Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 61: Welcome to your doomsday party!

 Chapter 61 Welcome to your doomsday party!

Only two sentinels on the top of the cliff are left, and they don’t know anything yet.

At this moment, Zhang Chuan jumped out of the grass like a cheetah.

 The two people turned around when they heard the sound, only to see a black shadow swooping over.

Before the two of them could react, their necks felt numb, and they fell limply after being hit by Zhang Chuan's precise hand knife.

 At this point, all the sentries and snipers on the cliff have been excluded!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chuan took out the various landmines and bombs he carried and scattered them at various points behind the cliff, laying a minefield.

 This is done to prevent the infantry regiment behind them from rushing in to support them after discovering that the Blue Army headquarters has been attacked.

If time is tight, it will be difficult!

Only relying on this minefield can they effectively delay their reinforcements!

Thirty minutes later, Zhang Chuan had everything done and returned to the edge of the cliff!

“Siberian wolf, I’ve got it done here, and I’m ready to arrest people! How’s it going over there?”

Zhang Chuan tightened his earphones and asked over there.

Hearing Zhang Chuan’s words, Zhuang Yan was extremely shocked!

 Dozens of hidden sentries, snipers, and well-laid minefields, you actually solved them all in less than an hour!

Can it be any more awesome?

 “I’ve got it done here too! I’m just waiting for your signal!”

Zhuang Yan took a deep breath and replied.

"Okay! In three minutes, I will release smoke bombs and grenades! You hide in the No. 1 military vehicle! As soon as the leader of the Blue Army comes out of the tent, you will drive close to him immediately!"


Zhuang Yan firmly agreed.

 The plan is not complicated!

Zhang Chuan occupied the commanding heights on the cliff and began to throw smoke bombs and grenades into the camp below, causing the Blue Army headquarters to become a mess!

In this case, the leader of the Blue Army will definitely not dare to hide in the tent anymore, and will definitely run out quickly under the protection of bodyguards!

Furthermore, they did not dare to enter other tents. After all, once the grenade entered, the consequences would be disastrous!

 Besides, they have no idea about the enemy situation at all. With the chaos down there, they will definitely concentrate their defense forces first and send the leader of the blue army out in a car to a nearby friendly army station to ensure safety!

Now, Zhuang Yan only needs to drive close and pretend to be a friendly force. In this chaotic and urgent situation, the leader of the Blue Army is likely to get in the car directly. When the time comes, Zhuang Yan can drive away smoothly and take the leader of the Blue Army away. !

 Before, Zhuang Yan felt that this matter was difficult to handle, mainly because there were sentries and snipers everywhere!

Now, Zhang Chuan has taken care of these sentries and snipers. When Zhuang Yan gets the leader of the blue army into the car, he can take away the target unimpeded!

 In addition, another key point is that he placed remote-controlled bombs in those cars in advance.

When the time comes, if the bomb is detonated while driving away, even if the special forces of the Black Tiger Brigade chase with two legs, they will never be able to catch up!

 It will be almost impossible for them to catch up with me in a short time!

 Unless the troops or helicopter gunships behind them come to help!

“Report! Black Wolf, everything on my side is ready and ready to act at any time!”

 Two minutes later, Zhuang Yan reported through the earphone.

 “Okay! Let’s take action!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chuan had already taken out all the hundreds of smoke bombs and grenades in his backpack.

 “Hey, friends from the Blue Army, welcome to your doomsday party!”

 After saying that, Zhang Chuan picked up the smoke bomb, quickly pulled off the fuse, and then threw it hard in the direction of the Blue Army headquarters below.

 He threw it very hard, and the smoke bomb quickly entered the camp of the Blue Army headquarters.

The soldiers patrolling inside heard the noise and were stunned for a moment. Then, thick smoke spurted out like spring water.

Zhang Chuan threw the smoke bombs very fast, and more than a dozen of them landed in the camp in a few seconds. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was filled with smoke for tens of meters.

 “There are enemies! There are enemies!”

 In an instant, the entire Blue Army headquarters was filled with the roar of soldiers.

  Immediately afterwards, the first-level alarm bell rang deafeningly.

The soldiers of the Guard Regiment and the special forces of the Black Tiger Brigade who were resting in various tents were all awakened and quickly put on their equipment!

At this time, Zhang Chuan started throwing grenades, and the target was outside the tent of the special forces of the Black Tiger Brigade!

Even though the distance from the cliff to the Black Tiger Brigade tent is about 200 meters below, fortunately Zhang Chuan has strong arms and can throw accurately!

As soon as those special forces rushed out of the tent, they were staggered by the falling grenades!

Zhang Chuan turns on the radar scanning function to accurately control the intensity and direction without throwing it randomly!

 After all, at this speed and height, if you accidentally hit a soldier's head, it would be fatal!

 At this time, the skill of radar scanning is so important!

Zhang Chuan desperately threw smoke bombs and grenades downwards, constantly disturbing the guards and Black Tiger special forces who wanted to approach the blue army leader's tent!

With the sound of explosions, batches of Black Tiger special forces and Guard Regiment soldiers were blown to the ground.

 The soldiers who were not hit by the bombing were also trapped in the smoke. They were dizzy from the smoke and bumped around!

 “Asshole! Where is the enemy? Find it for me right away!”

 The commander of the special operations company shouted loudly!

"Report! After we came out, grenades and smoke grenades kept flying over. The entire Blue Army command post was shrouded in smoke, and the line of sight was completely blocked!"

“Damn it! Hurry! Protect the chief! The Red Army has obviously infiltrated. We must take the chief out of the tent immediately. We can’t stay any longer!


"What happened outside?" the leader of the Blue Army asked the guards who rushed in as he dressed hurriedly.

“Reporting to the commander, our camp was attacked by a Red Army infiltration attack! They threw a lot of smoke bombs and grenades into our camp, and now there is chaos inside and outside the camp!”

 The guard shouted anxiously.

 “Quick! Go and check the situation!”

"No! Chief, the specific location of the enemy is unknown now, and it is too dangerous to go out! Let's wait until the special forces of the Black Tiger Brigade arrive!" the guard persuaded firmly.

The leader of the Blue Army thought for a while, and finally nodded, but still cursed angrily: "What are the sentries and snipers outside doing for food? How could the Red Army infiltrate so easily!"

“Siberian Wolf, drive over immediately! Get the leader of the Blue Army out!”

Zhang Chuan kept throwing grenades while giving instructions loudly.


Zhuang Yan immediately started the car.

 Fortunately, the car was not far from the tent of the leader of the Blue Army. Although Zhuang Yan's sight was limited, under the guidance of Zhang Chuan, he still drove to the place smoothly!

At the same time, the infantry regiment on the cliff heard the news of the attack and immediately sent a large number of soldiers to support!

 However, after they ran more than two hundred meters, they stepped into a minefield set by Zhang Chuan. A group of soldiers were instantly blown up by the mines and were unable to move!

"No! There are mines they planted here! How did these people get there silently? Tell the Blue Army headquarters that the Red Army's attack may have started by throwing smoke bombs and grenades from the top of the cliff!"

 The commander of the corps roared angrily.


 (End of this chapter)

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