Chapter 948 **** female match (11) one more

Xu Yufei’s voice is more or less cold.

He looked at Ye Haohua's face. It is undeniable that now he even likes other people. He can't deny that Ye Haohua's looks are the most perfect one of the many people he has ever seen.

"This is the bill for our time of communication," Ye Haohua ignored the words he said, and directly took out his own bill to show him. "Exactly 120,000, you see if there is anything wrong, I hit you yesterday. Got it, should you receive it?"

Xu Yufei looked down at Ye Haohua's bill on the table and went straight.

In fact, he had forgotten what he had bought for Ye Haohua. In memory, he only remembers that Ye Haohua was with him and only knew to buy things.

Today, I saw that the bill did not seem to cost him the other party.

The total number of forests adds up to 120,000. I haven’t helped Jiang Wen fight this time, breaking up more than half of the things in the bar.

"You...what are you coming from?" There were countless thoughts in my mind, and finally Xu Feifei just opened his mouth.

He looked at the bills above, and even if the bags were transferred, they would be sold for seven or eight thousand.

And Ye Haohua's family situation, he did not understand, in the past few days, listening to roommates also said, simply can not get these 40,000.

"If there is nothing wrong, we will not owe each other in the future. I have something to leave first." Ye Haohua stood up and made a slight decapitation towards Xu Weifei, and then left with his own cell phone.

There are only a few words from beginning to end, which add up to five minutes.

Xu Xiaofei’s breakup fee for her was still on the table.

Calling Ye Haohua is the person who used Ye Haohua to do software in the past few days. The previous software was on the forum, but from the speed and function of Ye Haohua, the people behind it saw the leaves. Yan Hua still has the power to want to recruit her.

The two kept each other's numbers and met around the school.

"I am wearing a blue shirt at the tea shop on the big side of this side." After Ye Haohua called to confirm with him, the other side ran all the way.

"You... are you y?" The coming man was a very young young man with gold-rimmed glasses, and the one second that saw Ye Haohua was still unconfirmed.

The industry of software programming is originally dominated by boys, and their entire network department is also two girls.

After hearing the voice of Ye Haohua on the phone for the first time, the man felt a little surprised, but he was far less surprised when he saw Ye Haohua himself.

The account that Ye Haohua registered for himself is a y.

The two exchanged their names, and Ye Haohua knew that the other party was Bai Zhe. He was originally a major computer major and had just graduated for one year.

"You are also a student of the computer department?" The two men found a coffee shop in the surrounding area, and Bai Zhe looked sighed. "I didn't expect that I had such a powerful direct teacher."

Ye Haohua did not explain that he was actually a physical engineering department, but only a business cooperation with the other side.

Bai Zhe is obviously good at their company, the contract is brought out, and they can change a little bit of their own.

Ye Haohua picked up the contract and only flipped a few times, and then raised a little unreasonable place.

Bai Zhe thought that Ye Haohua just turned over at random. I didn't expect her to say anything in every sentence. The attitude of Ye Haohua's idleness has also become serious.

In fact, when I first saw Ye Haohua, Bai Zhe knew that she was still a sophomore, and she was a little bit sloppy to her. After all, there were still many places in the sophomore year.

He still has some doubts, whether Ye Haohua can make the two softwares is a coincidence.

After discussing two sentences with Ye Yuhua, he never had this idea anymore, and the whole person became much more serious.

This is really a deep master in front of me.

Ye Haohua is also very short of money, so he did not refuse to cooperate with Bai Zhe. The two discussed the software for the next two hours, and Bai Zhe’s intention was still gone.

He had to ask Ye Haohua to eat but was rejected by Ye Haohua.

Bai Zhe feels very sorry.

He took his computer bag to the parking lot to find his own car. He happened to meet Xu Weifei who was not a dormitory.

Seeing Bai Zhe, a group of people stopped to say hello.

The new students may know Bai Zhe, but Xu Yifei’s old seniors still remember Bai Zhe, the most famous student in the computer department in recent years.

The system that has been made has won the world record. Before graduation, people from major enterprises have come to dig people.

