Chapter 929 tarot cards (23) two more

The two laughed and went out.

Outside the group of Xue Jinxin, they are preparing to go to the office to release the draft plan.

"Hurry up, I will have a meeting at 9:30." The group was in a hurry.

When someone was preparing the manuscript, the fingers couldn’t help but tremble.

Compared to their side, Ye Haohua is not clear here.

When a group of people was busy, they saw the opposite of no one. They couldn’t help but be fortunate in their hearts. Fortunately, they had time to join Xue Jinxin’s team.

At 9:30, the meeting of the planning department was opened on time.

It’s not only the top of Ye’s high-level meeting, but all the people in the planning department.

When Ye Haohua and Mei Jiamin arrived, there were not many people in the office.

The original owner of the conference also participated several times before, and Ye Haohua turned from the brain to the original position.

Although the original owner is a leisure time, but the manager's position plus is the daughter of Ye Zong, the position at the meeting is still relatively high.

The sign that wrote the original name was taken away.

In the third position on the left, it is just next to Ye Jia's second uncle.

Mei Jiamin took the file in his hand, and Ye Haohua took a mobile phone and sat in this position.

She has never forgotten that there are no notes to remember at this meeting, simply bring a mobile phone.

However, this scene is seen in the eyes of other high-level Ye family, one can not help but shake his head.

"Lead manager, I am sorry," at this time, the person in charge of the meeting wiped the sweat on his head and held a new brand in his hand. "This seat is Xue’s manager..."

He held the sign in his hand and was somewhat helpless.

"This is the position of Mr. Ye, how can it become the manager of Xue?" Mei Jiamin stood behind Ye Haohua and was somewhat angry.

This high-level person is too much to do this.

Even if the seat is given to Xue Jinxin, shouldn’t it be teleported backwards? Directly removing Ye Haohua from this conference table?

"Ye, manager, sorry, sitting in the company's top management, this planning is very important." Ye's high-level skin smiled and said: "Rescue you to sit with other employees." ”

This is clearly a bully. Mei Jiamin opened his mouth and wanted to argue something, but was stopped by Ye Haohua.

"Nothing." Ye Haohua gave her a look.

Then I walked to the left.

On the left are the employees of the company. Although Ye Haohua’s identity was taken out, