Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 39: Chinese soldiers will never bow to evil forces!

Chapter 39 Chinese soldiers will never bow to evil forces!

 With the issuance of Zhang Chuan’s order…

In the blink of an eye, the pipes hidden under the earth activated silently, spraying out colorless and odorless gas, which quickly enveloped Zhuang Yan and his party.

Zhuang Yan and the others, who were firing with all their strength and strafing violently, suddenly felt a strong dizziness, and their whole bodies seemed to have been drained of strength in an instant.

“No! They released poison gas! Hold your breath and get out the gas mask!”

Geng Jihui shouted quickly.

 In the blink of an eye, everyone opened their backpacks and raced against time to take out the gas masks and put them on.

 However, by this time it was too late.

 They unknowingly inhaled a lot of drug ingredients, and their bodies gradually became weak and weak.


 Finally, someone couldn't hold on anymore and fainted to the ground.

Zhuang Yan and Geng Jihui relied on their tenacious willpower to barely hold on for a few seconds, but they also fell into a coma just after putting on their gas masks.

At this moment, when they all fainted, the coyote and two other experienced soldiers next to them immediately stepped forward and made a detailed examination of them. After confirming that all of them were completely unconscious, they pressed the call button on the headset and reported: "Command, All new recruits have been recruited, please give instructions on the next step!”

 Several of them had taken the antidote in their mouths earlier, so they were fine.

 “Bring them all back to camp!”

 Zhang Chuan gave decisive orders.


Coyote responded, nodded to several of his companions, each carried an unconscious recruit on his back, and walked quickly towards the makeshift prisoner of war camp a few hundred meters away.

At this time, Zhang Chuan also stood up and prepared, "Okay, I should make some preparations!"

The high school team looked at Zhang Chuan, with a trace of hesitation in their eyes, and asked again for confirmation: "08, are you sure you want to do this?"

Zhang Chuan replied: "Didn't we already discuss it before? Use me for experiments! Don't worry, everything will go according to the original plan. I can handle it!"

Since Zhang Chuan said this, the high school team said nothing more and could only start arranging related matters.

 When Zhuang Yan and others woke up, they found that they were tied to the pillars in the room and could not break free.

“Old Zhang, why are you **** here?”

At this moment, Zhuang Yan and others, who had regained consciousness, were surprised to see Zhang Chuan who was also tied here.

“Lao Zhang, didn’t you act with us?”

Geng Jihui asked in confusion.

Zhang Chuan responded with a wry smile: "Who said I didn't take part in the operation? I was just one step ahead and responsible for setting up traps in front. Who knew I fell into the enemy's trick? I originally thought I would die, but they didn't even attack me!"

"What about you? Why were you caught here?"

Zhuang Yan's voice was full of gravity: "We also encountered a trap set by armed bandits, and several veterans were unfortunately killed."

"These bastards! We must find a chance to avenge them!"

The members of the rookie team A were all furious. Recalling the scenes of veterans being tortured to death, they all gritted their teeth and wanted to cut the armed bandits into pieces!

Zhang Chuan also showed a sad look and sighed softly: "But in our current situation, how can we get revenge?"

Geng Jihui said resolutely: "I wonder what happened to the dog-headed Lao Gao and others. Did they fall into the enemy's trap and be captured like us? If not captured, they will definitely come to rescue us!"

Zheng Sanpao said helplessly on the side: "I can't lift up any strength now. They gave us a drug, but the drug has not yet worn off. It seems that we really have a narrow escape this time!" Deng Zhenhua frowned and asked: " But why didn’t they just kill us? What good would it do them to keep us?”

“Maybe they want to get some intelligence from us. For example, combat deployment or unit affiliation information, so that they can carry out criminal activities in the future, or use it to threaten our troops!”

 Shi Dafan analyzed seriously.

Zhuang Yan said coldly: "They can't pry any information out of my mouth! I, Zhuang Yan, would rather die than surrender!"

 “Loyal to the motherland! Loyal to the people!”

Others looked determined and shouted in unison!

 “Oh, what a person who is loyal to the motherland and the people!”

At this moment, the door was pushed open and several masked and heavily armed gangsters walked in.

One of the gangsters did not wear a mask, but like them, he had camouflage camouflage on his face and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his nose.

The corner of his mouth curled into a sneer, like a lurking poisonous snake, exuding a faint murderous aura.

“Let me introduce myself, I am Scorpion, the main target that your Chinese troops are going to hunt down in this operation!”

Scorpion clicked his tongue and praised: "I thought your Chinese special forces were so awesome, but it turns out it's nothing more than that. Just a simple minefield and a little drug trapped your entire team, and also eliminated a few team members. Look. Come on, I overestimated you."

Hearing this, Zhuang Yan and others were filled with grief, anger and self-blame.

At this moment, they finally understood why they didn’t train harder to make themselves stronger!

 Finally realized the cruelty and ruthlessness of the battlefield.

Who can truly experience the heart-wrenching feeling of watching the comrades around you being blown to pieces and being unable to do anything about it?

"You'd better kill us! Otherwise, I will make you pay with blood!"

Deng Zhenhua roared and cursed with a ferocious face.

“Oh, it’s so rare to be so stubborn in a life-or-death situation! He looks a bit like your Chinese special forces!”

 Scorpion sat down with a smile and crossed his legs leisurely, "But, if you want to die, it's not that easy."

“Of course, if you can provide some of the information I need, maybe I can consider sparing your lives and letting you go home to reunite with your relatives.”


Deng Zhenhua spat at Scorpion angrily, "It's just wishful thinking to dig out information from our mouths! If you have the guts, just kill us. As a Chinese special forces soldier, I don't deserve this title if I frown!"

Zhuang Yan and other companions also stared at Scorpion with serious faces and murderous eyes, without any flinch or fear.

“It’s amazing! Chinese soldiers are really tough!”

  Scorpion smiled slightly, but the smile quickly turned cold, "How many treasures have your Chinese army caused our organization to lose over the years? Today, I want to get some interest back from you!"

“Until you are willing to tell me the specific situation of your troops, let your troops compensate me for my losses, and return my lost treasure!”

 “Don’t even think about it!”

 Zhang Chuan's voice was low and he said sternly: "Chinese soldiers will never bow to evil forces!"

"Oh, really?"

 Scorpion walked up to Zhang Chuan with a trace of ridicule on his lips, "I'm afraid you haven't tried my methods yet, otherwise you would never say such stupid things!"

“Ever since I, the scorpion, have been in this business, there is no mouth that cannot be pried open.”

 (End of this chapter)

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