Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 64: Your physical fitness is really awesome!

Chapter 64 Your physical fitness is so awesome!

The commander of the Blue Army sighed: "Unexpectedly, I was not beheaded, but became your prisoner! Two comrades, you have set a record!"

“Comrade Commander, aren’t you angry?”

Zhuang Yan asked in surprise.


The commander of the Blue Army glanced at him and said with a smile: "Why am I angry? You are Langya people and my soldiers. Seeing that my soldiers are so powerful, it's not too late for me to be happy!"

Zhuang Yan and Zhang Chuan looked at each other: Sure enough, the bigger the official, the higher the consciousness!

"However, it is not easy to bring me into the Red Army territory smoothly! I guess the Blue Army must have sent a lot of people to rescue me now, right?"

 “That’s right.”

 Zhang Chuan replied: "They are chasing us."

“But Comrade Commander, even if it doesn’t work out in the end, at least we can ‘deal’ with you before they kill us, haha”

“Okay, let me see how you got me into the Red Army’s territory!” the Blue Army commander laughed and agreed.

Zhang Chuan continued: "Comrade Commander, since you are awake, I will not let you sleep again. However, please be quiet next and try not to move around, okay?"

“Of course, as the supreme commander, if I don’t follow the rules, what’s the point of this exercise?”

“Thank you, Comrade Commander, for your cooperation! Let’s set off now!”

 Zhang Chuan stood up and said, "Comrade Commander, I will carry you."

The blue army commander nodded and said nothing more.

 After all, as I get older, I can’t even take a few steps without breathing, let alone running like a special soldier.

Moreover, Zhang Chuan and the others couldn't let him run, as that would only slow them down.

Zhang Chuan put the Blue Army commander on his back, turned around and said to Zhuang Yan: "I'll leave this to you! See you after the exercise is over!"

 Zhuang Yan was left to resist the enemy's attack. He was surrounded by enemies. Zhuang Yan was afraid that he would be in trouble.

 But there is really no way.

Zhuang Yan's physical strength is basically exhausted, and he will no longer be able to run long distances in the future.

 Let him stay and buy more time, which is the best choice!

 “Okay! Lao Zhang, don’t let us down!”

Zhang Chuan smiled all over his face, "When have I ever let you down? Let's go!"

After saying that, Zhang Chuan carried the Blue Army commander on his back and began to move forward quickly.

 The path he chose was exactly what the previous special company commander analyzed, passing through countless steep slopes and desolate valleys!

 He knew that if they chose this route, the Blue Army would probably guess their whereabouts.

 This road is the safest and the closest!

 Even if there is an ambush ahead, he must move forward bravely!

Now, we can only hope that the Red Army can launch a general offensive as soon as possible after knowing that they have captured the Blue Army commander!

Only in this way, for the sake of the overall strategy, will the main force of the blue army give up chasing them individually, leaving only special forces or small groups of scouts to continue to pursue them.

 Fortunately, when he was participating in the special training of the Wolf Fang, he carried more than a hundred kilograms of things on his body every day.

 Walking dozens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers is as normal to him as eating and drinking.

Even though he was carrying the commander of the blue army on his back, he didn’t feel tired at all!

Now, his body is three to four times stronger than that of an ordinary person, making all opponents who want to compete with him fall down from exhaustion!

The road he chose to retreat was so narrow that even a car couldn't pass it.

If they want to catch up with me, they have to send a helicopter down from the sky to catch me off guard.

 Either you lie in ambush ahead and wait for me!

However, the strategy used just now to divert the tiger away from the mountain has already led their large army to the other side!

The road I am running on now, except for one or two heavy-equipped troops guarding nearby, other troops are not here at all!

 These are all things I analyzed bit by bit after looking at the map for a long time.

This mountain road is difficult and dangerous, and most troops would not choose to camp here.

 Besides, those heavily equipped soldiers are always ready to fight a big battle. How can they act at will?

Even if the blue army commander is caught, the exercise can continue. Let’s change the commander and continue the fight!

But if they leave their posts without authorization and the Red Army comes to attack, and the opportunity is delayed due to their negligence, the entire battle will be lost!

 So, Zhang Chuan just needs to be careful that there may be a small amount of blue troops ambushing ahead, and don't let the armed helicopters catch up. Don't worry too much about anything else!

He turned on the radar scanning and precision shooting systems on his body. As long as there was an enemy five hundred meters ahead, he could immediately decide whether to hide or run another way.

This radar can see five hundred meters away.

And in this bush, unless the armed helicopter is aimed at him from the sky, it is impossible for the gunmen on the ground to hit him in this kind of terrain!

 This is also an important reason why he chose this path!

 Zhang Chuan has an assault rifle and a sniper rifle hanging on his chest.

There are also several grenades and smoke grenades hanging on the body armor.

 No other equipment is needed.

 Because there is no use carrying it now.

The commander of the Blue Army, who was being carried by Zhang Chuan, saw him running for several kilometers like a 100-meter race, breathing very steadily and not even sweating much. He was so shocked in his heart!

“Report, the target has been found! The enemy is in the B2-C area, and there is a person running towards the northwest with the commander on his back!”

At this time, on an armed helicopter more than a thousand meters behind Zhang Chuan, a gunman looked through the telescope. Although the leaves of the forest were blocking it, he could still clearly see Zhang Chuan running with someone on his back!

 The frontline commander, the special operations company commander, heard the news and immediately became happy!

 “Seize the opportunity and kill him! If you don’t have the chance, you have to stop him with all your strength!”


“Comrade recruit, your physical fitness is really awesome!”

The commander of the Blue Army praised: "No wonder you are so confident that you can capture me and take me to the Red Army! With your body, you probably won't be able to run for dozens of kilometers!"

Zhang Chuan evened out his breath slightly while running and replied: "Isn't this all forced out of me?"

"What's your name?"

The blue army commander asked curiously.

“Reporting to the commander, my name is Zhang Chuan!”

“Are you Zhang Chuan?”

 The commander of the blue army was a little surprised.

Zhang Chuan was also stunned, "Commander, do you know me?"

"Haha, you are the soldier who raises pigs in the Logistics Department of the Special Eighth Regiment, right? A staff officer from our military region took your Langya squadron leader to the Special Eighth Regiment for inspection. You also showed off your marksmanship and beat the squadron leader, right? ?"

The commander of the Blue Army recalled with a smile.

 Zhang Chuan smiled a little sheepishly: "I didn't expect the commander to still remember this."

“I really belong to you! You have unlimited potential! Work hard! No matter whether this mission is successful or not, I will personally take credit for you when I get back!”

 “Thank you…”


 Before Zhang Chuan finished speaking, the radar alarm suddenly sounded.

 A bullet flew towards him from a high altitude in an instant!

 When the bullet was within 500 meters of him, the radar immediately alerted the police.

 This bullet was shot from a high place on the left.

 There happened to be an open space about ten meters wide in front of him.

At his current speed, he rushes over and happens to be in the open space. The bullet is about to arrive!

 “What a sharpshooter!“

At this time, Zhang Chuan could not help but admire in his heart.

 At the same time, he immediately slowed down his running speed.

 Half a second later, the bullet passed half a meter in front of him and missed him!

 (End of this chapter)

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