Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 18: The devil's week special training begins!

Chapter 18 The devil’s week special training begins!

 Is it only Novice No. 8 who feels it? Have you all become mute?

 Lao Gao shouted loudly: "Except for Novice No. 8, everyone will be deducted five points!"

Oh my goodness…

 Hearing Lao Gao's announcement, everyone's hearts sank.

  Five points were deducted so easily. How long can this 100-point score be sustained?

 “Let me ask again, do you hear me clearly?”

 “Listen clearly!”

This time, everyone no longer hesitated and answered in unison.

"very good!"

 Lao Gao glanced at his watch and said loudly: "It is now half past five in the afternoon. I officially announce that the devil's week special training has begun!"

“All team members, move towards the quagmire! Do one thousand push-ups for two consecutive hours! If you can’t do it, five points will be deducted! Take action immediately!”

 Tap tap tap~~~

Lao Gao held his head high, roared at the sky, and fired violently with the submachine gun in his hand.

 “Oh my god! This is obviously going to push us to death!”

Paratrooper Deng Zhenhua lamented bitterly.

All the students jumped into the huge quagmire, which was full of silt and stagnant water. When doing push-ups, the body would be tightly absorbed by the silt and muddy water, which would undoubtedly greatly increase physical exertion.

They may be able to cope with a few dozen push-ups, but a thousand push-ups will definitely drain all their energy!

 Besides, they had just completed a twenty-kilometer cross-country run and there was not much energy left.

 This is simply squeezing their potential to the limit!

 “Hurry up! Get all down! Start doing it!”

A group of Wolf Fang elites forcefully pushed the students into the quagmire. Some instructors even sprayed them wildly with high-pressure water cannons.

 They were knocked down by the impact before they could stand firmly.

 “The wolf fang belongs to your uncle!”

 “Lang Ya has the guts to come at me! Come on!”

“Tsk, tsk, these new recruits really have their heads squeezed by the door...”

 The students were furious at the brutal behavior of the Wolf Fang veterans and cursed one after another.

 “1, 2, 3…”

Everyone was cursing and complaining. When Wolf Ya urged them to get down and do push-ups, the sound of counting could be heard next to them.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, and turned their heads to look.

I saw Zhang Chuan carrying the 40 kilogram backpack and doing push-ups quickly.

"I'll go!" "This guy is too physically strong! If you just do it and do it with a heavy load on your back, are you sick?!"

"You must know that it is a 40 kilogram load. If all the bricks inside are soaked by water, the weight will increase by at least ten kilograms! That is fifty kilograms! Doing a thousand push-ups with a fifty kilogram load on your back will strain your waist. Will it break? What a madman!"

At this time, Lao Gao and others above also noticed Zhang Chuan carrying a backpack into the quagmire, and they were all surprised.

 They originally thought they had been cruel enough to these new recruits.

 Unexpectedly, Zhang Chuan was even more cruel to him!

  Carrying such a heavy weight for self-pressure training, only Zhang Chuan can do it since the establishment of Langya!

Moreover, looking at him like that, he didn’t seem particularly strenuous.

 “Lao Gao, this kid really has unlimited potential!”

 Gray Wolf couldn't help but admire.

 Lao Gao's voice was slightly deep: "High potential means he has broad room for growth in the future. But his self-discipline and self-requirement are the most valuable qualities!"

"After training so many veterans, I have never seen any new recruits who can spontaneously carry out destructive training like him!"

Gray Wolf nodded in agreement: "So, what he said about practicing hard every day in the Special Eight Regiment must be true! Such crazy and self-disciplined self-pressure training, coupled with the huge potential he has, it is impossible to be strong even if he doesn't think so. It’s difficult!”

 “Find a high-pressure water gun and specifically ‘take care’ of him.”

 Lao Gao had a smile on his face, but his tone was cold: "I want to see how far he can persist!"


The gray wolf immediately ordered the coyote to execute it.

Throughout the quagmire, the sounds of the team members roaring and counting while doing push-ups continued to echo, and above there were more than a dozen Wolf Fang veterans counting them.


 Zhang Chuan continued to perform push-ups as fast as possible.

The high-pressure water cannon kept spraying at his body and head, but he remained firm as a mountain.

In contrast, other students would be knocked down by the impact if they were not careful and fall down in the muddy water.

This comparison is enough to show how big the gap between Zhang Chuan's physical fitness and theirs is!

“This guy’s physique is terrible! Even we can’t complete two to three hundred push-ups without interruption under such weight-bearing conditions!”

 Gray Wolf sighed with shock on his face.

 “Add another high-pressure water cannon!”

 Lao Gao narrowed his eyes and ordered in a deep voice.

ˆ Gray Wolf: “…”

 This is simply going to push Zhang Chuan to a dead end!

 (End of this chapter)

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