Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 96: Suddenly transformed into a military academy lecturer?

Chapter 96: Transformed into a military academy lecturer?

 The school's auditorium is very spacious and can accommodate more than 3,000 people. After dinner the next day, the auditorium was already crowded with people.

There are only a few hundred company commanders and platoon commanders in the school. The logistics staff have reserved the front row seats for faculty and staff, while the back row is open to students who are observing.

 When people give them lessons, can they understand them?

 Liu Jinbao couldn't help but complain when he saw that the people in his queue were among them.

The platoon leader of another platoon explained: “It’s not entirely their fault. I heard that new equipment has been installed in the auditorium. Computer technology can be used to turn tactics that could only be read in books or demonstrated on a sand table into three-dimensional animations to realistically restore battlefield conditions.

 Haha, I don’t really believe in this kind of thing. After all, where is the level of information technology in our country? Besides, where can our school find talents who can do this? Don't have too high expectations to avoid greater disappointment. It would be embarrassing if it turned out to be different.

Huh? Company commander, what's wrong with you?

While other platoon commanders and company commanders were discussing in low voices, Liu Jinbao noticed that Wang Fei next to him seemed a little restless, so he asked with concern.

ah? oh! It's okay, it's okay, I'm just thinking about something.

Wang Fei came back to his senses and found that a thin layer of sweat had formed on his forehead.

“Company Commander, I feel like you are a little nervous.”

Liu Jinbao said: "This is not a promotion review. I am just here to listen to a lecture. How can you be so serious?"

Wang Fei curled his lips and responded with a sneer.

 That’s right, purely from the nature of the event, it is indeed just a lecture.

 But the key is that the person standing on the podium has a way!

 The specific work content of Zhang Chuan in the school is poorly understood by outsiders, not even his colleague Liu Jinbao. Only senior leaders and a very few insiders know about it.

 Everything is covered tightly!

Even if Wang Fei is not sure whether Zhang Chuan teaches the class himself, this teaching model was initiated and designed by Zhang Chuan. It is up to him to take the lead and demonstrate the results. Wang Fei feels that the probability is very high!


 Are you a student of Zhang Chuan?

Just thinking about this scene in my mind makes me feel embarrassed.

 In the future, when chatting with company commanders from other companies, if they say:

 “Hey, you did a good job talking to that young man.”

“Old Wang, you are in a position near the water. Zhang Chuan is in your company. You have to learn a lot, right?”

“Old Wang, you are so good at leading troops, you can even train instructors!”

 Listen, what is going on?

More than ten minutes later, the auditorium was already crowded and all seats were occupied.

This time not only the company commander and platoon commander came, but also many college leaders, deans, principals and even famous professors, all sitting in the front row!

“What kind of song is this? Isn’t it just for us company commanders and platoon commanders to make a small fuss? Why are the school leaders dispatched? It’s like welcoming a big leader to inspect.”

Looking at the arrival of the principal and others, several company commanders were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

“This is not just a class for us, but also a class for the leaders. Who has the ability to get all the leaders to attend the class?”

Just when everyone was filled with doubts, a major came to the podium with a microphone.

 The crowd gradually became quiet as they realized that the class was about to begin.

“Okay, everyone, take your seats! The new media army command and tactics course is about to begin.”

The major said seriously: "Maybe you have some doubts about tonight's course schedule, and someone will reveal the answer to you soon!"

 “Now, all stand up!”

Following the major's order, nearly 3,000 people in the entire auditorium stood up, including the school leaders sitting in the front row.

“Now, please use your warmest applause to welcome Professor Zhang to give us a lecture! Everyone applauds and welcomes him!”

As soon as the major finished speaking, all the students and school leaders in the audience applauded enthusiastically, and then looked to the left side of the stage together.

 A figure walked steadily out from behind the curtain on the left side of the stage.

The appearance of this person instantly weakened the applause a lot.

About two to three hundred people stopped and opened their mouths slightly, as if frozen. These people are naturally from the third camp.

 The soldiers of the third battalion were quite familiar with Zhang Chuan.

 After all, Zhang Chuan's extraordinary performance in previous assessments left a deep impression on them.

Among them, the soldiers of the Seventh Company were even more wide-eyed and in disbelief.

Isn’t this their comrade Zhang Chuan?

 How come he turned into the school’s Professor Zhang in the blink of an eye?

 There is no mistake, right?

Does it mean that Zhang Chuan also has a twin brother who is very knowledgeable?

Platoon leader Liu Jinbao almost lost his balance and sat back.


 Liu Jinbao stammered, wanting to say something, but found that his shock had made him incoherent.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Fei with a wry smile on his face, "Company Commander, you...did you know that it was Zhang Chuan who came to teach us?"

Wang Fei glanced at Liu Jinbao and remained silent.

 But his face was full of a wry smile.

“No, how did this kid become Professor Zhang in our school? Am I just dreaming?”


 Not only the third battalion, but also the soldiers in other battalions were also shocked by Zhang Chuan's youth.

Although they don’t know Zhang Chuan, a professor at such a young age that the whole school leaders can attend lectures is simply unheard of and unseen in their eyes!

This guy is only in his early twenties?

How much military experience can we have before we need to give these platoon commanders and company commanders military theory lessons?

 How is this possible? !

Just when everyone was shocked, Zhang Chuan had already stepped to the center of the podium and gave a standard military salute to everyone present.

 Then, he nodded slightly towards the major.

The major grabbed the microphone and a loud voice sounded: "Attention everyone, take your seats!"


 Everyone was seated instantly.

At this time, Zhang Chuan also picked up the microphone and looked at the familiar but slightly unfamiliar faces in the audience, with a smile on his face.

“Hello everyone, I am Zhang Chuan. I am very happy to give you a lecture today.”

 Zhang Chuan's voice was smooth and powerful, without the slightest hint of nervousness or fear.

It’s really Zhang Chuan himself!

Aiya, I go!

Which song is this sung from? !

 The people in the third battalion and the seventh company were all stunned.

Didn’t this Zhang Chuan also come to the military academy with them for further study?

In less than a month, you can turn into a military academy lecturer?

Facing the shocked expressions in the audience, Zhang Chuan couldn't help but laugh and said: "I can understand that the moment I stood on the podium, many of my friends might think they were dreaming."

"But the reality is so incredible. Even though I am the same age as you, or even younger, it does not mean that I don't have extraordinary wisdom and ability."

“Professor Lin once said something to me, which I have always kept in mind. It is also the source of motivation for me to dare to stand here and teach everyone.”

“He said: Knowledge does not matter age, and those who are proficient can be teachers! I believe that with my ability, I am fully qualified to preach and answer questions for commanders and students here!”

Isn’t this too arrogant?

 Hearing what Zhang Chuan said, everyone present felt a little uncomfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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