Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 58: Lao Zhang! you are still alive? marvelous!

Chapter 58 Lao Zhang! you are still alive? marvelous!

The gray wolf shook his head,

"We can't contact you at the moment. They probably knew that we were captured by the Black Tiger Brigade, so they turned off the communication channel to prevent the Black Tiger Brigade from cracking our communications. They contacted the Lone Wolf Group B through the seized equipment, leaking the action plan and triggering a siege. attack!"

 Captain Gao nodded in agreement, "It's really reasonable for them to do this."

 Zhang Chuan said: "It seems that we have no choice but to act on our own."

With that said, Zhang Chuan took out two Black Tiger Brigade communication radios from his backpack.

“You take one and I take one. Whoever finds something should tell the other person immediately.”

When Captain Gao and Gray Wolf saw these two radio stations, their eyes lit up, "You're quite smart. Why didn't we think of using the enemy's equipment! In this way, the Blue Army's intelligence department wouldn't pay too much attention to our communications. channel!”

“In this case, let’s take action quickly!”

Gray Wolf urged.

The three people quickly discussed it again and then split up.

Zhang Chuan remembered that in the TV series, Lone Wolf Group B met the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company.

Lone Wolf Group B was surrounded by the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company. In the end, only Zhuang Yan survived. He quietly hid under the company's truck and sneaked into the Blue Army headquarters.

So, the top priority is to find the Lone Wolf Group B as soon as possible, and there will be a chance to find the Blue Army Command!

 It is not easy to find a special team in the vast jungle!

Even Zhang Chuan couldn’t do it easily!

However, if it is to track the location of the entire Blue Army team, the difficulty does not end there.

Zhang Chuan used the special communication equipment and satellite terminals of the Black Tiger Brigade and paid close attention to the general dynamics of some Blue Army units through internal communication channels.

 After half a day of hard work, the whereabouts of the Yehu Reconnaissance Company were finally locked.

 At this time, it was getting late.

The Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company is following the orders of its superiors and making every effort to encircle and suppress the Lone Wolf Group B commandos.

Zhuang Yan and the others were obviously in a dilemma, surrounded by the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company!

"Listen! They must be a few hundred meters away. Every corner must be searched carefully, and no place can be missed!"

The new commander of the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company gave the order to the entire company with a stern expression: "Also, no unauthorized actions are allowed, and the search must be coordinated as a squad. They are special forces, not ordinary troops! Is it clear?"


 The responses from the squad leaders of the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company were not uniform.

This is not because they are lax,

Rather, it is because they are not yet fully convinced and agree with the young company commander who has just taken office.

After Miao Company left the army, everyone in the company was filled with reluctance and sadness.

At this moment, a new student company commander took office. Naturally, it was impossible to make the veterans in the company like him immediately.

Anyone who has worked hard in the army knows that those new officers who have just come out of the military academy and become platoon commanders or company commanders at the grassroots level are often looked down upon by the old squad leaders in the company, who think that they have very little actual combat experience.

 This is an uncomfortable adaptation period that they must go through.

In a company, a senior squad leader plays a huge role. The soldiers below may not be as respectful as the company commander, but they definitely respect the senior squad leader.

 Because the old squad leader had served for a long time, he ate and lived with the soldiers day and night, so the relationship naturally grew deeper.

As for the new platoon commander and company commander, he is a high-ranking official when he comes, and this sense of distance comes naturally. If he still acts like he is superior, which soldier can like him?

However, when everyone slowly gets along, gets to know each other, and sees through the new company commander’s true abilities, the company can truly live in harmony.

 Now, the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company is in the process of such a change.

  Many old squad leaders have objections to the new company commander, feeling that he only puts on airs and has no real skills.

 Facing the attitude of the old squad leaders, the new company commander felt angry, but he could only endure it.

 Soon, the teams began to conduct a thorough search of the jungle like casting a net.


 Not long after, gunfire erupted in the woods.

"Quickly retreat! There are too many enemies!" Geng Jihui shouted, and the members of Lone Wolf Group B who were hiding everywhere immediately scattered and fled.

 But they did not expect that there was also an ambush from the Yehu Reconnaissance Company on the other side.

 In the blink of an eye, except for Zhuang Yan, the other five people were "beaten to death". "This guy runs very fast! Just like Xiaozhuang, as fast as lightning!" Several soldiers who were exhausted after chasing for a while gasped and complained.

These soldiers used to be in the same class as Zhuang Yan. One of them, Chen Xiwa, even muttered: "Why do I think that figure from the back looks a bit like Xiao Zhuang?"

 “It can’t be such a coincidence, right?” Others looked at each other.

 They all know that the target of this operation is the Wolf Fang special forces.

And Zhuang Yan was already a member of Langya.

At this time, several more people came over, and one of the sergeants asked anxiously: "How is it? Have you found anyone?"

 “Run away.” Chen Xiwa said hesitantly.

"A bunch of losers! Keep chasing! We must catch that kid Xiaozhuang no matter what!" the sergeant ordered sternly.

 “Ouch! Is it really Xiaozhuang?” Chen Xiwa and others were extremely surprised.

"Isn't it obvious? Who else can run so fast except him?"

The sergeant then said, "We have taken care of the rest of the Wolf Fang team, including your old artillery squad leader."

  He sighed slightly: "It seems that the new company commander was able to accurately guess that the Wolf Fang Team was hiding in this area."

“Squad leader, I think the new company commander is actually quite good. Please don’t make things difficult for him in the future.”

 Chen Xiwa gave good advice.

“Nonsense! Do I need your pointers to do things? Hurry up and chase me!” the sergeant roared.


 After a chase, they finally found Zhuang Yan.

 But when old friends meet, they always exchange a few words. While they were chatting, Zhuang Yan suddenly threw a flash bomb, and everyone was blinded.

Taking this opportunity, Zhuang Yan turned around and ran away, successfully escaping the pursuit.

However, before Zhuang Yan could run far, gunshots rang out again.

 Chen Xiwa and four or five other people had white smoke signifying "killed in action" coming out of their bodies.

 “Are there any other enemies?”

Sergeant Chen Xiwa and others were stunned. Looking back, they saw a man standing up from the grass and looking at them with a playful smile.

 “I’m going! Zhang Chuan! It turned out to be your idea!” Several people screamed.

Zhuang Yan, who had already run some distance away, turned around when he heard the sound and saw Zhang Chuan.

 “Old Zhang! Are you still alive? That’s great!” Zhuang Yan said excitedly.

Zhang Chuan curled his lips: "I say, it's really embarrassing for you to be a special forces soldier, but you are chased and beaten by your former comrades!"

 The embarrassment on Zhuang Yan's face almost overflowed.

 “Everyone, long time no see.”

Zhang Chuan turned sideways and said hello to Chen Xiwa and the others.

 Everyone had a wry smile on their faces.

"I knew that after you joined Langya, you would definitely be able to do great things! Look, Xiaozhuang was chased by us in such a panic, but you were able to solve it in just a few seconds. He really deserves to be the fastest of our Eighth Regiment. One guy!”

The sergeant smiled and praised.

 Zhang Chuan:…

It feels weird to say this!

“Okay, let’s talk in detail when we have time. If we don’t leave, I’m afraid I’ll be surrounded by people from your company again!”

 (End of this chapter)

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