Chapter 987 987 abandoned girl (1) one more

【Ding! Complete the main line task, the system rewards 2000 points! 】

【Ding! System No. 009 is the host service, and 2000 points have been paid, leaving the world! 】

After Ye Haohua’s consciousness was indulged, he woke up again.

"Cough..." was caught by the smell of smoke.

Ye Haohua bowed his head and found that he was holding a cigarette in his hand.

She twisted her eyebrows and subconsciously swept her eyes around her.

"No smoking is allowed here!" I still didn't understand anything, a sharp female voice rang.

When Ye Haohua looked up, she saw a woman wearing a police uniform looking at herself with a pitiful and disdainful look.

"Chen police officer, I am sorry, I may have trouble you in the future," said the middle-aged man standing next to Ye Haohua, bending over and saying sorry, then turned his head. "Miss, I’m going to smoke!"

Ye Haohua smashed the smoke but found no trash can.

Seeing this scene, the people in this room accidentally crossed a sneer

"I will help you to see Miss Ye." The woman in the police uniform took back her eyes and then looked at the middle-aged man with some charmingness.

Ye Haohua followed the middle-aged man and began to receive information in his mind.

This body is also called Ye Haohua.

It is the family of the gamma empire.

This is a future world. The world goes out with an aircraft, the wrist is a light brain, and the roads are navigation targets that are repaired in midair.

Especially... this world is still an orc world.

Every orc is very powerful, and the animal shape is their battle form.

Without the state of the orc, in this world is the most inferior line of the weak.

Ye Haohua knows from memory that the original Lord is this weak person with no fighting power, and he was born into a human form.

Normally born pups can be shaped by themselves when they are about three years old, but the orc mental power is very unstable and requires the energy in the original stone to appease.

The more powerful the orcs, the more energy they need.

But the energy in the original stone needs to be energized with mental power to engrave the energy.

The average printer can only activate 10% of the energy and have a good rough.

The Ye family is a large family that takes up the mountain to develop the original stone.

Because the original owner was born in a human form, Ye Jia put her on a planet with veins, let the original owner live here. For more than a decade, she never thought of picking her up to return to the main planet.

The original owner was studying at the only school on the planet, and Ye Jia never preached her identity, so no one here knew that she was the famous family of Ye.

At the moment, because of the jealous fight with people, he injured the son of an official on the planet and was arrested for several days.

Ye Jia is afraid of making people aware of her existence and sending a housekeeper to pick her up.

"Miss Three, for you and I came over from the main planet, wasted two days," after the housekeeper came out, did not bring Ye Haohua on the aircraft, just looked at her. "After this time, you have to take classes at school and try to become a beast." Shape, don't give Ye Jia, give your grandfather a shame."

Ye Haohua pinched the cigarette and bowed his head to the cheap brain on his wrist. "Good."

Seeing Ye Haohua like this, Ye Guanjia’s heart sighed.

Ye Jia holds the original stone veins in his hand, which has a congenital advantage. Each leaf family can be transformed into an animal shape.

Ye Yuhua’s father is able to turn out the white tiger animal shape. I don’t know why it’s here, Ye Haohua’s, it’s a change.

"If you are half Miss II..." Ye Guanjia didn't finish, and then sighed into the aircraft.

Ye Haohua found out the information of Miss Two from her mind.

Ms. Ye Jia Er, like her father, has the purest white tiger blood. At the age of 19, she entered the gamma planet military school.

I deleted a world, and then there are not many leftovers. I want to go back to the original world.

(End of this chapter)

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