Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 984: 984 cannon ash male with (18) one more

Chapter 984 984 Cannon Grey Men's Match (18) One More

After the photo, I said that Ye Haohua reacted.

Ye Haohua gave him a look, "Oh."


Before the photo was just a dark guard, I didn't understand Ye Haohua's affairs. Now Song Shuyun let him turn to the bright side. Naturally, I know a lot of things.

Among them, Ye Haohua, Su Shiling, and Ning Zhao, he naturally knows very well.

The reason for talking about this incident is mainly to see what attitude Ye Haohua is, and now she reacts... it is really cold.

Ye Haohua’s words after listening to the photos are not completely unresponsive.

After going to the kitchen, she went to the top floor and lit a scent first, then lifted the pen.

When she wrote a piece of paper, the window moved a little, and a young man carrying a bird cage jumped in through the window. "Miss Ye, the great prince asked me not long before you came to me." ""

After that, he said what he wanted to do now.

The photo was only found on the surface of the court, and all the words were spent on Su Shiling.

Young men are the words of the great emperor, and the inner and the middle know everything clearly.

Although the outside world rumors Su Shiling, in fact, the emperor is the content of the law that supports the great emperor. "It’s just that the emperor has become more and more bad recently. Today’s early morning is also ahead of schedule, and his majesty is still alchemy."

After listening to the young man, Ye Haohua wrote the letter in his hand. After the letter was dried, he handed it to the other party.

By the way, the young man also brought a word: "Wait."


In March of the following year, the emperor was seriously ill, and the master of Shangshu was in charge of spring.

Song Shuyun passed the test in February, and the palace test in March, the emperor handed the first place in the list.

The news came out of the palace and shocked half of the dynasty.

Mrs. Song’s wife and Song’s second master were waiting for Song Shuzhen’s results. After a while, I heard about the No. 1 pick.

The champion of this year only came out one year. The court has only made a few champions for so many years. The old lady and the Song family have come out to watch the streets.

When I came out and saw a group of people playing horses on the street, I was scared.

That is Song Shuyun. Song Shuyun, who was still unconscious in bed last year, said that after he woke up, the old lady and Song Erye were in a very complicated mood. I thought that the Song family is now a party with the great emperor.

And Song Shuzhen worshipped the prime minister as a teacher, and it was already a tribe of the Three Emperors.

Both of them looked at the Song family business more and more, and finally did not go back, and the Song Dynasty has drawn a line.

However, the two people did not think that they had no talent in reading. They donated a song to the Song Shuyun. Fortunately, they would not try to say that they even tried it! Also got a list first!

This kind of thing, even if you see it with your own eyes, the two can't believe it.

In particular, Song Erye also asked if this matter was wrong.

How could it be Song Shuyun?

When the people around him heard the words of Song Erye, it was somewhat weird to see his eyes. The emperor Jinkou Yuyan said that he was now out of the street, and he would be wrong if he said something wrong.

After knowing the identity of Song Erye and Mrs. Song, these people suddenly realized.

Mrs. Song’s wife stood at the corner of the street and watched the people on the street crowded with the new champion.

For a time, my mind was blank.

Just after the family gave out the term of Song Shuzheng, Song Shuzhen was lucky enough to pass the test. When he was in the palace test, he hanged at the end of the third list.

The Song family has not had a scholar for decades. Mrs. Song originally thought that Song Shuzhen would be different from other Song family. The achievements of these three lists are naturally happy if the old lady of Song.

At the moment, there is Song Shuyun as a contrast, and Mrs. Song’s wife can’t laugh at all.


The Emperor’s body was not as good as one day. Under the persuasion of Baiguan, he began to consider the Prince.

He is particularly interested in Song Shuyun.

After Song Shuyun took the exam, he entered the Hanlin Academy directly, and the official seal was from Sanpin.

This is the highest official in the Hanlin Academy since the ancient record. If the Emperor did not persuade from it, the emperor would like to mention it to the above.

The three emperors and the great emperor began to appear on the bright side, and Song Shuyun stood in the party of the great emperor.

In the past, outsiders only knew that he was determined to be in the business field. At this time, they sighed. His means in the officialdom was also endless. Together with the mysterious aide behind the big emperor, he firmly pressed the three emperors.

When the outside world expressed his admiration for Song Shuyun, he also remembered Ye Haohua, who was not seen by the prime minister, and who had been counted in the Song family.

At the beginning, Ning Zhao was obsessed with Su Shiling, and the Prime Minister’s Office made the decision to regret marriage.

Looking at the short-term few months, the well-respected Su Shiling, and then look at Ye Haohua, who only stayed in the world, sighed that Song Shuyun’s fortunes were not good.

The talented person in the capital, which one is not the daughter of Qiande Wenyatang.

However, Ye Haohua does not live up to expectations.

In April, Song Shuyun and the Great Emperor went to the Yellow River to control floods.

Everyone knows that the emperor will hand over this matter to the great emperor, and he already has the meaning to seal the emperor as a prince.

The three emperors are in the capital.

The Three Emperors' House, the counselor, the Prime Minister's Office, and the Su Shiling are all here.

"Three emperors, the emperor's people are outside, the party feathers in the capital are not threatened, it is the right time and the right people, please do not hesitate." Zai is quite a sire.

"At the moment, Song Shuyun left with the great emperor, Shangshu was also dispatched outside, three emperors, please think twice." Another person buckled his head and sighed.

As he moves, everyone else is screaming.

Since ancient times, they have been very cruel. The Great Emperor now has two advisers sitting in the town. Most of the courts are standing on his side. This time, he will be sealed as a Prince. The party of the Three Emperors will be cleaned.

There is no expression on the face of the three emperors, but all faces are arrogant.

He did not answer, just picked up a letter on the table.

Taking a look at it, the mad grass on the letter is full of enthusiasm, and the plan for managing the Yellow River is unprecedented.

It can be seen that in addition to Song Shuyun, the other imperial concubine is also terrible.

It’s a pity that the two men are counted, but they are still missing. The three emperors looked at the stationery and finally re-stacked it. “Tell Qin General, we will see you at the East Gate.”

The prime minister’s party was full of joy.

The emperor is now obsessed with alchemy, and the great emperor brought a group of troops to govern the Yellow River.

The three emperors broke the boat and smashed the boat.

The group of people was like a broken bamboo. After going to the Imperial Court of the Emperor, they came to the world.


The door was opened by a person.

The torch instantly illuminates the world.

A group of rebels were advanced, and then they were dressed in three purple emperors, and they stood on the side of the same person.

The rebels outside the gate will surround the world.

The party of the great emperor who was discussing the plan was shocked.

The three emperors are about to let the rebels grab all the pedestrians, but they hear a thick voice behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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