Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 26: Is it okay if you blindfold yourself and dismantle the gun?

 Chapter 26 Is it okay for you to do it if you are blindfolded and dismantled?

He pulled hard, took off the black cloth that blindfolded his eyes, held the gun tightly in his hand, and aimed the crosshair at the target in an instant.


 The high school team can shoot as fast as a rabbit, and can fire two bullets in a second.

What’s amazing is that he did not use any aiming equipment, but relied solely on intuition and profound practical experience to lock the target.

 Everyone around was stunned by the high school team's smooth operation.

Even though at the current distance, they could not directly see whether the bullet hit the target, but seeing the high school team holding the gun motionlessly, they knew in their hearts that his performance must be good!

In just ten seconds, a whole box of bullets was poured out by the high school team.

 “19 seconds!”

 The gray wolf quickly announced the timer.

Hearing this, everyone took a breath of air.

 Nineteen seconds, if it were them, they wouldn't even have the firearms properly assembled!

 However, the high school team has already finished shooting!

 Is this the true strength of special forces?

 “Report! All bullets hit the target, over!”

The target announcer’s voice came clearly through the walkie-talkie.

 All hit the target?

  The recruits were completely shocked!

shooting so fast and without the aid of aiming tools, how can it be possible to achieve perfect hits?

 This is simply beyond imagination!

 “I don’t believe it! I want to see the target with my own eyes!”

Recruit No. 22 shouted loudly.

 “Show him!”

 Gray Wolf immediately instructed the target reporter to deliver the target. After Recruit No. 22 carefully inspected the target, he was finally convinced, showing frustration and regret.

 He no longer looked directly at the high school team, but lowered his head slightly, with a hint of regret in his words, "I... decided to abstain!"

  Gray Wolf and the other instructors sighed softly and shook their heads helplessly.

 The remaining recruits felt mixed feelings in their hearts at this moment.

 In addition to feeling some pity for recruit No. 22, I also feel a deep sense of frustration.

 The marksmanship demonstrated by the high school team made them realize how long the road ahead is for them to overcome in order to become excellent special forces soldiers!

 As recruit No. 22 left the field, the high school team ordered: "Training continues!"

 “The third group is ready, let’s start!”

Gray Wolf gave the order, and the fifteen recruits from the third group immediately rushed forward.

After the high school team’s demonstration just now, they understand that it is not impossible to assemble a firearm and conduct unaimed shooting within 40 seconds.

 It’s just that their current abilities have not yet reached that level!

“Paratrooper, do you still dare to brag about how amazing your marksmanship is? Can you teach the Wolf Fang veteran a lesson?” Shi Dafan joked to Deng Zhenhua.

The corners of Deng Zhenhua's mouth twitched and he responded: "What incredible skills! Compared with that dog-headed old man, I feel like a shrunken turtle now! Who can do it in such a short period of time like him?" Assemble the firearm and shoot accurately! Every shot can hit, which is outrageous!”

 “I might be able to.”

 Zhang Chuan responded calmly from the side.


Deng Zhenhua looked at Zhang Chuan sideways, "Speaking of Lao Zhang, I admit that you are very strong physically, but this is shooting! This thing requires talent!"

“You are a novice, you have only touched a gun a few times, and you have no experience in shooting live ammunition!”

"Stop making trouble! If you can achieve the best results, I will call you boss from now on!"

Zhuang Yan and the old artillery squad leader smiled and said nothing.

“Old Zhang, it seems you are going to recruit an extra younger brother.” Zhuang Yan said to Zhang Chuan with a smile.

“No, you don’t really think that Zhang Chuan can achieve such results, do you?” The paratrooper looked stunned.

 “You’ll know in a moment.”

Zhuang Yan responded calmly.

 “No talking in the queue! Quiet!”

 An instructor sternly stopped him.

 At this time, the members of the second group had also finished shooting, and their results were similar to those of the first group.

After disassembling the firearm and replacing the new magazine, Gray Wolf looked at Zhang Chuan and others in the last group, "The third group is ready, ready, start!"

 Members of the third group immediately rushed forward.

 “This is too broken down!”

 The paratrooper sighed, but his hand movements did not stop.


At this time, the Wolf Fang veterans were all dumbfounded, and their eyes were focused on the tenth target position.

 That's Zhang Chuan's target position.

Zhang Chuan rushed forward and completed the assembly in just four seconds.

 This speed is even one second faster than the high school team.

 Although the high school team played blindfolded.

 But even so, his speed is amazing. In the Wolf Fang team, no one can beat him except the high school team.

At this moment, the high school team also noticed Zhang Chuan’s performance.

 “This boy can always bring surprises to people!”

 The high school team’s lips curved into a meaningful smile.


 Zhang Chuan started shooting.

His shooting speed was actually faster than that of the high school team, shooting three bullets in a row within two seconds.

“I’ll go! Lao Zhang, you monster!” Zhuang Yan and Lao Pao exclaimed in unison.

After about ten seconds, Zhang Chuan successfully fired all the bullets.

 Among the other members, many have not even assembled their firearms yet!


 After Zhang Chuan finished shooting, Zhuang Yan, Lao Pao and paratroopers completed the assembly one after another and hurriedly started shooting.

  But without aiming equipment, it is difficult for them to accurately judge the trajectory and can only semi-rely on feeling.

 Finally, the forty seconds ran out.

 Everyone stood up and stood still.

 Less than one-third of the people who can shoot thirty bullets within the specified time.

“Lao Zhang, you are such a weirdo. How did you assemble it so quickly?”

The paratrooper lowered his voice and marveled at Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan responded with a smile: "This is actually not difficult. I will teach you later."

 Not difficult?

 You can assemble an assault rifle in four seconds, and how dare you say it’s not difficult?

  Everyone secretly cursed in their hearts, but there was a speechless expression on their faces.

 (End of this chapter)

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