Chapter 964 **** female match (27) one more

In the past two years, Ye Haohua’s image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Especially in the face of Luo Fei and others, the knot is not the opposite of the ugly state.

Before Bai Zhe mentioned the cooperation case with Ye Haohua, these people have been somewhat surprised.

At the moment, the Internet broke out, and even Luo Fei, who has been calm, couldn’t help but slammed his glass.

He also refused to take care of the other, and directly took away the cell phone in his roommate's hand.

I carefully read the microblog of the school broadcast several times, especially the pictures that were sent out.

After confirming one of the seals, I sat in the chair unbelievably.

"Isn't this Ye Haohua seen it?" The roommate picked up the phone and was very confused.

"Yeah." Xu Xiaofei reluctantly regained his gaze, but he still thought about it in his mind, and some of his absent-minded whispers, "Who knows..."

Several roommates are still discussing Ye Haohua's work, which is more novel and with emotion.

Only Luo Fei knows what the “national laboratory” in the picture represents.

If Ye Haohua is just an ordinary student, a big will not be so hard to look back.

People around these dark vortexes can't feel it, but Luo Fei grew up in this environment from an early age, and his sense of smell is more sensitive than anyone else.

Jiang Wen sat on one side and listened to their left voice, Ye Haohua, and the right one, Ye Yuhua, feeling that her chest was very bored. "I am going back to experiment!"


Ye Haohua does not know the follow-up on the Internet.

She has brought Ye Fang to the work unit to allocate her own house.

Originally she thought it would be a good idea to explain it.

I did not expect that Ye mother did not seem to want to express anything at all.

The location assigned to Ye Haohua above, the ordinary people can not live nearby, and there are people patrolling, so it is very clean.

There are no vehicles in the chaos.

Ye mother is illiterate. She did not see the four characters of the "Military Area Heavy Land" that passed by when she first came. Ye Yihua allocated only a courtyard house, not like the luxurious villa of Xu family.

In Ye’s eyes, only the Xu family’s luxury villa in a luxurious location is worthy.

So I didn't realize what was wrong with her where she lives now.

When Ye Haohua and Ye Tao realized the brain circuit of Ye mother, the two looked at each other and tacitly concealed the following words.

For Ye Zi said that the distance from the vegetable market is too far, there is no time when there is no convenience at the school.

I want to buy food here, I have to drive for ten minutes.

Ye Yihua thought that if she hired a driver to use it exclusively for Ye mother, she had to scream and scream, and she had to buy a few packets of rapeseed with Ye Tao, and let Ye mother grow vegetables in the courtyard.

Ye Haohua persuaded the idea that Ye mother had to raise chickens.

But I don't know if Yem will have this idea in the future. She wondered if she would like to make a report with the above to change the open space a little bigger... good chicken.

However, after a few days, Ye mother did not mention this idea again and again, Ye Haohua was relieved.


The Xu family was also shocked by a series of things that broke out on the Internet.

Xu and Xu and his father repeatedly said that they knew that Ye Haohua was not such a person.

Master Xu has no hobbies on the Internet on weekdays. He is not clear about this matter. He is very ridiculous about Xu’s mother’s praise of Ye’s words.

Just Xu Wei, who stood on one side, smiled mildly. "Xiao Wen, can I call you this?"

Xu Weifei is Jiang Wen.

I don't know if I want to be more determined that my choice is right, or because of other reasons, Xu Yufei directly took Jiang Wen to the Xu family.

The lord was originally from the same place with Ye Haohua, and they were very cold to Jiang Wen.

But when I heard Xu Weifei say that Jiang Wen and her lab have developed a batch of medicines for their Xu family, the attitude of the father to Jiang Wen has changed somewhat.

Directly praise her young and promising.

The old man is also a long-term doctor, he mixed the mall when he was young, and he also met many doctors.

You have to tell him that the famous physicist may have a black eye and know nothing.

But you have to talk to him about the famous medical professor of internal medicine. He must be like a few treasures.

It is unfortunate that one of them is Jiang Wen’s teacher. This professor is also a tired figure in the class, so the attitude of the father to Jiang Wen is much better.

"Of course, Grandpa Xu." Jiang Wen should be down.

Xu and Xu did not see Ye Tao for a few days, and he heard that he was admitted to the national champion. The vocabulary book Xu is holding a mobile phone to look at the online transcript, and said that the child is smart.

The old man who was talking to Jiang Wen heard that Ye Tao turned out to be the champion of the national volume and also raised his eyebrows.

In the end, facing the proposal of Xu and Xu, he indulged. "If he can calm down and learn the company's things, let him go when he is fine."

Xu Weifei on the other side listened, smiled at the mouth, but the fingers were pinched very tight.

It was only Xu’s father and mother who did not find it, and immediately called Ye Tao.

When Ye Tao answered the phone, he was facing the stock of the computer page. "Are you deciding which day to take me to change the account?"

Xu father immediately explained the day, and then took the opportunity to say the words of the old man.

Wanting to let Ye Tao come back, before the old man said that Ye Tao would lose his family and obstruct all.

At the moment, Ye Tao’s performance is so good. Xu’s father and Xu’s mother did not think of it. They wanted to let Ye Tao come back.

However, Ye Tao has no interest in this.

Refused to the request to go to Xu.

Master Xu did not know that he was open on the net. This little grandson gave his face a shameless face and suddenly became a fire. In particular, he saw Xu’s father still persuaded.

He did not hesitate to warn, "In any case, Fei Fei is the heir to our Xu Jiaming face, and you should not chill the heart of Fei Fei. Later, we will rely on Fei Fei."

Xu Yufei was taught by the master of Xu.

I have learned all kinds of things since I was a child, and I have four languages. These four countries have cooperated with Xu family. Not only that, but Xu Weifei University also studied his economic management.

All aspects of omnipotence, the only grandson he had painstakingly cultivated before, of course, would be different from the test machine in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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