Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 119: For Zhang Chuan’s sacrifice! To Comrade Zhang Chuan,

Chapter 119 For Zhang Chuan’s sacrifice! Salute to Comrade Zhang Chuan!

“Commander, comrades, brothers, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Zhang Chuan spoke calmly to everyone, picked up the walkie-talkie, and then shouted loudly, resolutely carrying the 640 kilograms of explosives on his back: "If I really die, don't come looking for my body. Let me rest in peace among these magnificent mountains and rivers.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chuan carried the explosives on his back and walked directly to the dam.

Tens of thousands of soldiers at the scene all had tears in their eyes.

For Zhang Chuan’s bravery!

 For Zhang Chuan’s sacrifice!

 “Salute to Comrade Zhang Chuan!”

 The division commander shouted an order hoarsely.


Tens of thousands of soldiers stood at attention and solemnly saluted Zhang Chuan.

 At this time, there are still some brave reporters in the crowd who are sticking here.

  Among them, including the female anchor who once claimed to make the teacher and Zhang Chuan pay the price.

At this moment, the female anchor was also deeply touched by Zhang Chuan’s military spirit and noble sentiments.

 “He is our hero of China!”

 “It’s our pride!”

 The female anchor realized her mistake, bowed deeply and apologized to Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan waved goodbye to them as he walked towards the dam.

 When we reached the top of the dam, we saw the floodwaters slamming against the head of the dam violently and rushing downwards.

 On both sides of the dam are straight cement walls.

From the top of the dam to the bottom of the gate, it is fully ninety meters high, and under the gate is a flood release channel with an inclination of 65 degrees.

At this time, there was also a large amount of flood water flowing down quickly on both sides.

 If it were someone else, even if they had ropes to help them, they would probably be swept away by the flood.

 But Zhang Chuan has climbing skills, so he can give it a try.

 “How does he plan to get down?”

Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers stared at Zhang Chuan nervously.

 Zhang Chuan chose a place closer to the side and jumped in without hesitation!


 The soldiers at the scene suddenly exclaimed, their faces full of shock.

If you jump like this, even if you are not swept away by the flood, you will fall to pieces!

 It’s more than thirty meters high below!

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, Zhang Chuan was clinging to the wall with his hands and feet and climbing down quickly.

Although the impact of the flood was great, it was not able to wash him away.

 He jumped nimbly onto a platform next to the gate.

 Because the water flows downward at an angle, this area was not flooded.

Just before the division commander and the soldiers outside had reacted to Zhang Chuan's sudden jump, Zhang Chuan's voice came from the walkie-talkie in the division commander's hand.

“Don’t worry, leaders, I arrived safely, now I need to install explosives! It will detonate in one minute!”

Hearing Zhang Chuan's voice, the division leaders and soldiers felt a little relieved.

 But then, their eyes were filled with deep sadness.

If it were to detonate under such circumstances, Zhang Chuan would definitely be in danger!

 Zhang Chuan quickly found the most suitable location for the explosion and placed the explosives.

 Looking at the fuse less than one meter long, Zhang Chuan smiled bitterly.

This kind of explosive is different from the kind outside that burns slowly after being ignited.

Once this fuse is ignited, it will burn into the explosive at an extremely fast speed, causing an explosion!

 Generally, an electronic ignition is used in front of this kind of explosive to facilitate remote control of the detonation. However, in such an environment, the area that is not soaked by floods is limited, and coupled with the constant falling rain, if the fuse is too long, it will easily get damp and fail to detonate.

Zhang Chuan raised his head slightly, stared at the thirty-meter-high steel gate, and smiled to himself.

 “Forget it, life or death is your destiny!”

As he spoke, Zhang Chuan suddenly pulled the fuse, then jumped towards the steep **** and rolling flood below!

Jumping down, there might be a chance of survival. After all, the raging flood might not be 100% able to knock him down or drown him.

 But if he stayed up there, he would be blown to pieces by hundreds of kilograms of explosives!

 There is not even one ten thousandth chance of survival!

 So he jumped without hesitation!

 The moment he pulled the fuse.


 The deafening explosion echoed between heaven and earth!

 Within one mile around, it was like there was a big earthquake!

As soon as the explosives detonated, the two huge gates collapsed instantly.

The floods that were originally flooding in all directions rushed toward the two gaps crazily, and huge waves rolled, rushing down from the gaps like a tsunami!

 Seeing this scene, the tens of thousands of soldiers on the field were all excited and cheered loudly.

 “Platoon leader!”

Only those comrades in the Seventh Company who were familiar with Zhang Chuan did not immediately join in the cheers. Instead, they screamed along with the explosion.

 The division commander and other soldiers gradually calmed down after a brief period of joy.

They looked at the unstoppable torrential flood, and the thin but determined figure from before appeared in their minds, and their noses couldn't help but get sore.

 “Salute to the hero!”

 The division commander shouted again, and tens of thousands of soldiers faced the direction of the gate and saluted solemnly!

 Zhang Chuan carried explosives on his back and decided to blow up the gate at the cost of his own life. This tragic act quickly spread throughout the country and even the entire army.

During the period, superiors also sent teams to search for Zhang Chuan’s body along the downstream.

However, no trace of him could be found no matter how hard I searched.

The flood was so violent that it swept through many large and small rivers. Zhang Chuan's body may have been carried dozens or even hundreds of miles away by the rapid water to the wide river surface.

Within a few days, people across the country knew about Zhang Chuan’s heroic deeds, and countless compatriots silently paid tribute to this hero.

Various media have reported one after another, highly praising Zhang Chuan’s courageous sacrifice for the country and the people.

The top military officials even issued instructions requiring the entire army to learn from Zhang Chuan’s spirit of selfless dedication and sacrifice for righteousness.

  In the afternoon after the order was conveyed, at the station of the Langya Special Forces.

As a special force, Langya naturally does not need to participate in the front line of flood control. Their task is to be on standby at any time to handle various emergency criminal tasks, and they must stay at the Langya base.

At this time, the high school team was sweating profusely on the training ground with the members of the Lone Wolf Commando Team.

 Suddenly, He Zhijun drove over.

“Attention, everyone, stand at attention!” When the high school team saw this, they immediately stopped training and hurried forward.

“Reporting to the captain, the Lone Wolf Commando is conducting combat and shooting training as planned, please give instructions!”

 The high school team reported loudly.

 “Lone Wolf Commando, everyone gather!”

He Zhijun looked serious, and his tone revealed a rare heaviness.

The high school team was wondering. It had been a long time since the team leader had been so serious. Could there be something wrong with the team?

 Soon, the members of the Lone Wolf Commando stood up straight and were ready for action.

He Zhijun glanced at the high school team, Zhuang Yan and other members, and said solemnly: "Comrades, I want to tell you some news that is both heavy and glorious for us."

 “Heavy and glorious?” “What does this mean?” The team members looked at each other, full of doubts.

 (End of this chapter)

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