Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 82: I don’t want to be a loser anymore!

Chapter 82 I don’t want to be a waste anymore!

Anyone who has served in the military knows that in collective physical training, as long as the instructor does not prohibit mutual aid, comrades with good physical fitness will usually slow down and pull comrades with poor physical fitness to run together.

 There is a very strong team spirit among soldiers.

 Supporting each other has become a habit!

Although this competition was not based on class platoons, as a member of the fourth platoon, Zhang Chuan insisted on the belief that "no one should be left behind" and resolutely extended a helping hand.

With Zhang Chuan's help, the two of them immediately felt much more relaxed, quickly adjusted their pace and breathing rhythm, and accelerated to catch up with the person in front.

 It didn’t take long for them to successfully escape from the last position.

“Oops! It turns out that he can’t run anymore, but he wants to help his teammates who are lagging behind!”

 The three squad leaders, Zhao Long, Wang Fei, Liu Jinbao and others all looked surprised.

 “That’s awesome!”

Company Commander Wang Fei was so excited that he clapped his hands on the window sill, "Zhang Chuan's kind of team spirit is really rare! On the first day after joining the camp, he had such a strong sense of teamwork, which is really commendable!"

He immediately called the messenger, "Immediately tell the cooking team to provide special meals and extra meals for all the members of the fourth platoon!"


 The messenger replied.

 “Thank you, company commander!”

Liu Jinbao was also smiling from ear to ear.

With such a genius joining in, their fourth platoon is not only majestic in the entire company, but also

 It is more likely to become the most dazzling platoon unit in the school!

At the scene, Zhang Chuan and two people ran at an alarming speed.

Although the two of them have average physiques, they can run extremely easily with the help of Zhang Chuan's strength.

 Soon, they approached the second echelon!

“Ouch! This recruit is so powerful! He can run so fast with two people on his back, it’s incredible!”

"Brothers from the first platoon, run as hard as you can! If you lose to the fourth platoon, go back and see how I deal with you!"

 A row of monitors roared loudly at the edge of the playground.

 The squad leaders of the second and third platoons followed closely behind and also roared passionately.

 These three teams also have a strong competitive spirit.

 Seeing how brave the fourth platoon is, how can we be willing to fall behind? Everyone gritted their teeth and worked hard to catch up.

 Zhang Chuan’s behavior was like a catalyst, instantly igniting the heated atmosphere of the entire game!

 But no matter how hard they tried, they could never keep up with Zhang Chuan and the two team members. Zhang Chuan easily led them past the first echelon.

 “You can deal with the remaining thousand handfuls of rice by yourself! Come on!”

 After Zhang Chuan encouraged the two of them, he turned around and ran back.

 In the third echelon, there are still two team members waiting for rescue.

 He must turn back and help them rush to the front together!

 Seeing Zhang Chuan return again, the entire audience was stunned.

Don’t this guy know he’s tired?

First he sprinted for a thousand meters at full speed, then he carried two weak men on his back for more than half a circle, and now he turned around and continued to push others forward.

 What kind of weirdo is this!

 No matter how good you are, you should have a certain level, right?

How can anyone play like this?

Zhang Chuan quickly turned around and returned to the two teammates who were following him. At this time, the timer showed that there was less than four minutes left before the end.

 But the end point is still 1,200 meters away!

With such a long distance, without Zhang Chuan’s help, it would probably take them about five minutes to get there by themselves.

 Calculating this, it would take them at least thirteen minutes to complete the three thousand meters!

At this moment, the players in the second echelon seemed to be ignited by Zhang Chuan's performance, and everyone moved forward and ran as hard as they could.

 It was obvious that their hidden potential was brought out.

If they can keep this speed unchanged, there is no doubt that they can reach the finish line within 11 and a half minutes.

 However, the first three groups in the third echelon are facing severe tests.

The best of them have already joined the first echelon and are competing fiercely with the fourth row, and no one can spare their time to help them.

 As for the second echelon, although they are also in a difficult situation, they have no way to lend a helping hand.

At this time, Zhang Chuan had already begun to push the two teammates who were lagging behind and sprinted forward.

“This guy can actually maintain such a fast speed. How much amazing energy he contains in his body!”

 All the training squad leaders couldn't help but be surprised by Zhang Chuan's extraordinary physical fitness.    After so many years of training in the military academy,

 It’s not unusual to see people with excellent physical fitness.

But this was the first time I encountered such an outstanding and almost incredible existence as Zhang Chuan.

With help from Zhang Chuan, although the two teammates were exhausted, they were unwilling to drag down Zhang Chuan for their own reasons.

In case he fails to reach the finish line within the specified time, Zhang Chuan will also be punished by fasting.

 Anyone with a bit of backbone will grit his teeth at this time and rush forward with all his strength.

 Even if your body is almost unable to hold on anymore.

 With the joint efforts of the two, their speed is accelerating dramatically.

 Three minutes later, they finally caught up with the second echelon.

At this time, the members of the first echelon were proudly standing at the finish line, shouting loudly to cheer for their comrades in the class.

 The second echelon is still 150 meters away from the finish line!

 There is only the last half minute left before the eleven-thirty limit.

 This means that they must run the last 150 meters in the next half minute.

Even though the one hundred and fifty meters may seem short, after the long run of more than two thousand meters ahead, everyone was exhausted and nearly exhausted.

It is simply a fantasy to think of crossing the finish line at a sprint speed of 100 meters at this time.

 Even Zhang Chuan couldn't do it.

 But now, as long as they can run half of the 100-meter sprint speed, there is still a glimmer of hope!

 “There are only the last 100 meters left, rush on your own! Hurry!”

Zhang Chuan let them go and shouted loudly: "The fate of the entire platoon depends on you two! Don't embarrass the platoon! You can definitely do it!"

The two teammates looked pale. Even with Zhang Chuan's help, the previous acceleration and sprint had consumed a lot of their physical strength.

Without Zhang Chuan's push, the pace of the two people slowed down significantly.

Legs are sore and weak,

 Short and unsteady breathing,

 The whole person seemed to be about to collapse.

"Trash! Do you want the whole platoon to be embarrassed with you?"

“I’ve brought you all here, and there’s only the last hundred meters left. Can’t you cheer up?”

“Don’t let me look down on you! We are both men, and we are both upright and upright. If others can do it, why can’t you?”

"Are you worthy of the title of soldier? Are you willing to be looked down upon by other platoons and are you useless?"

"If you are not willing to be a waste, then run away! Fight with all your might! For your dignity and honor, and more importantly for the honor of the entire platoon! Never give up!"

 Zhang Chuan roared in their ears.

The two people who had originally slowed down suddenly became alert after hearing Zhang Chuan's words.



 What they fear most is that they will be treated as useless!

 For infantry, physical fitness is the most basic quality.

 If your physical fitness is poor, no matter how good you are in other subjects, others will think you are unqualified.

 Unworthy to be an army soldier!

 Over the years, whether in the original army or in the military academy, they have often been looked down upon by others.

 Although no one said it explicitly, they could see everything in each other's eyes.

 “Charge! Charge! Charge!”

 “I don’t want to be a waste anymore!”

 “I want to prove myself!”

 The two of them roared passionately from the bottom of their hearts.

 (End of this chapter)

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