

 They can hit us accurately, but once we counterattack, we find that they have changed places. Also, we almost fell into their traps several times. If we hadn't noticed in time, the Third Battalion might have been completely destroyed!

 Zhang Chuan asked: Is this also the case in other camps across the school?

 The battalion commander nodded, that’s about it, except that the place we were guarding was more important, so we got beaten harder!

How many infantry do they have?

  Not too many, but everyone is so fierce and scary!

 I understand all this.

 Zhang Chuan nodded.   Zhang Chuan, have you found any clues?

Wang Fei was extremely anxious and asked, "Speak quickly, please, don't make us anxious to death, okay?"

Zhang Chuan said with a smile: Leaders, have you ever thought about why the enemy can hit us accurately in every confrontation, causing us to suffer heavy losses without exception?

 What’s the reason? Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

 Zhang Chuan said: Although there are many excellent military commanders in our country, no one can guarantee victory in every battle! Unless the enemy grasps our strategic deployment in advance and arranges attack and defense in advance, this is only possible!

Everyone was speechless for a moment. The battalion commander seemed to realize something, and his eyes suddenly widened. Do you mean...

 The battalion commander suddenly stopped and his expression changed drastically.

 Zhang Chuan nodded and said: Yes, I am very sure that the enemy has used technical means to sneak into our communication channel!

By invading the channel, they stole core military information such as the troop allocation and tactical planning of our battalions and companies! Then react quickly and launch targeted bombardment on us!

Once our army encounters a sudden artillery bombardment, it will inevitably lead to chaos. At this time, they will send special forces to carry out sneak attacks and sabotage in our rear. Under attack from two sides, even if we are an elite division, it will be difficult to withstand their offensive!

We have learned so many world-famous battle tactics in school. Who can forget the Gulf War in 1991? How the United States-led coalition defeated the K-State with a million-strong army in less than a hundred hours. What about lightning tactics?

 Gulf conflict!

 When mentioning this battle, everyone’s eyes suddenly lit up!

How could they forget the beacon fire seven years ago!

 The coalition forces led by the United States staged a tactical performance that shocked the world.

 It was the emergence of this tactic that instantly reshaped the global military landscape, which is of great significance!

Since then, all countries, including China, have accelerated the pace of military reform!

It can be said that the tactics of the Gulf conflict are the most classic example in the history of modern warfare, and no one can match it!

In that war, the coalition forces used advanced information warfare strategies to fully penetrate and lock the specific positions of the enemy's troops, and then used fighter jets, weapons and tanks to accurately attack every point of the enemy!

At the same time, relying on the cooperation of air and armored units, a large number of special forces airborne on the battlefield to conduct a second ground assault against the enemy forces that had been shocked by artillery fire!

 In less than a hundred hours, the enemy's army of one million people collapsed, forcing them to lay down their weapons and surrender!

At this moment, after listening to Zhang Chuan’s analysis, they looked back at the past and suddenly realized that the war situation in their school was surprisingly similar to the Gulf conflict!

  It is simply a small version of the Gulf conflict!

At this moment, they finally understood why the enemy's artillery fire was so precise and ferocious, and why so many outstanding infantry students were eliminated one by one without warning, leaving them unable to fight back, resulting in such tragic losses!

It turned out that they had already stepped into the trap carefully set by the enemy from the beginning!

 Hold on!

 At this moment, everyone suddenly realized a key issue!

 Special Forces?

The battalion commander blurted out and asked: "Zhang Chuan, you said the enemy used special forces?!"

Zhang Chuan nodded and replied: "Although the students in our school are not as good as the special forces, they are close to the level of night combat scouts, which is pretty good!"

“However, a team of such quality was still easily eliminated by the enemy. Except for the special forces, I can’t think of any other team that can do such a thing!”


The battalion commander was angry: "Those guys in the Northwest Military Region have gone too far! They even sent special forces here. How can we fight?"

 Other staff officers and Wang Fei also had angry faces.

Zhang Chuan said with a smile: "They were quite merciful and only used special forces to attack our ordinary soldiers. They didn't want a quick victory. Otherwise, they would have planned a series of beheading operations. I'm afraid you commanders and school leaders would be killed in a day." Got taken care of!"

Wang Fei frowned and said: "Since they have mastered our communications and have special forces, how can we fight this battle? The situation is too unfavorable!"

The battalion commander turned to Zhang Chuan and asked: "Zhang Chuan, do you have a way to deal with it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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