Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 93: A record of perfect scores in cultural subjects

Chapter 93: Full marks in cultural subjects

Zhang Chuan returned to the Seventh Company, and the company commander was so excited that he almost gave him a big bear hug on the spot.

However, considering the impact, he suppressed the impulse, slapped Zhang Chuan on the shoulder hard, grinned and said: "Boy! Well done! You have earned enough face for our Seventh Company!

Today, Quanlian celebrates with extra meals! "

The members of the Seventh Company were even more excited after hearing this.

   One day later.

 The assessments of all subjects have been finalized!

Zhang Chuan, unsurprisingly, scored full marks in all military projects!

Moreover, every project has refreshed the school’s record!

 He became the student with the best grades in the history of the military academy!

 The day after the military assessment ended, the grading of cultural subjects also came to an end!

 The results of each subject will be announced one by one!

 At that time, the military academies were not as high-tech as they are now.

Even the famous Wolf Fang Army only has a computer room with a few computers in it.

 Not to mention each dormitory is equipped with multiple computers.

 So, their results are printed out by the school administration in hard copy and distributed to each company.

 The company will then announce it to the students!

The moment company commander Wang Fei got the report card, he almost fell off his chair!

 On the list, Zhang Chuan’s name is impressively at the top of all the candidates in the seventh company!

 Mathematics, full marks!

 English, full marks!

 Chemistry, full marks!

 Physics, full marks!

 Basic tactical command of the army, full score!

 Communication reconnaissance, full marks!


 Other subjects also received perfect marks from Isshiki!

 He made his way out of the competition with perfect scores in cultural subjects!

You must know that these examination contents can almost only be learned in military schools.

Zhang Chuan has never even entered a university, how could he know these things?


 Liu Jinbao seems to have mentioned before that every exam in Zhang Chuan was handed in within half an hour!

 He really finished the questions in half an hour, and got full marks on them all?

This guy is so abnormal!

Wang Fei's breathing couldn't help but become rapid.


Liu Jinbao trotted in, "Company commander, did you call me?"

Wang Fei took a deep breath and handed the transcript to Liu Jinbao with slightly trembling hands.

 “Take a look for yourself at the genius you have lined up.”

 “What’s the matter?”

 Liu Jinbao took it over with confusion, and was so shocked that his hands almost slipped when he saw it.

“Wow! Is this kid cheating? Full marks! You’re kidding me!”

"Our military academy has been established for so long, and no one has ever received perfect scores! Besides, he has only been here for a week, and he doesn't even know where the door to the cultural class opens!"


Wang Fei sneered, "In such an exam environment, you give me a try and see if you can cheat!"

“Then how did he achieve perfect scores?” Liu Jinbao asked confused.

 “You ask me, who should I ask?”


“Okay, let’s take out the transcript and post it for everyone to see.”

Wang Fei said helplessly.

Although he was happy to have a master in the company, this rhythm of breaking records every day was really a big test for his heart!

"Report! Company Commander, there is a call from the school headquarters, asking Zhang Chuan from our company to go to the school headquarters."


Wang Fei was stunned.

“It’s probably because his grades are too impressive, and the school department wants to talk to him. Okay, I get it. I’ll take him there myself.”

Wang Fei straightened his clothes, walked out of the dormitory, and directly found Zhang Chuan who was instructing the fourth platoon to practice fighting on the training ground. The two of them went straight to the school headquarters.

 After they left, Liu Jinbao posted the cultural subject test results on the company bulletin board.

At this moment, the whole company was in a state of shock.

Wu Cheng rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked again.

 Zhang Chuan really scores perfect marks on Keke!

 And he himself only scored 90 points in the best subject!

 Although the overall ranking is relatively high in the school.

 But compared with Zhang Chuan’s results, there is simply a world of difference!

 Before the exam, he told Zhang Chuan that if anyone didn’t understand something, he could come to him.

 What are you looking for? A scumbag student actually said that he wanted top students to ask him questions.

How stupid this must be!

 “Ouch! This guy’s military and cultural level are ridiculously high!”.

"How did he manage it? He just entered our military academy and has never gone to college. Could it be that he is a self-taught person?"

“I have decided! Zhang Chuan is my benchmark and my only idol!”

“Oh my God! Earth! How can there be such talented people? In comparison, we feel that we are simply mediocre!”

The comrades of the Seventh Company seemed to have been beaten hard, and everyone was doubting whether they were suitable to be officers!

"Zhang Chuan, let me ask you, you have never studied in college, you have only been in the military academy for a week, and you don't know where the door to the cultural class is. How can you get such explosive results?" Wang Fei said directly in the car Chong Zhangchuan asked the question.

“Well, I learned these by myself in the Langya Army. It’s quite simple, isn’t it difficult?” Zhang Chuan asked in turn.

 Is it simple?

 Isn’t it difficult?

Wang Fei suddenly lost his temper.

 Can you please stop using the word "?" all the time?

 What other problems are there in your place?

Wang Fei was so shocked that he was speechless.

Not long after, the car stopped at the school gate, "You go up first, I will take my time in the car."


 Zhang Chuan got out of the car and went straight to the third floor. At this time, seven or eight school leaders were sitting in the conference room, including the principal and dean of students.


 Zhang Chuan shouted.

"Come in!"

 The dean stood up and shouted to him, with a rare gentle tone.


Zhang Chuan strode into the room, stood at the conference table, and saluted the school leaders present: "Hello, leaders!"

These school leaders are all officers at the colonel or senior colonel level. Several of them had witnessed Zhang Chuan's shooting show with their own eyes and were full of praise for him.

“Okay, Comrade Zhang Chuan is here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

The principal said to Zhang Chuan: "Zhang Chuan, this is the ground combat tactics expert of our military academy, Colonel Lin, Professor Lin."

 “Hello, Professor Lin.”

 Zhang Chuan saluted.

Instructor Lin pushed up his thick-soled myopia glasses and asked, "Comrade Zhang Chuan, do you know the results of this monthly exam?"

 “The report is clear.”

 Zhang Chuan replied.

"How does it feel?"

 “Report, I don’t feel much.”

“I got full marks in all subjects, don’t you feel happy?”

When everyone heard this, they were stunned.

Zhang Chuan frowned slightly: "For me, this is just a small training task completed, there is nothing to be happy about."

 Everyone: “…”

This guy is so crazy!

Even though our Army Command College is not the best in the country, it is definitely one of the best!

Each exam is not easy. If others can get 80 points, they are already very good.

 You said it was a small training mission?


  Just be crazy.

Who makes everyone's family perfect?

 People have the confidence to be crazy.

“You have just arrived at our school and have achieved such results before you started studying. We want to know how you mastered this knowledge?” Professor Lin asked.

 “Report! Two reasons.”

 Zhang Chuan replied: "First, I learned a lot of related things when I was in Langya."

“Second, the night before the exam, I borrowed books from my comrades in arms and reviewed the school’s teaching content in the past half year.”

Everyone's eyes opened slightly: "You mean, you are self-taught?"

 “That’s right.”


 Everyone took a breath of air.

How great a brain does it take to do this?

 (End of this chapter)

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