Chapter 937 tarot cards (end) two more

"Fenghua, the female owner gave Ye Mingyu." Fenghua's agent whispered to the wind.

Fenghua now has not fully recovered his memory, but he also knows his status.

She can't believe it. Someone is rushing to grab resources with her. Who is so bold?

"Ye Mingyu, you know that she is Ye Family, Ye Haohua's cousin." The broker replied that in the past, the directors did not dare to offend the genius, the role of the wind, even if her image did not match, the director did not dare to say no.

But now that there is Ye Mingyu, the director has the confidence.

"Director, are you so bad?"

There are other resources in the hands of Fenghua, but she is angry.

The director twisted the eyebrows. "Fenghua, you also know that the online voting is Ye Mingyu. I want to use you. Netizens are not what we can deal with."

Fenghua sneered, did not speak, she did not play big cards twice.

"Would you like to find Shen San Shao?" The agent whispered to her on the side.

When I heard the agent, Fenghua felt that it was also.

And have not seen Shen Yunyun recently.

After coming out of the hospital, Shen Yunyun never looked for her again, which made Fenghua feel very uncomfortable.

She listened to her mother's words, was prepared to dry up and send clouds for a few days, waiting for him to come to her, but now Shen Yunyun did not find a leaf, she did not know who to dry.

"You go to Shen San Shao, Shen Sanxiao must be very happy." The agent is on the side, excited.

As the agent said, Fenghua was ready to go to Shen Yunyun.

The director thought that this was a trivial matter. I did not expect Fenghua to go to Shen Yunyun. He did not hear the name of Shen.

As long as Shen Jiayi speaks, their films will not be released even if they are successful.

"Fenghua, let's just say..." The director's face changed and he immediately chased it out. "This thing also depends on netizens. You can't let our entire crew work hard..."

However, Fenghua ignored him.

The two men clashed all the way, and when they walked outside the door, they just saw a blue car.

A woman in casual clothes came down from the front passenger seat of the car.

Her whole person looks very lazy.

"Is it a forest guide? Ming Yu is not there, I am looking for her." The woman saw the director and said a gentle sentence.

The director stunned and then excited, "Ye... Miss Ye?"

At the beginning of the variety show in the north and south of the Yangtze River, Ye Haohua played the Tarot card, the director naturally saw, Ye Haohua's face he remembers clearly.

After the excitement, he was even more astonished when he saw the sinking clouds on the driver's seat.

The entertainment circle is not a rumor that Shen Sanshao is the backing of Fenghua?

How are you with Ye Haohua now?

However, the director thinks, this is what the media said at random. Except for Shen Sanshao who saved people, the media has not photographed the two together.

Is this right? He said that Shen Sanshao’s eyes are so bad?

However, when I saw the pale face of Fenghua, the director’s heart was dark, “Mingyu is in the interview, I will take you to see.”

He respectfully pointed out the way to Ye Haohua.

Shen Yunyun was behind her and didn't look at the wind.

Ye Haohua followed the director and suddenly had a feeling of leaving. Finally, he asked Shen Yunyun, "Why do you want me to learn Tarot?"

Shen sent a cloud and paused. It seems to be a smile. "You will know when you wait."


What will happen?

When Ye Haohua didn't finish it, she felt that her consciousness was suddenly blurred, and then it seemed that she was caught up in the same situation.

(End of this chapter)

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