Chapter 935 750 Tarot (28) Four

Ye mother looked at Ye Yuhua talking to Ye Yezi, and wanted to say a few words with Ye Haohua.

But these days she was too close to Xue Jinxin. Ye Yuhua had a great change in her temperament. Ye mother and Ye Yuhua were completely unfamiliar. I didn’t know what to say to Ye Yuhua, and I sat still.

Waiting for Xue Jinxin to come over.

And she was sitting next to Ye Jinnian and did not look at Ye Haohua, but was anxiously waiting for Xue Jinxin to come back.

After a while, Ye mother received the news of Xue Jinxin.

She stood up in surprise and quickly went out to pick up Xue Jinxin, and Ye Haonian went out behind her.

Ye Yannian is as mixed as Ye Haohua. Now he doesn't care much about Ye's affairs. He admires Xue Jinxin, who is a Tarot card. In the eyes of young and **** teenagers, Tarot is more handsome.

Three people came in together, and Xue Jinxin re-attached a faint smile on his face.

Ye mother is a happy face, and Ye Yannian's face is completely worship.

"Grandfather, Jinxin is back. Do you know where she went?" Yem knew that Father and Ye father didn't like Xue Jinxin now, and immediately brought Xue Jinxin to the father.

Naturally, I also saw Ye Haohua around the old man, but now she has no feelings for Ye Haohua, and she is all on Xue Jinxin. I hope that through this matter, Xue Jinxin can change his family name.

It was too difficult for the child to live in the first half, and she was better at letting the other half live.

"She is going to the Tarot Association, a four-star Tarot Master."

Xue Jinxin saw Ye An and Ye Ershu uncle, they cast a surprised look and finally laughed.

The uncles of Ye Family feel that Ye’s father is a good life. His biological daughter is a master of Tarot. The foster daughter is the leader of Ye’s. How can this luck be so good?

Ye mother felt that she had finished, and the father and the leaf father would be very surprised.

Where can I think of it, she said, Ye Father, they have no expression at all.

"Father?" Ye mother felt a bit strange. "Jin Xin is the first tarot master of the family. Although the four stars are just getting started, it is really rare for us to have such a family. Do you want to surname her? ”

"You want to change back to the leaves?" Ye Yezi did not answer, directly looking at Xue Jinxin.

Xue Jinxin had doubts in her heart, but Ye did not deny that this was her original intention. She nodded directly.

"Well, then I will announce it to the outside tomorrow." Ye Laozi nodded faintly.

Ye mother is incredible. "It's that simple? Four-star masters, don't you have to ask for a banquet to announce it?"

When I heard Yem, the old man looked at Xue Jinxin and his face was still proud. He couldn’t help but shake his head. "The four-star master said that there are not many in the capital, but he said that there are not many leaves, there is no need to do a banquet. joke."

Seeing that the banquet force mostly looked at Xue Jinxin’s eyes, the old man added another sentence. “Right, I forgot to tell you that I just returned from the association. She is already the vice president of our Hualu Tarot Association. The only eight-star tarot master in Huaguo, there should be someone coming to Ye Family tomorrow. The news is unbearable. At this time, I hope you are prepared."

These people in the hall, those juniors such as Ye An, like Ye Haonian, think that the Tarot brand is very handsome and has been talking around Xue Jinxin.

Asked about her, but now I heard the words of Ye’s father, everyone was silent for a moment, then suddenly exploded.

Ye Lannian looked at Ye Haohua incredibly.

The mother-in-law looked up suddenly.

Originally, this chapter had to finish the world, but it was not finished, and there are still half chapters.

Good night today

(End of this chapter)

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