Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 67: Climb a 90-degree cliff with bare hands!

Chapter 67: Climbing a 90-degree cliff with bare hands!

He climbed slowly and deliberately, pretending to be strenuous, and even made a few moves that were dangerous in their eyes!

At the same time, five or six kilometers away, the company commander of the special operations team was leading his team to build camouflage fortifications on a small hillside.

 They planned to set up an ambush here to prevent the second group's actions from going awry.

After listening to the report of the second group, the commander of the special operations team turned green and asked hurriedly: "How is the commander? Is there any danger?"

"Is there no danger?" The leader of the second group jumped anxiously, "This guy is simply crazy! He carried the commander on his back and climbed a 90-degree cliff with his bare hands without any equipment! He didn't want to die!"

 “This madman!”

The company commander couldn't help but curse.

“Company Commander, why don’t we deal with him directly? He will come down naturally after he is eliminated!”

 The leader of the second group proposed.

"Do not impulse!"

The company commander quickly stopped him, "If you fire randomly at this time, what if the kid's hand slips due to fright and he falls down?"

 “What should we do now?”

 The leader of the second group asked.

 “Look carefully and see if he can climb up!”

 The company commander ordered.

 The leader of the second group: "This guy's wall climbing skills are really good, and he hasn't had any problems so far. If he's strong enough, he might be able to climb up!"

 “Then don’t do it yet!”

The company commander thought for a moment and said, "This guy is so capable, he must have had his plans when he chose this path."

"It's over! We can only make a bet that he can climb up! You immediately drop two people to the top of the mountain to ambush him. As soon as he comes up, kill him immediately!"

The leader of the second group was a little worried, "But what if something happens to him when he goes up there?"

Company Commander: "What else can we do? He's already halfway up. Do you think he will come down on his own? This is actual combat now, and we have no choice! Besides, if it doesn't work, that kid will definitely ask you for help, and you must be prepared to respond!"


 The leader of the second group immediately arranged for three team members to parachute to the top of the mountain and set up an ambush.

 At the same time, they **** safety ropes so that if Zhangchuan asked for help, they could rescue him as soon as possible!

“Sure enough, I guessed it right!”

Zhang Chuan watched their movements and laughed secretly in his heart.

The commander of the blue army on his back said: "Xiao Zhang, you can't run away this time! Whether you go up or down, you are their target! Now, aren't you considering taking care of me? Otherwise, you will have no chance. !”

 Zhang Chuan said with a smile: "Commander, isn't it too early to say this?"

 “Oh? Do you have any other tricks?”

The blue army commander asked in surprise.

 Zhang Chuan: "Just wait and see. The show hasn't even started yet!"

Zhang Chuan’s sensors showed that those people were close to the top of the cliff.

Now, if he shows his head behind the Blue Army Commander’s back, he will definitely be shot down and the game will be over!

 So he would never do such a stupid thing.

 The three people hiding above were not stupid. They exposed themselves first.

But what they didn’t know was that even if they didn’t show up, Zhang Chuan would have known exactly where they were!

The Black Tiger Special Forces saw Zhang Chuan still climbing up steadily from the helicopter, and felt a little more at ease.

However, they were also surprised by Zhang Chuan's amazing climbing skills and physical strength.

It’s incredible that a person who carried such a heavy weight on his back could still have the strength to climb over a cliff dozens of meters high after running so far!

In their eyes, there is no way to find someone as capable as anyone in the Black Tiger Brigade. Is this guy really a new recruit?

It's not some old fritter pretending to be, right?

Why? Why did he stop?

The two people on the helicopter noticed that Ye Yun suddenly stopped when he was still two steps away from the top of the cliff, and were stunned for a moment.

 They quickly adjusted their telescopes.

  Immediately afterwards, both of their eyes almost popped out!

Oh My God!

The leader of the second group’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted into the intercom: Hide quickly! This guy is going to...

But before they could finish the words, they saw the two grenades in Zhang Chuan's hand flying into the sky.

The three people above didn't even hear what they had to say, when the grenades exploded around them.

His face suddenly turned pale, and he was about to raise his gun to dodge.

 What a pity, it’s too late!



 Two muffled sounds, the sound of mountains.

 The three people were instantly surrounded by white smoke.

 Suddenly, everything was lost!

 No, the cliff edge is so wide. How did this guy accurately locate us from below?

Is this guy cheating?

The two people on the helicopter were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!

 They have been staring at Zhang Chuan, but he has never been close to the top of the cliff!

Then how did he figure out the positions of our players?

Don't guess, the cliff is so wide, and the three of them are still far apart. Two of them are close to each other, and the other is farther away.

But of the two grenades that Zhang Chuan threw, one landed right in the middle of the two of them, covering the entire explosion range!

Is it possible that he can throw it so accurately with his eyes closed?

 Are you kidding me?

Just when they were stunned, Zhang Chuan suddenly increased his speed and jumped to the top of the cliff with the Blue Army commander on his back.

Without saying a word, Zhang Chuan picked up his gun and swiped at the helicopter!

 Bang bang bang.

Seven or eight rounds were fired in succession, six of which hit the helicopter rotor, and two of which hit the two Black Tiger special forces soldiers above.

 The two special forces and the helicopter blew up white smoke together.

 Just like that, the second helicopter and the second team sent by Black Tiger were all finished!

 All the Black Tiger special forces soldiers looked at me and me, as if they were in a dream.

 It’s so unreal!

Zhang Chuan walked up to the three people, smiled slightly, and said politely: Brothers, please hand over all the grenades in your hands. Thank you very much.

 Three people:.

 Group 2! Group two! Report the situation, over!

At this time, the voice of the special operations team leader came from the helicopter.

 The leader of the second team and his partner looked at each other and smiled bitterly, then took off their headphones.

 Let's land, we're all out.

The leader of the second group said with a grimace.

What's going on? No one responded?

 The captain of the special team waited for a long time, but there was no reply, and everyone's expressions changed.

 The lieutenant next to him had a bad look on his face and said: No response, there is only one possibility! They...were also eliminated...

 Special Forces Captain:

other people:

After putting away the grenade, Zhang Chuan carried the Blue Army commander on his back and continued on his way without even taking a break.

Before leaving, he also took away their communication equipment and headphones.

As soon as he got online, Zhang Chuan reported to the special team leader through his earphones while running: Report! The four brothers in the second group and the helicopter were all taken care of by the Wolf Fang special forces! I can't beat him, so I retreat! Now I'm following him quietly and he hasn't noticed yet!

  The captain of the special forces team thought that the entire second group had been wiped out, but another message came from the earphones.

This voice is naturally that of Zhang Chuan's imitation of one of the three people eliminated before.

The Blue Army commander on his back was also stunned when he heard Zhang Chuan's voice.

This guy can also imitate other people's voices perfectly?

 This is also possible?

 What else can he not do?


 (End of this chapter)

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