Chapter 961 **** female match (24) two more

This is the tradition of the middle school every year.

The city’s first reporter will of course rush to report.

It didn't take long for the principal to take office, but it was all about the arrangements.

The other teachers are used to the battlefield and have already been ready.

Every year, when the results of the college entrance examination are outstanding, it is a very important day for the teachers and staff of the school. It is about the performance of each individual. It is also related to the reputation of the school, the source of the students and even the contract with the above.

In the past, because there were many talents in the middle school, there was no school in Beijing. The above policies are closely attached.

However, this year is not the same as they thought. They waited for the reporter to interview. The reporters in previous years announced their results at ten o'clock. They came at 10:30, and they have not seen the figures at eleven o'clock this year.

The staff responsible for the results checked, and this check naturally saw a result of a bad day.

749 points.

The staff was also surprised when they saw the results, which was more than 20 points more than the first place in the middle school.

However, this is still the national volume, which is still the champion of the national volume.

The staff was anxious to look at the rankings of their own schools and did not think so much.

At this point, I looked at it carefully, and it was a student.

The capital has even produced a provincial champion. This is something that has not been done for several years. It is no wonder that today’s reporters have not come to the government, fearing that they will all go to the interview.

He quickly took the list to the principal.

"749 points? The national champion of the national volume? You show me who?" The middle school principal immediately received a printed transcript.

It’s also a coincidence.

The information of Ye Tao’s champion was also spread on the Internet, and his graduation photos were also taken out.

The headmaster of the middle school saw the two characters "Ye Tao" at a glance.

A shock in my heart.

However, that Ye Tao was dropped out of school for two years, and the headmaster of the middle school did not think about it.

But he thought about it like this, and he saw photos printed by the staff on one side.

Ye Haohua and Ye Tao, the two sisters are too good-looking, and they are too much of a feature. It is hard to forget that most people have seen them.

The headmaster of the middle school recognized at a glance that this was the younger brother that Ye Haohua had brought to him before him and was rejected by him.

The champion who was admitted to the national volume turned out to be him?

The principal felt his body shaking.

If there was a hidden black horse in the middle of the school, the headmaster of the middle school did not feel the same.

But now, Ye Haohua clearly found himself on the head. He was afraid of affecting his political achievements this year and refused. He did not expect this rejection to send Ye Tao to the hands of one.

He is feeling that you are comfortable now?

When the headmaster of the middle school had a hard time saying it, he called the professor to complain.

He really didn't expect that Ye Tao, who had been in the construction site for two years and had not dropped out of education for two years, could still get such a good result.

He is also an old friend with the professor, and he will speak out the psychological words.

The professor said directly that he should deserve it. "I will push people to you casually? I have seen the child of Ye Tao. I even said that I was teaching myself. She said that she is very smart. You know her kind. The brain that you are against the sky, how hard is it to get out of her mouth?! I will be the kind of person who troubles my friends? It’s also that I don’t tell you when you come back, you can’t look down on others, if she tells me early, I’m rooted. I won't let her go to you."

If you don't call, it's better to call, and the professor is even more uncomfortable.

After the call, he has no strength to stand up again.


Ye Yihua thought that if she moved to the courtyard to live, she would report to her and said that her mother had come.

The above reaction to this incident is particularly fast.

This is Ye Haohua's mother.

The family members of the organization who are very happy with their opinions are under their own eyes. After all, these people are important personnel of the country.

There is a person under the eyelids, these people have to control a lot.

Originally, Ye Haohua was a bit bohemian, and he wanted to run everywhere. A very important person from a country ran to participate in a survival program, and the hearts of those who held the power in the country followed the live broadcast.

At the moment, Ye Haohua did not evade, and received his only blood relatives into the capital, and arranged for the house they arranged.

They don't mention how active they are.

I also want to let Ye Haohua change to a bigger home, but she was rejected by Ye Haohua.

"Luo Lao, tell you the truth, my mother, she has no knowledge, take her to come here, I will explain for a long time," Ye Haohua helplessly touched his head, thinking that she had to prepare her mother for the heart. "It's good here, let the organization rest assured."

"That's good, there is something that doesn't work well, even if you tell me." General Luo is secretly protecting the general commander of Ye Haohua.

The above is very important to Ye Yuhua.

It is not safe to give to the average person.

In the end, someone invited a general who had not left the mountain for a long time to pass the vote.

Luo Lao knew that the last weapon was made by the little girl in front of him. She appreciated her very much. "The few grandchildren in my family, if you have one percent, you will be fine."

Ye Haohua smiled and shook his head, did not answer.

Luo Lao looked at her without answering the words, very sorry.

Ye Haohua’s report was passed in less than half an hour and should be the fastest report passed above.

She went back to find Ye mother and Ye Tao. In order to prevent Xu family from going to find Ye mother again, she would take the Ye mother directly.

When I arrived at the rental house, I just saw Ye Tao sitting on the sofa, facing a page of the computer with a cold eyebrow, and holding a mobile phone with the hand and talking to someone.

"There are pictures I sent, and a lot of them are all sent out." Ye Tao looked at the words on the Internet one after another to smash his sister and Yem, and it was like a cold pool.

(End of this chapter)

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