In the end, he did not choose to go abroad to study, but to work in a domestic company.

"Bai Xuechang, how come you are back?" Luo Fei majored in chemistry, but chose a minor in the computing department.

They are all famous people in the school. They are very familiar with Bai Zhe.

Bai Zhe is different from them. The family is not so rich and powerful. He has today's reputation and wealth are his own step by step.

Therefore, Luo Fei, a pedestrian, has always worshipped Bai Zhe.

"Come back to find someone to talk about a new cooperation." Bai Zhe pushed his glasses and smiled.

Listening to Bai Zhe said that he was looking for someone to talk about new cooperation. The first thing they thought of was the professor. Several people except Luo Fei did not understand the computer department.

After Luo Fei listened to Bai Zhe for a few words, his face showed an incredible expression. "Which advanced system is this God who came up with it?"

"It's a big, alumni, this year's big student is very good." Bai Zhedao.

"It's really good," said Xu Weifei, who has a voice. "The students in the medical department of the next school are not allowed, but the freshman is pulled by the director of the hospital to talk about the experiment..."

Bai Zhe raised his eyebrows in different places. "It’s awful, and the waves in the Yangtze River push forward waves."

"Whoever said, there is also a person who is worse than a session, and even the final exams are almost hung up." A roommate opened.

Luo Fei knew that he was talking about Ye Haohua, and he coughed a little. The roommate muttered a sentence and did not say it later.

On this side, Ye Haohua went back to catch two classes.

Then hold the book and go to the cafeteria to eat.

Ye Tao has already had a good meal and waited for her to come and eat.

He has been studying in the library these days. Now he can completely read the high school books himself. Especially under the guidance of Ye Haohua, he has gradually been able to catch up with the standards of the same year.

Ye Haohua also found that Ye Tao actually had no brains worse than others.

And the progress of the study is very fast, and now mathematics has been able to do the competition.

Although in the eyes of Ye Haohua, these competition questions are not very standard, but it is not easy for a high school student.

Ye Haohua couldn't help but sigh. If he learned Ye Tao early, he might even get an Olympic prize.

It’s time to pass by now.

The live broadcast of the wilderness survival was delayed by one month.

After reading the announcement of the tiger's live broadcast, Ye Haohua knew that it was because Jiang Wen was delayed, and Jiang Wen also signed up for this survival activity.

She is now studying human cardiology with her teacher. Tiger live broadcast is also for heat, so she was directly postponed for one month without cancelling Jiang Wen’s quota.

The fire on the Internet for a while.

Also because of this fire, this live show has more investors, making the live content even more thrilling.

At the same time, several places have been added.

Netizens went to sign up in an instant, and the people inside the Tiger Live were busy.

However, these Ye Haohua did not pay much attention to it.

She is also busy with new technology research with Bai Zhe. On the other hand, she is also working with a professor of physical engineering to study a cooperation case.

One can't wait to use it in half, and the cancellation of wilderness survival activities is also a good thing for her.

In addition, the extension was extended for one month, and when it was added for more than a month, the live broadcast began. It was also after Ye Tao’s college entrance examination that he did not delay his exam time.

Ye Haohua is also very satisfied with the extension of this broadcast.

But there is one more thing at the moment, that is, Ye Tao’s school membership and school affairs.

At the first glance, Ye Yihua was looking at a very good affiliate.

She contacted the president of the High School through the professor. The headmaster of the middle school was very enthusiastic when she first knew that it was the younger brother of the researcher of the Department of Physical Engineering.

When I saw Ye Haohua himself, when I saw Ye Tao’s schooling, the smile became awkward. "Sorry, Ye, we may not be able to accept it."

The number of places in the middle school is very limited, because the teachers are powerful, and the parents are forgetting the children.

Can be attached to the very cold, no one who does not meet the standard.

Every year, the college entrance examination champions are in their school, and there have been no accidents for so many years.

Other students also took very good tests. It was because of such excellent results that the principal saw Ye Tao drop out of school for two years and worked for two years. He did not agree to come to class.

(End of this chapter)

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