Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 6: The selection of Langya special forces has begun!

 Chapter 6 The selection of Langya special forces begins!

The moment Zhang Chuan crossed the finish line, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in his ears.

“The host successfully completed the training mission and was rewarded with 50 attribute points! At the same time, he received the Marvel villain ‘Sluk’s disguise skill +1 (fusion degree 30%)’.”

Zhang Chuan fell to the ground, gasping for air. Although he was extremely tired, his face was filled with joy and excitement that could not be concealed.

Those 50 attribute points mean that his physique has reached 2.4 times that of ordinary people!

 Such a physique is enough to compete with or even surpass the Wolf Fang special forces. If he were asked to run those 20 kilometers again, he would definitely be able to handle it easily.

Zhang Chuan asked curiously: "System, what is the 'Sluk Disguise Skill'? Can I change my body structure at will like them and become another person?"

He remembered that in the Marvel world, the Sluks had the ability to transform like Sun Wukong and could imitate the appearance of others at will to achieve disguise.

System response: "Remind me again, what you get is a superhero system, not their subversive abilities!"

“These skills just allow you to master some of their characteristics to a certain extent to adapt to the special training and actual combat needs of the army.”

“The purpose of the Sluk camouflage skill is to allow the host to blend into various combat environments by adjusting the color of the body and equipment to achieve concealment and camouflage, rather than changing the appearance and body structure.”

“Of course, the system supports imitating voices and changing appearance with simple makeup.”

Hearing this, Zhang Chuan couldn't help but smile bitterly. He originally thought that he had entered the world of science fiction and mythology, but this was not the case.

Even so, such skills are enough to greatly enhance his strength.

About 15 seconds later, Xiaozhuang also crossed the finish line and fell next to Zhang Chuan, also gasping for air.

“Congratulations on your breakthrough.” Zhang Chuan said to Xiaozhuang with a smile.

Xiao Zhuang smiled bitterly: "So what if I break through, I still can't beat you."

“Just wait and see, one day I will surpass you! In running, I, Xiaozhuang, have never lost to anyone, and you are the first!”

 Zhang Chuan laughed loudly and said, "Okay! I'll wait for you, but maybe you won't be able to wait for that opportunity in your lifetime."

 The two looked at each other and smiled, competition and friendship intertwined.

At this time, Miao Lian came over.

Zhang Chuan immediately stood up and saluted. After a short rest, he had recovered a lot of strength and was almost no longer breathing.

Although Xiaozhuang also reached the limit breakthrough, the body after such breakthrough will be pushed by a force before the finish line, and it will take at least half a day to fully recover.

It only took Zhang Chuan half a minute to basically return to normal. His breathing was steady and his limbs were strong. He looked nothing like a person who had just run 20 kilometers and broken the record.

 This physique is simply extraordinary!

Miao Lian was amazed by this, but he didn’t know that Zhang Chuan quickly recovered his physical strength and improved his physical performance because of the physical attribute points awarded by the system.

Xiaozhuang was even more in love with Zhang Chuan. He was originally the strongest player in the team, but now it seems that this title may have to be given to Zhang Chuan. “Not bad! You gave me a surprise!” Miao Lian smiled happily, “I believe you will bring glory to our group in this Langya selection!”

 “I will try my best.” Zhang Chuan replied.

 “But you can’t be overconfident either.”

Miao Lian put away his smile and said seriously: "Langya's selection standards are extremely strict. If you don't hone you to the extreme, don't even think about stepping into their door! The training intensity of our regiment is nothing compared to Langya's selection. "Great witch."

Zhang Chuan understands this in his heart, but now that he has a strong physique and systematic help, he is confident in defeating those instructors.

“Miao Lian, don’t worry, I am confident in my own strength!”

 Zhang Chuan said firmly.

“Very good! I appreciate soldiers like you who are both confident and powerful! Haha... I look forward to the day when you join the Wolf Fang! Come on, young man!”

Miao patted Zhang Chuan on the shoulder, turned and left. After Xiaozhuang said goodbye to Zhang Chuan, he also followed Miao Lian.

 After they left, Zhang Chuan put on his equipment again and started a new attack training.

 There is nothing to do on the farm for the time being, so he can only continue to carry out self-challenge training.

You must know that this Marvel system is different from the novel system he knew in his previous life. If he wants to become stronger, he must work harder and endure more pain than ordinary people.

The system is like a ruthless instructor, supervising him at all times and forcing him to constantly break through his limits.

 In this process, the most difficult thing is how to survive the suffering. Only by surviving can you get rewards.

 So, rather than saying that the system directly gave Zhang Chuan great strength, it was better to say that it was a strict instructor, urging Zhang Chuan to carry out crazy self-torture training.

Miao Lian, who had not yet left the physical training area, couldn't help but marvel again when he saw Zhang Chuan carrying equipment again and continuing to train his body like crazy.

 No one is born with strength and does not work twice as hard as ordinary people. How can he get a 100% return?

This soldier’s future achievements are limitless!

Miao Lian sighed deeply.

 For more than half a month, Zhang Chuan was like a never-ending machine, conducting almost crazy self-training every day.

His training mainly focuses on physical fitness. As for shooting, fighting, etc., because he has already mastered the relevant skills and no one in the group can match them, there is no need for special practice.

 After half a month of high-intensity training, his physical attributes have increased to 2.6 times that of ordinary people!

Finally, at the end of the month, an order was issued. A large green truck drove into the regiment headquarters from the Langya base, picked up Zhang Chuan and other personnel who had received invitations for the Langya special forces selection training, and headed to the Langya special training base.

The annual selection of Langya special forces has officially begun!

 (End of this chapter)

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