Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 970: 970 cannon ash male with (4) three more

Chapter 970 970 Cannon Grey Men's Match (4) Three More

Even the old lady of Song, when she saw the girl, her eyes lit up a bit.

Let Ye Haohua not help thinking, is this girl a doctor?

"Miss watch, go in quickly." Song Shuyun's milky lady introduced Zhou Sujun with a smile.

The afterglow of the corner of the eye, after seeing Ye Haohua behind the crowd, regained indifference.

"Mistress?" Zhou Sujun is talking to Mrs. Song. After seeing the expression of the milkmaid, she can't help but look at the back, just to see Ye Haohua standing behind.

However, Zhou Sujun did not show up with the people in the house or disgusted or disdain.

She only passed through Ye Haohua a little, and she turned her eyes away, as if Ye Haohua was an insignificant person.

This expression is accustomed to Ye Haohua, the individuals in the previous organization, usually this kind of extremely proud and conceited expression.

Zhou Sujun went to see Song Shuyun with Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song.

Ye Haohua followed them directly behind them.

Although she does not like Ye Haohua again, Ye Haohua is still a daughter-in-law of Song Jiaming’s media, and she is not good at blocking her leaves in front of Zhou’s family.

Before the milk mother used an excuse that could not disturb Song Shuyun, she did not let Ye Haohua enter.

There are so many people in the moment, this excuse is not easy to use.

After Ye Haohua entered, the milk-nother was not far from Ye Haohua, staring at her, as if to look at Ye Haohua and make something to stimulate others.

Being noticed by a pair of eyes, Ye Haohua did not feel a little uncomfortable. After entering, he observed the state of Song Shuyun through several people.

Closer to the understanding of Song Shuyun's condition.

Several kinds of acupuncture methods in her mind, after overturning several kinds, left the last yin and yang nine needles.

The most important thing at the moment is to play a silver needle and then restore Song Shuyun's body to its peak.

She stood in the same place and looked at Song Shuyun.

"Large and young grandma, please let me go." Ye Haohua's brain played a nine-needle of yin and yang, did not pay attention to the outside world.

He gave the masters tea in the house.

I accidentally bumped Ye Haohua.

However, even if Ye Haohua did not pay attention, the degree of physical reaction was not covered and did not fall.

It was just last night that Ye Haohua left the Song family and saw Ye Yanhua’s eyes as she looked at her. She didn’t care at all.

When the old lady heard the embarrassing words, she noticed that Ye Haohua had even come over, and suddenly she started to face. "What are you doing with you?"

Ye Haohua recalled the money of the original master and confirmed that it was enough to create a silver needle.

"I look at him..." Her eyes turned to Song Shuyun.

The other party has been in a coma for several days. They have not eaten these days. The doctor only used the soup to hang.

Shentang can maintain human life, but other nutrients are naturally not, Song Shuyun looks very thin.

However, the face is still not a bit stunned, even if it is coma, the tight lips can make people feel the distance of each other.

Not quite like a businessman.

"Do you see him? I see you are angry with him? Or do you think you have not killed him?!" Song Shuyun's mother died when he was still young. Song Shuyun was the old lady with a big hand, and the feelings were very deep.

What the old lady still wants to say, thinks that Zhou Sujun is still here, taking a deep breath and holding back.

Commanded the big cockroaches around him to send Ye Haohua out.

It is said that Ye Haohua left, who does not know is forced to let Ye Haohua go out.

The next person in the whole room stared at Ye Haohua's side. They all wanted to smack her skin. Only the lady who saw the watch didn't look at Ye Haohua, but whispered to Song.

"What happened to the business?"

Master Song shook his head. "Not very good. There are two shopkeepers who have gone, and they have become a mess. The food on the side of Jinling has not been shipped..."

He has been used to leisurely in recent years, and he has no trouble running the official leisure.

There are so many things in the business, many of the opponents play in the bend and he just got into it at once, and it was a fog.

I did not listen to the words behind Ye Haohua.

She knows that most of them dislike themselves, determine the current situation of Song Shuyun, and the situation of the Song family now, she will go back and plan well, and it is useless to stay here again.

So I don't know how to urge her. She lifted her foot and left the door.

I thought I had to remind myself that I didn’t expect the other person to be so interested.

Song Shuyun is the baby of the Song family. The yard where he lives is not small, he goes around the promenade, and she bows her head when she is on the road.

The two cockroaches who watched her go out now did not see her as a serious master.

They are waiting for the old lady to drive her out.

So on the way to Ye Shuhua’s exit from the hospital, two chats were chatting. “Miss table is here, and the young master and the Song family are sure to be saved.”

"Yeah, you didn't see the old lady laughing today. It's still the first time I saw the old lady laughing."

The original Lord did not care about the Song family's affairs, and Ye Haohua had no news of Miss this watch.

"Is Miss Table so powerful?" She asked like an unintentionally.

I just read the rumor that I saw Ye Haohua. "It’s strange, you don’t even know Miss Table? Before I was a teacher at the Wenya School, I was still a disciple of the virtual palace. I was a martial artist. She was like a young master. The child prodigy, the people on the rivers and lakes gave her face. Last year, she gave her a gift to the elderly.

(End of this chapter)

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