Chapter 945 **** female match (8) two more

Luo Fei’s roommate stood in the same place. Originally, he thought that Ye Haohua’s supernatural powers knew that they were coming to the library, so they deliberately came to the “accidental encounter”.

But I didn't expect the other party to leave without asking anything.

This is too inconsistent with Ye Haohua's character, right?

"She is very strange. She hasn't met with Feifei for a week. Didn't she say that she is looking for him, isn't it anxious?" Although Ye Haohua no longer entangled them, he let him breathe a sigh of relief, but boys. I think Ye Haohua is so strange.

He even went to the machine that Ye Haohua had just used to see what information Ye Qihua had just checked.

The page on the library machine is similar to the web page and is deliberately returned to the previous step.

Luo Fei saw the roommate click back, and he paused. He had to say that he is now very curious about what Ye Haohua is doing in the library.

The returned page is a very complicated structure, they are not invisible to the profession.

This is no problem, roommate pointed to the above paragraph description, "Which language is this, how can I not understand one?"

“German?” When Luo Fei saw the page, he felt very surprised. “Can she understand?”

"It must be just looking for it." The roommate couldn't understand, and cut the page without any interest.

After they found out the information they wanted, they found a place to start writing a thesis.

On this side, Ye Haohua is also doing some research.

She was sitting around Ye Tao. Although she was a younger brother, Ye Tao did not look like Ye Haohua.

He cleaned up, his eyebrows were big, his nose was high, and he seemed to have a feeling of mixed blood at first glance. He was two types of Ye Haohua, but it was also rare and handsome.

Especially when changing clothes, the whole person has more spirits.

The height of 185, when sitting here, attracted a lot of attention from the surrounding women.

There are quite a few sophomores and juniors who want to go forward. After seeing Ye Haohua around him, his face has changed for an incredible expression and he has left some contemptuous expressions.

The library is full of learning tyrants. Everyone is very serious about reading books. Ye Tao is a child who loves to play.

I prefer to work and don't want to study. I used to sit on the stool for twenty minutes.

But when he sat next to Ye Haohua, he felt that his brain was very clear.

In particular, the materials that Ye Yuhua gave him to organize are all started from the simple, the most basic things, and the analysis is very thorough.

When I saw the materials compiled by Ye Haohua, Ye Tao was thinking, if the books were written by Ye Haohua, they are not so easy to understand, there are not so many bells and whistles, not so stunned by the gossip. A teacher who has no passion, he will not learn so badly now.

Ye Tao, who had been watched for two hours by Ye Haohua, couldn’t help but whisper. "Sister, I have to tell my mother that I am going to study again. She won’t beat me with bamboo poles this year. ”

At the beginning, the family lacked money, but Ye’s mother did not agree with Ye Tao’s work. She had already said it to the factory.

Who knows that Ye Tao secretly took the ID card and went to the city of Ye Yuhua, and the Ye mother went home for the New Year and smoked Ye Tao, and Ye Tao did not change.

"Come on the time to test a champion, let her happy." Ye Haohua whispered.

"Don't, I can't do it. It's not bad to get into college." Ye Tao quickly waved his hand. In his heart, it was a miracle that he could go to college.

Ye Haohua ignored him and continued typing.

Ye Tao touched his nose, then took her cup of water and put a cup of hot water around her, and continued reading.

Not far from the Luo Fei two who are preparing to go out, both of them are curious, is Ye Haohua really studying in the library.

After all, Ye Haohua was committed to socializing.

The two looked at this side and just saw the piece that Ye Tao fetched to Ye Haohua. The roommate standing next to Luo Fei could not help but sneer. "I said she found a new thigh. I really don't know if you are worried about her." What are you doing with Feifei!"

Because Ye Xiaohua’s younger brother worked on the forum to raise her, these people’s impressions of Ye Haohua were very bad, and now they are falling to the bottom.

Luo Fei naturally frowned. He originally wanted to say hello to Ye Haohua, and she couldn’t help but turn around and leave.

It’s just a little strange to go.

The boy next to Ye Haohua, how do he feel a bit familiar?


Because Ye Tao’s image has changed too much, no one has been associated with the poor teenager in the forum.

Ye Haohua and Ye Tao read books and kept seeing the library closed. The private restaurant in the school was still closed. The two went in and ate something.

At this time, it is already eleven o'clock, and Ye Tao will naturally not let Ye Haohua walk the night.

Ye Haohua doesn't think anyone in this school can threaten her. The whole school can't threaten her, but she told Ye Tao.

Ye Tao boring her head, she had her go.

Although eleven people are few, but there are still people on the roadside, Ye Haohua's current popularity is not small.

The teenager around her immediately caught everyone’s attention.

As early as when she and Ye Tao were in the library, some people passed photos of the two to the school's forum. The forum had already built thousands of floors.

Ye Haohua’s roommates still don’t know about it. They only know that Xu Yifei didn’t pay attention to Ye Haohua for a week. He had already gloated.

But Ye Haohua doesn't seem to be a little decadent. It seems that the spirit is much better than before, and it looks even more eye-catching.

One of them couldn't help but hold his hands around his chest. The condescending irony said, "Ye Yuhua, you know that Xu Yufei is in the hospital. He also looks at other people. In fact, he just doesn't want to see you."

With so many people in the school, Xu Weifei’s hospitalization is unstoppable.

It’s just that Ye Haohua doesn’t pay attention to him, so I don’t know about it.

A few people in the dormitory waited for Ye Haohua’s lost soul or a very angry expression.

However, none of them.

Ye Haohua is just a strange raised eyebrow. "It turns out to be like this."

Then... no?

No, your boyfriend is lame, you are this expression? Also open the computer to write a thesis?

Ye Haohua did not pay attention to it, and even breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them are now breaking up, but they still have a difference of 120,000. After they are given to him, they have nothing to do with it.

After the class was finished the next day, she went to the library with a refreshing refreshment. Ye Tao has already helped her occupy the position.

The two went out to eat together in the afternoon. When they went out, they saw Luo Fei. The other party was holding a computer. It should have been eaten and just came over.

"Come with a friend to the library?" Seeing that Ye Haohua did not hide at all, and with the new joy to shake the city, Luo Fei could not help but sarcastically asked.

Ye Haohua did not immediately explain, but asked a question, "Which hospital does Xu Yufei live in?"

(End of this chapter)

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