Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 51: Do you think I can't find you hiding in the smoke?

Chapter 51 You think I can’t find you if you hide in the smoke?


Just as they were concentrating on finding Zhang Chuan's location, another gunshot pierced the night sky.

 One of their team members was shot in the head again and was eliminated instantly!

“There is movement at the eleven o’clock direction!” As the gunfire rang out, they had no time to take care of their fallen comrades, and all looked at the eleven o’clock direction through the night vision scope.

“Sniper! Observer! Have you found the target?” the leader of the fourth team asked eagerly.

 “No! No one can be seen at all!” the sniper replied.

 After Zhang Chuan fired a shot, he quickly lay down, changed his position, and took aim again!

 Since the position of each team member is different, each shooting point can only target one person.

 He must find a way to get rid of Lei Keming before the large army comes back!


 Ten seconds later, another gunshot broke the tranquility of the night.

 The sniper of the team was unfortunately shot accurately!

“There is an attack at three o’clock!” “Still no one can be found!”

"How could there not be even a shadow?" "How abominable! How many people are there?"

The seven-man team has lost two people. They only heard the sound of gunfire and could not see anyone. They felt depressed and aggrieved.

Lei Keming said solemnly: "The opponent's concealment ability and shooting skills are too powerful. We can't sit still and wait for death, otherwise we will all die here when the large forces arrive!"

 “Throw smoke bombs, everyone, immediately go into the jungle to hide!”

 “Understood!” The captain of the fourth team responded immediately and ordered all members to throw and detonate all the smoke bombs they carried.

 “Action!” Everyone rushed into the thick smoke and rushed towards the jungle not far away.

“You think I can’t find you if you hide in the smoke?” In the jungle, Zhang Chuan’s face quietly emerged from behind a big tree, with a smile.

Deadshot Insight

Although it cannot be seen through, in the mid-air where the smoke is floating, as long as someone moves in it, the smoke will fluctuate with the airflow. Such subtle changes cannot escape Zhang Chuan's sharp shooting.

 As long as you capture these flowing trajectories, you can clearly locate the enemy!




Zhang Chuan fired several shots without hesitation.

 At this moment, there is no enemy attacking directly, and he can launch precise sniper attacks on these opponents!

 “Ouch! What kind of divine sharpshooter is this? Can it hit all of them?”

 “I’ve been tricked too! Oh my god! Is this guy still human?”

Amid the smoke, several Black Tiger special forces members were so surprised that they couldn't help but curse.

They have never seen any level of special forces elite.

But now, under the cover of thick smoke, they were hit by a precise attack from the opponent. It was simply unimaginable!

If you shoot randomly, it's okay to hit by chance.

 But four shots were fired in succession, and all four shots hit.

What’s even more terrifying is that it was all hit on the head. Do you think it was a blind cat hitting a dead mouse?

Who believes it? !

Several people who broke into the jungle, including Lei Keming, the captain of the fourth team, a communications soldier and a member of the fourth team, all changed their faces after seeing their fallen teammates.

 “Tiger head…”

The captain of the fourth team moved his throat and asked nervously: "Are you sure these enemies are really Wolf Fang people? Could they be the second-line troops above, or even the masters in the top troops?"

Lei Keming's eyes were also full of surprise: "They may not be a complete team, maybe, just one! Just one person!"

"one person?"

 The three of them were stunned for a moment.

"If they were a small team, they would have fired at the smoke area together. But they only carried out precise sniping, which means that the opponent only had one sniper!"

 After hearing this, the three people suddenly realized.

Indeed it is!

“So, from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who killed so many of us and kept us busy?”

 The members of the fourth team asked in shock.

 “Hey, boom, boom! When did Langya have such an awesome character?”

“Hutou, what should we do now?”

The three of them looked at Lei Keming. Lei Keming said in a deep voice: "Hold on for dear life! Wait for the main force to come back! The exact location of the enemy is unknown now, and the smoke bombs have been used up. If you act rashly, you will definitely..."


Before Lei Keming could finish his words, the communications soldier behind a rock on his left had already been shot in the head.

 The sound of gunfire came clearly from more than a hundred meters away.

 Direction northeast.

 “Hidden! Hidden!”

Leikeming shouted loudly.

 The three of them immediately lowered themselves.

 At this time, they no longer dared to carry out reconnaissance and look for Zhang Chuan's hiding place.

 So many people couldn't find it before, but now there are only three of them left, let alone even thinking about it.

 Besides, the opponent’s marksmanship is extremely accurate. If he is exposed even slightly, he will become a living target!

"Damn it! I, Lei Keming, have been a special forces soldier for so many years, and I have never seen such a useless scene! After the exercise, I must recruit that kid to our Black Tiger Brigade!"

Leikeming said angrily.

A hundred meters away, Zhang Chuan saw that they no longer showed their heads, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 “If you don’t move, I will move!”

Zhang Chuan then quickly and quietly approached.

At this time, there was only thin moonlight shining through the dense branches and leaves in the jungle, and there was no other light source.

 In such an environment, it would be even more difficult for the other party to discover him!

 He did not climb directly in front of them, but stopped more than thirty meters away from them.

 Immediately took out two grenades and threw them directly in their direction.


An unknown person shouted, and the remaining three people suddenly jumped up and quickly evaded.



Two dull grenade explosions sounded one after another.

 Two of them were unfortunately hit by the bomb, white smoke erupted from their bodies, and they were eliminated instantly!

The remaining man survived. He quickly rolled forward and used various obstacles to block and avoid Zhang Chuan's shooting.

Looking carefully, who else could this person be if he wasn't Lei Keming?

“I didn’t expect that at his age, Lei Keming would be so skilled! He is indeed a powerful character that even Wolf Head praises!”

 Zhang Chuan secretly admired it.

 He decisively aimed at Lei Kemin.





Zhang Chuan fired several shots, but he did not shoot directly at Lei Keming. Instead, he aimed at the ground around him and forced him to run in a specific direction.

Facing the attack, Lei Keming could only choose the direction where he was not attacked and flee.

 After he escaped more than a hundred meters, Zhang Chuan adjusted the shooting direction, and the bullets passed in front of him accurately, almost grazing his clothes.

Having no other choice, Lei Keming had no choice but to quickly lie down and hide behind a rock to hide himself.

 “Damn pervert!”

Leikeming cursed in annoyance.

 Having been in the army for decades, he has never been so aggrieved.

 “Tiger head, tiger head! I am Black Eagle, we are rushing to support, please report your location and on-site situation, over!”

At this time, the sound of the black hawk came to Lekeming's ears.

At a sniper position not far away, the same call from Black Eagle sounded in Zhang Chuan's earphones at the same time.

 “The fish is hooked!”

 Zhang Chuan raised a proud smile on his lips!

Just now, Zhang Chuan wanted to kill Lei Keming, it was easy. .

 But he was in no hurry to do it.

 (End of this chapter)

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