Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 138: Know the sniper's next move in advance!

Chapter 138: Know the sniper’s next move in advance!

It feels like Zhang Chuan can predict the sniper's next move.

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun quietly observed from the sidelines, allowing other leaders to complain.

Later, a colonel from the headquarters came forward to explain that some top special forces soldiers have been able to develop an intuition for predicting danger after long-term training. This intuition allows them to detect danger before it approaches.

At this time, the technician reported that Zhang Chuan was about to enter the shooting range of the rifle.

He Zhijun suddenly became nervous and silently cheered Zhang Chuan on. Zhang Jun also stared at the screen without blinking.

 Zhang Jun expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of the Northern Military Region, feeling that this was a one-on-one contest between Zhang Chuan and snipers, and outsiders should not interfere.

The leader of the Northern Military Region retorted, saying that the rules of the competition did not prohibit teamwork, and could only say that Zhang Chuan himself was too careless.

 The leaders of other military regions looked at Zhang Chuan and shook their heads. He has a strong sense of combat and crisis awareness, but his style is too tough. Facing the collective attack of the team, his hope of survival is very slim.

As soon as Zhang Chuan stepped into the effective range of the rifle, team leader Hu Yang immediately ordered to fire.

 Eight special forces aimed their sights at Zhang Chuan at the same time. Zhang Chuan was startled at first, and then quickly found a gap for the bullet to fly, jumped up, and glided to avoid the attack.

Using various techniques, Zhang Chuan raised his gun and fired without even aiming, firing three shots in a row.

 Then he landed as lightly as a cat, activated the Death Gaze auxiliary shooting skill, and pulled the trigger again.

  The leaders in the control room who were originally prepared to laugh were stunned by Zhang Chuan's precise shooting and couldn't help but praise him repeatedly.

 The senior executives in the monitoring room were all so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!

 Eight top Cheetah Commandos opened fire at the same time, but Zhang Chuan was not injured at all!

Instead, Zhang Chuan fired three shots casually, and all of them hit!

In front of and to the left of Zhang Chuan, three Cheetah Commando soldiers at about ten o'clock felt the vibration of their helmets being hit, and red smoke indicating elimination came out of their bodies. The director's announcement of elimination came from the earphones. sound!

 This matter is really mysterious!

The three members of the Cheetah Commando were stunned at first, and then they praised him in Chinese in the most enthusiastic tone!

  Are there other teams besides Zhang Chuan hiding here?

 But I didn’t hear any other gunshots!

 But if Zhang Chuan really eliminated the three of them, that would be incredible!

 They made tactical evasive maneuvers to avoid the Cheetah Commando's offensive. But at the moment when it was hovering in the air, everyone thought that Zhang Chuan's gun went off, but in the end they were directly told that Zhang Chuan had eliminated him?

Is this joke a bit too big?

 Except for the sniper, the other seven members of the Cheetah Commando have never shown their faces before. How did Zhang Chuan discover them?

 How does he aim while doing extreme sports?

But the confirmed news delivered by the director's department made the three eliminated Cheetah Commandos unable to believe it!

 They were indeed eliminated by Zhang Chuan's three casual shots!

 In the monitoring room, all the leaders’ mouths became circles!

"Zhang Chuan, this guy, was able to instantly complete the aimed shooting while avoiding the enemy's attack, and knocked down three enemy special forces members with three consecutive shots. How is this possible?"

 Everyone can feel the shock like that sniper!

This situation is as incredible as sleepwalking!

Even if it were played like this in a TV series, all the viewers would complain about it and call it a drama!

All this is far beyond everyone’s imagination!

If the three members of the Cheetah Commando who were shot could not see the situation clearly due to perspective problems, then the leaders in the monitoring room replayed it three times in slow motion and it was completely confirmed!

While Zhang Chuan was avoiding the siege of eight Cheetah Commandos, he just glanced at the enemy on the left front and without any hesitation, he immediately pulled the trigger! Is it really an accident caused by a fire?

If he didn't know that three members of the Cheetah Commando were repelled at the beginning, the leader of the monitoring room might still have such doubts.

But when they saw with their own eyes the fact that the three Cheetah Commandos were eliminated by Zhang Chuan, everyone knew that this was no accident!

 Having hit the target with one shot, it can be said that Zhang Chuan is very lucky!

But if three shots hit three people in a row, if it can be said to be based on luck, the probability is probably lower than winning the lottery, almost zero!

The sniper of the Cheetah Commando and his four other teammates clearly noticed that three of their team members had been eliminated by Zhang Chuan, and they were all stunned!

What a good time!

 Zhang Chuan’s eyes lit up!

The sniper was hiding behind the earth wall. The gun in Zhang Chuan's hand used blank bullets and could not penetrate the earth wall to eliminate the sniper.

 But the remaining four team members just made simple disguises!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Chuan activated his precision shooting auxiliary skills and quickly locked on a member of the Cheetah Commando!


 Zhang Chuan fired again!

Hu Yang, the captain of the Cheetah Commando, had just come to his senses and was about to signal everyone to lie down, but it was too late!

 A member of the Cheetah Commando was hit on the helmet by Zhang Chuan, and red smoke immediately appeared from his head!

 Another team member is out!

 “Get down quickly! Get down quickly!”

 The Cheetah Commando Captain Hu Yang’s face changed drastically!

The "Wolf Fang" recruit on the opposite side is really terrifying!

He was pinned down by snipers just now and had no time to observe. How did he find their location?

 Does he have clairvoyance and ears?

 But the members of the Cheetah Commando were also disguised, so how did Zhang Chuan accurately discover their location?

At the moment when Hu Yang was thinking, a member of the Cheetah Commando just poked his head to see where Zhang Chuan was!


There was another gunshot, and the Cheetah Commando who had just poked his head was eliminated!

 At this time, no one doubts Zhang Chuan’s strength anymore!

 All those who had doubts about Zhang Chuan's strength have fallen.

This cannot be due to luck. It can only be said that Zhang Chuan's marksmanship is completely beyond everyone's imagination!

At this time, the remaining three members of the Cheetah Commando no longer dared to poke their heads out. Only the sniper was hiding behind the earth wall, with only the barrel of the gun exposed. Blank rounds would not be able to eliminate him in a short time!

Hence, the snipers were still firing desperately, trying to block Zhang Chuan's progress!

It is a pity that all members of the Cheetah Commando Team were unable to deal with Zhang Chuan when they were in their prime. Now there is only one lone sniper left, and all attacks are easily dodged by Zhang Chuan!

 On the battlefield, there is only the dull sound of sniper fire!

Cheetah Commando Captain Hu Yang and another team member did not dare to show their faces at all. Only the sniper was left, which did not pose a threat to Zhang Chuan at all!

Later, Zhang Chuan also figured out that there was no need to do any extra actions at all!

With the radar warning skills of "Iron Man" and the acceleration skills of "Quick Silver", as long as the sniper is aiming at Zhang Chuan's head, at the last moment when the bullet is about to hit, Zhang Chuan only needs to tilt his head slightly to kill him. Can avoid sniper bullets!

 (End of this chapter)

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