Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 21: Report, our platoon leader is missing!

Chapter 21 Report, our platoon leader is missing!

 At this moment, a figure flew out like an arrow.

 Who else could it be besides Zhang Chuan?

When Zhang Chuan suddenly appeared outside, the high school team couldn't help but glance at the watch on their wrist.

 “It only took fifteen seconds!”

 There was a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

In a warehouse filled with smoke caused by gas bombs, someone was able to dress up and fully armed in the dark in just fifteen seconds.

 Even the most battle-hardened veterans would find it difficult to achieve such rapid speed.

What’s even more surprising is that when Zhang Chuan stepped out of the smoke, his eyes were bright and bloodless, and there was no sign of coughing.

This means that he is completely unaffected by the irritating fumes of gas bombs.

  Could it be that he completed this series of actions without breathing or closing his eyes?

 How did he complete the equipment so quickly?

Facing everyone’s confusion and shock, the other recruits rushed out of the warehouse one after another.

They were either coughing violently or hurriedly wiping their tears. Their embarrassed looks were in sharp contrast to Zhang Chuan.

“In the high school team, the physiques of these recruits and that kid are completely different!” Gray Wolf sighed with emotion.

The high school team curled their lips and said: "There is a world of difference between us and him?"

 Gray Wolf was speechless for a moment, then the high school team continued:

“But you have to understand that the standard for becoming a special forces soldier is not only physical fitness, but also includes the mastery of shooting techniques, physical fitness, mine-laying and demining techniques, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities, infiltration operations, electronic information processing and many other skills.”

"So far, this guy's performance in marksmanship, physical fitness and combat is indeed outstanding, but this is only part of the skills required by a special forces soldier. If he wants to become an excellent special forces soldier, he must also achieve excellence in other special operations skills. Level! It all depends on whether he can maintain such outstanding talent!”

  Gray Wolf and other old members of Langya nodded in agreement.

“They are all crying and more delicate than women! Line up for me quickly!” the high school team shouted loudly.

 The rookies hurriedly wiped away their tears, endured the discomfort, and stood upright!

The high school team glanced down at their watches and said coldly: "It's three o'clock in the morning. Today is a sunny day and it's another day full of hope."

“Therefore, in order to welcome this beautiful day, I decided to take you to climb the highest peak of the Wolf Fang Training Base to watch the sunrise!”

“The journey is not far, the straight-line distance is only five or six kilometers. For you scouts, it’s just like a walk!”

“To give you a little more challenge, I’ve specially prepared some weight-bearing equipment for you!”

The high school team pointed to a log about 1.5 meters long and 20 centimeters in diameter nearby, and announced loudly: "Everyone carries a log, and they must carry it to the top of the mountain! Remember, the log will slip from your shoulders." Once, five points deducted!”

 “If you fail to reach the top of the mountain before sunrise, ten points will be deducted!”

“Now, pick up your logs and set off!”


At this time, another loud shout sounded.

The speaker was none other than Zhuang Yan.

 “Speak!” the high school team responded.

“Report to the chief instructor, my platoon leader is missing!” Zhuang Yan shouted anxiously.

Zheng Sanpao and Chen Xiwa both turned their heads and looked, and sure enough, Chen Pai was nowhere to be seen.

 They remembered that Chen Pai was still lying on the bed before going to bed last night.

 Is he still in the warehouse?

“Your platoon leader withdrew from the selection due to injury and has returned to his original unit!” the high school team replied.

"What? When was my platoon leader injured? Why didn't I know?" Zhuang Yan's face changed suddenly. "I said he was injured, so he was injured. Do I need to report to you?" The high school team walked up to Zhuang Yan and scolded him sternly,

“If you really want to see your platoon leader, put your helmet under the flag-raising platform and you can see him immediately when you return to the old army!”

 “You…” Zhuang Yan was furious.

 He is a person who values ​​affection and justice, and Chen Pai is like a brother to him.

He also knew that becoming a Wolf Fang special forces soldier was Chen Pai's lifelong pursuit. Now that he was told overnight that he had been sent back to the reconnaissance company due to injuries, how could he not be extremely anxious?

 “Xiaozhuang!” Seeing that Zhuang Yan was about to act impulsively, Zhang Chuan spoke up to stop him in time.

"What the chief instructor said is true. Chen Pai did withdraw from the selection due to injury. You all went to bed last night, but I didn't sleep. I could hear Chen Pai's painful groans on the bed."

"So I reported to the instructor. You should still remember that when we were in the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company, Chen Pai often had unbearable pain in his knees during training, right? That was his old injury, and he had been hiding the condition. If he continues to train , is likely to cause irreparable damage to his body!”

After Zhang Chuan mentioned this, Zhuang Yan remembered that Chen Pai did have joint pain when he was in the reconnaissance company.

He also asked Chen Pai, but Chen Pai always said it was caused by fatigue and did not attract too much attention from Zhuang Yan.

 I didn’t expect the situation to be so serious.

“Rookie No. 08, who allowed you to speak without giving a report?”

 The high school team glared at Zhang Chuan, "Five points deducted!"

 Lao Niao, who was in charge of the points statistics, immediately wrote this down in his record book.


Zhang Chuan did not refute, but used his eyes to signal Zhuang Yan to calm down, and then stood up straight.

After being comforted by Zhang Chuan, Zhuang Yan said nothing although he was still worried about Chen Pai.

“What are you still doing? Pick up the logs and go mountain climbing!”

 The high school team gave the order again.

 “Yes!” The rookies rushed towards the pile of logs.

 “Rookie No. 08!” shouted the high school team.

 “Here we come!” Zhang Chuan stood at attention and responded loudly.

 “Your log is over there!” The high school team pointed in the other direction.

Zhang Chuan turned around and saw a log two meters long and at least 25 centimeters in diameter soaked in muddy water in a puddle.

Zhuang Yan and others also noticed the situation here and couldn't help but take a breath.

 The logs in their hands are all dry and weigh about fifteen kilograms.

And Zhang Chuan's one is not only longer and thicker, but also soaked in water.

It is well known that a log soaked in water weighs at least twice as much as dry wood!

 This means that the logs carried by Zhang Chuan may weigh more than 40 kilograms, which is more than twice as much as theirs!

Carrying a wet and overweight log is much more difficult than climbing a mountain with equipment on your back.

 Who can carry a log weighing more than 40 kilograms and rush to the top of the mountain?

What's more, the load in Zhang Chuan's backpack is much heavier than them!

“Thank you, Chief Instructor!” However, in the astonished eyes of everyone, Zhang Chuan didn’t care at all, but looked extremely excited.

With a smile on his face, he ran towards the soaked log with joy on his face, picked it up and carried it steadily on his shoulders!

 “Thank you…thank you?”

 The corners of the mouths of the high school team and other Wolf-tooth veterans couldn't help but twitch.

This guy is really a monster!

 (End of this chapter)

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