Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 16: It should be considered qualified, right?

Chapter 16 should be considered qualified, right?

 While everyone was astonished, Zhang Chuan finally recovered his breathing.

He looked at the instructors such as the high school team and Gray Wolf, and said with a smile: "These instructors, according to my performance, they should be considered qualified, right?"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned with surprise!

 Carrying a 40 kilogram weight on your back and running a 20-kilometer mountain road in one hour, you actually only think you are qualified?

 Do you have any special understanding of the word "qualified"?

Just with your performance, you have already left our Langya record far behind, okay?

 Are you being too modest, or are you just pretending?

 “It’s qualified…”

The gray wolf's voice was hoarse and trembling as he answered.

After a while, the high school team also recovered from the shock.

 He walked up to Zhang Chuan, stared at him, and tried his best to keep his tone calm: "Have you received any special physical training before?"

Zhang Chuan replied: "I can't say that completely. I just continued to train myself during these more than half a month."

“Anyway, every time I run, I give it my all. As the saying goes, just do your best and leave the rest to fate.”

 The high school team was speechless.

  Gray Wolf and other special forces soldiers also had nothing to say.

What a monster!

If what Zhang Chuan said is true, then his physical potential is simply unfathomable!

 A person's limits can be challenged and exceeded.

 Only by breaking the limits can physical fitness achieve a qualitative leap.

 This is why in the special selection, they, the instructors, will try their best to train the students strictly.

This will be more conducive to pushing them to a desperate situation, thereby achieving limit breakthroughs and improving their physical fitness!

However, no matter who you are, every limit breakthrough will be more difficult than the last one.

 Because as your physique gradually increases, the limit that your body can bear becomes harder to reach and more difficult to surpass!

 Hence, by evaluating the number of times a soldier can reach his limit, one can roughly predict his physical potential.

 The more times the limit is reached, it means that this soldier has huge potential.

On the contrary, if no matter how hard you train, you cannot reach the limit before your physical strength is exhausted, it only means that the soldier's true limit has been revealed and cannot be improved further!

If you can't even break through the limit, and your physical strength has not yet reached the standard of a special force, you will naturally have no chance to join the Wolf Fang Special Forces.

 So, if what Zhang Chuan just said is true.

 It is relatively easy for him, then, to reach and push his limits.

 In this way, such soldiers will undoubtedly have huge room for improvement in the future!

Now, Zhang Chuan's physical fitness has far exceeded Langya's standards, but they still can't guess how much room Zhang Chuan has for future improvement.

 This means that the future development potential of this soldier is beyond their estimation!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the high school team and the instructors such as Gray Wolf shone with excitement and joy.

 Such soldiers are rare to find.

As long as you maintain this state and continue to make progress, you will definitely be able to stand out among the Chinese troops in the future, and even become the top special forces king! Although the judgment has been made in their hearts, no one has judged it.

“Instructor, there is something I feel the need to report to you.”

 Zhang Chuan thought for a moment and said to the high school team.

 “Say it.”

 The high school team looked at him.

"You should know Chen Pai of our Eighth Special Regiment, right? He is the platoon leader of Yehu Reconnaissance Company and Zhuang Yan's platoon leader."

 Zhang Chuan said.

"I know."

 The high school team nodded.

As a comrade in the Miao Company, he had an in-depth understanding of the three young men Chen Pai, Lao Pao, and Zhuang Yan before the selection.

 The three of them are all special forces recruits that they are extremely optimistic about.

 If nothing else happens, these three people are likely to become members of Wolf Fang.

 “I suspect there is something wrong with his right leg.”

Zhang Chuan said seriously: "Moreover, it may be a very serious leg disease! I suggest you arrange for someone to check him. Otherwise, he may not be able to complete the selection training. Once the condition worsens, he may have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life." Spend it!”

 Originally, he planned to tell Miao Lian about this when he returned to the regiment.

 But he knew that Chen Pai wanted to join the special forces.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided not to disclose it for the time being, at least let him experience the life of the training camp first.

Even if you can’t realize your dream, you can at least get close to it. In this way, even if you leave regrets, it won’t be too big.

In the TV series, Chen Pai did not receive timely treatment for his leg disease, and his condition worsened during Langya’s high-intensity training.

 In the end, he was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.


 The expressions of the high school team, Gray Wolf and others changed instantly.

 “Are you serious?” the high school team asked in a deep voice.

 He knew Chen Pai's status in Miao Lian's heart. If there was really a problem, Miao Lian might fight him tooth and nail.

 “With certainty!”

Zhang Chuan said firmly: "More than once, I saw him unable to stand up in pain. It was only his tenacious willpower that supported him until now!"

"But I believe that he won't be able to hold on for long and can no longer accept such high-intensity training! If you don't want such an outstanding soldier to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, it's best to take him to the hospital for a comprehensive examination as soon as possible!"

The high school team stared closely into Zhang Chuan’s eyes to confirm that he was not lying, but was sincerely concerned about Chen Pai’s situation.

Then he nodded and said: "Okay, I will handle this matter, so you don't have to worry, and don't mention it to others."


 Zhang Chuan stood at attention and saluted, "Thank you, Chief Instructor!"

 (End of this chapter)

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