Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 140: It makes you crazy, you are being plotted now!

Chapter 140 makes you crazy, you must be plotted now!

Zhang Jun spread his hands. If the commander really has this plan, he may have to say hello to the two chiefs of our military region first!

joke! To headquarters? There are no doors!

However, this operation of the boss of the headquarters reminded Zhang Jun that he must quickly tell the two heads of the military region after returning, so as not to be tricked by the headquarters later!

The head of the headquarters seemed to have expected Zhang Jun’s answer, and instead suggested: “Then after the game is over, our headquarters can come out to talk to Zhang Chuan, right?

 Zhang Jun was dumbfounded! All kinds of national curses are rolling in my heart!

 No wonder the boss at the headquarters is so polite, he is waiting here! They just want to talk to Zhang Chuan, how can they refuse?

 Zhang Jun’s face instantly darkened!

Yu Wen from the Southwest Military Region was happy to see Zhang Jun's defeat: "You old guy! I'm driving you crazy. You must have been plotted by someone now!"

Depend on! Zhang Jun was still wary of the boss of the headquarters, so he was rude to Yu Wen and started to complain, "No matter how crazy I am, how can I be as crazy as you? Your commando team has been wiped out by our group, and you are still here to be complacent. It seems that you It is an honor to lose!

“Stop your ancestors! Yu Wen has a dark face, so don’t get too proud! This is only the first stage. You will know your mistake when you meet our Feilong Commando!”

Fang Qingshui of the Southern Military Region, as well as the bosses of the Western and Northern Military Regions are also encouraging themselves!

Zhang Chuan learned about the promotion to the second stage, but he didn't know that the bosses in the control room were quarreling because of him, and some even wanted to poach him to the headquarters for training.

 Zhang Chuan can now leisurely collect loot.

 According to the rules of the competition, all living special forces must reach the next twenty-kilometer-square competition area within two hours. With plenty of time, he was finally able to search.

“Comrade, can you give me your equipment?”

Zhang Chuan walked up to Hu Yang, the captain of the Cheetah Commando.

Hu Yang looked at Zhang Chuan with admiration in his eyes. While taking off his equipment, he asked, "Are you new to Langya?"

“Or are you the only one left in your team of nine?”

 Although he was defeated by Zhang Chuan on the battlefield, in the army, the strong are respected.

 If you lose, you lose. Hu Yang has no complaints against Zhang Chuan. Most special forces have such open-mindedness.

Hu Yang will know the answer as soon as he asks.

The newcomer to the Wolf Fang in front of him must be the Lone Ranger.

If Zhang Chuan was from another nine-man team, how could all the others be eliminated if he was there?

"Unfortunately, I am a new recruit of Langya, the one who fights alone."

 Zhang Chuan asked curiously, “Am I famous now?”

 He has heard this before.

“It’s more than just famous! Hu Yang sighed, we all made empiricist mistakes and always felt that the newcomers would not be too strong.”

“Now it seems that your reputation is not worthy of your strength!”

 “Thank you for complimenting me!”

 Zhang Chuan smiled, but I still have to collect your equipment. .

Hu Yang has already taken off his equipment, "I can guarantee that you will surprise everyone who looks down upon you!"

“Besides, those who look down on you are simply idiots!”

As soon as Hu Yang said these words, the faces of the big leaders in the control room suddenly turned ugly, and they all stared at the big boss in the north.

Listen to this, does it mean that except Zhang Jun over there in the southeast, the rest of us are idiots?

The big boss at the northern end was gesticulating with his hands, looking embarrassed. No, no, he let it slip. It was purely a slip of the tongue!

The bosses from other districts snorted coldly, but secretly sighed in their hearts.

Euphratica euphratica's words are a bit rough, but his words are not rough. As it turned out, those who underestimated Zhang Chuan were indeed quite stupid.

  Next, Zhang Chuan collected everything from the Cheetah Special Forces and the Highland Guard Special Forces, including submachine guns, scopes, rifles, grenades, night vision goggles, and bullets. Of course, snow camouflage suits were also indispensable.

He also obtained enough food for three days from these two teams.

Now, Zhang Chuan basically no longer has to worry about supplies. He actually doesn't have much use for night vision goggles. His death shooting skill is much better than that thing. However, considering that there were cameras throughout the game, he didn't want to be too exaggerated, so he simply kept it secret.

 After that, Zhang Chuan rushed to the second competition area without stopping.

According to the competition map and information from the director team, he is still nearly 30 kilometers away from the edge of the next competition area in a straight line. He can be regarded as a group of special forces who are relatively far away.

 Yes, Zhang Chuan is not lucky this time.

  The second competition area is in the northeast corner of the main competition area, and running through it is a complete ordeal.

There are advantages to being far away. The group of special forces in the southeast corner had to run as fast as they could for their own safety. They had no time to care about the players behind them.

It is conceivable that at the edge of the second competition area, there must be a large number of special teams waiting there to "pick up guests."

 At that time, it was the real life and death battle in the second stage.

Zhang Chuan doesn't want to meet any other opponents at this time. Even if he can win for sure, once his position is exposed and he becomes everyone's target, coupled with the system's requirement of "crushing by the strong", it will be hell. Difficulty.

During this period of time, Zhang Chuan finally figured out that the "strong crush" mentioned by the system meant that all the special forces encountered must be eliminated by sheer strength.

 As for the method of elimination, there are no restrictions.

In other words, if Zhang Chuan encounters other special forces and wants to let them go or make a strategic retreat, that won't work, but if he quietly uses his skills to kill the opponent, that's no problem.

 He thought too simply before.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang Chuan walked about 20 kilometers at a normal speed, and he didn't encounter a single team. He felt very happy.

It seems that the previous guess is correct. Other teams are also working hard to run the map. The teams are almost moving in parallel, and no one has time to play with other people's calculations.

While Zhang Chuan was walking and thinking, his Iron Man suit suddenly sounded a radar alarm!

"Aiya, I go!"

Zhang Chuan exclaimed and quickly used Kuaiyin's acceleration skill to dodge the bullet at the last moment.


It was only then that Zhang Chuan heard the gunshot! This shot almost scared him. This is unreasonable!

 The second competition area is still 10 kilometers away. How could someone launch a sneak attack at this time?

 Haven’t they even considered the upcoming schedule? This is simply a game that harms others but does not benefit oneself.

The big leaders in the control room were also confused, while the big boss on the northwest side was smiling.


 At this time, someone outside the control room shouted a report.


Lei Keming, the captain of the "Black Tiger" special force of the Northwest Theater Command, entered the control room and stood directly behind the boss of the Northwest Theater Command.

 “Xiao Lei, where have you gone?”

He Zhijun has never seen Lei Keming and thought he was not coming.

“I just finished an urgent task, so I came back quickly!”

Leikeming smiled bitterly and asked how the situation of Langya was going?

 (End of this chapter)

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