Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 979: 979 cannon ash male with (13) four more

Chapter 979 996 Cannon Grey Men (13) Four

The cup of tea in the hands of Song’s master slammed down.

Then immediately ran outside the door.

During the period, I was almost tripped by the door frame.

The nurse-in-law and Song Guanjia and others were also very happy and rushed to the Song Shuyun's yard.

It has been more than a month since Ye Haohua gave Song Shuyun a diagnosis and treatment.

Time has changed from late autumn to early winter. According to Ye Yuhua's prediction, I woke up two days ago. I woke up her face today without any surprise, because I take it for granted.

And when she saw that she had no euphoria on her face, she took her eyes and stared at her.

Ye Yuhua did not enter Song Shuyun's yard. With her current spiritual strength, she can observe the life of Song Shuyun.

And after the pulse last night, Song Shuyun has basically no problem.

The rest, as long as you take medicine on time.

When Song Song was just talking, Ye Haohua did not intend to leave, but now Song Shuyun woke up.

The Song family’s current problems are not a problem. Ye Haohua’s departure at this time will not affect anything.

So she found the milkmaid and handed the bottle to her nurse. "This is the medicine that I have been giving him. I will let him eat one tablet every morning. There are fifteen here. It’s almost half a month. I am today. Will leave the Song family."

The milkmaid saw Ye Haohua, and it was very bad. When she heard the last sentence, she saw Ye Haohua and reluctantly agreed.

Ye Haohua turned around and went back to his yard to pack things up.

She doesn't have much in the Song family.

Most of them were taken from the Song family storehouse.

She did not take the twenty-two silver of Song’s stewardship.

Most of the things in the Song family are not taken today.

But the big princes brought something to her, she mostly installed it, and she also collected some of the things she was looking for.

When I was leaving, my footsteps paused again and I took a piece of paper.

I wrote the next note of Song Shuyun in 楷.

After all, it was a vegetative person. When you wake up, your body will be very weak. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into a very serious problem.

Behind her, after seeing Ye Haohua, the milkmaid immediately threw away the bottle of medicine in her hand.

Then, to the martyrdom around me, "Come, take me to Miss Table!"

The milkmaid has never believed that Ye Haohua will take care of Song Shuyun and is very concerned about Zhou Sujun.

Song Shuyun saw so many famous doctors are not optimistic, but when the table lady came, it would be fine, the milk lady knows that it must be related to Miss Zhang.

Immediately, please come back to Zhou Sujun.

Master Song originally wanted to go, but still have to look after Song Shuyun, specially looking for a famous doctor in the capital.

Zhou Sujun is a niece of Zhou Jia, but although she is famous outside, her aunt at home can't go with her, and her future marriage is still in the hands of her aunt.

She did not actually do anything about Song Shuyun's illness.

And she actually didn't plan to have anything to do with the Song family.

So after confirming that Song Shuyun was in a bad situation, she only went to the Song family once.

Unexpectedly, this time, Song Shuyun’s milkmaid actually told her that Song Shuyun woke up.

"Really?" Zhou Sujun stood up and was shocked.

"Yes, thanks to Miss Zhang, so the master asked Miss Zhang to go to Songfu." The nurse looked at Zhou Sujun's expression very excited.

Zhou Sujun’s heart was flustered, but he immediately stabilized himself.

After changing a suit, I went to the Song family with my mother.

The house of the Song family.

There were a lot of people standing inside and out, everyone’s face was dyed with laughter, and some people’s eyes were red.

This shows that the Song family is in the position of these people.

Zhou Sujun sorted out the clothes outside the door before he went in.

Song Shuyun leaned on the bed and had some morbidity on his face. He squinted slightly, and the quilt was only slightly on his body.

I still have a book in my hand.

Fingertips are as good as jade.

Zhou Sujun stood in the same place, but what the milkmaid excitedly said to Song Shuyun.

Father Song also stood on the side, and when he heard the words of the mother, he also slightly added one or two sentences.

Then I looked at Song Shuyun subconsciously. I don't know why, my son woke up this time, obviously similar to before, but it made him feel a little afraid.

"You said that the watch is saved by me?" Song Shuyun did not pay attention to the people coming in the room.

When he heard the words of the mother, he only slightly turned his head and stared at the milkmaid and others.

The milkmaid nodded and then blew Zhou Sujun.

Zhou Sujun was a bit nervous, but when she heard the voice of her mother, her attitude gradually improved a lot.

Song Shuyun’s face, which had no expression on his face, gradually floated a bit of coldness.

"You said that you saved me? How do you save me?" Song Shuyun looked at Zhou Sujun.

Zhou Sujun said that he saved himself with internal force.

Song Shuyun immediately ignored her, but opened the quilt, apparently to get up.

He has been lying for a long time, his body is very empty, and Song and his wife are going to help him.

However, it was avoided by Song Shuyun. He just screamed, "Photocopy."

A man in black immediately came in from outside the house, "Young Master."

"What about her?" Song Shuyun said.

The man in black squatted halfway: "The subordinates saw the lady leaving the Song family with the parcel and could not stop it."

The air in the room was cold again.

Song Shuyun looked at the milkmaid in darkness and looked at Song’s father. "Do you do it?"

Master Song did not expect that Ye Haohua would have left like this, and he also stunned.

It’s a milkmaid, and immediately, “Young Master, you don’t know, Grandma and Grandma, she’s outside...big...big master...”

The nurse looked at Song Shuyun's unpredictable eyelids and his teeth were shaking.

"She should have given you medicine?" Song Shuyun reached out.

The voice of the milk girl is shaking, "I, I... throw it..."

"What is going on here?" Song Laozi looked at the photo, this is Song Shuyun's secret guard.

"Hey!" Song Shuyun directly rubbed her account on her face and slammed it on the floor, then left the room without a word, and it was so cold.

Zhou Sujun did not know what was going on. She also looked at the photo and waited for the explanation of the other party.

There was nothing to be wrong with this incident. Before I heard that Zhou Sujun said that he had cured Song Shuyun with internal force, he could not help but shake his head.

He pondered the language before he spoke. The words were mixed with admiration. "The young lady will come to see the young master every night, and use the silver needle to remove the blood from the young master's meridians. I am not the opponent of the young lady, but later she found her. In the rescue of the young master, they will help them to watch the door. Although the young master can't move, he can feel it. He should go out and find someone, and, Master, I can ask... Why do you want to drive the lady away?"

Zhou Sujun and the milkmaid stood on one side, listening to the photo, the face gradually pale.

The old man of Song is a sudden heart, looking at the picture blankly.

Good night today...

(End of this chapter)

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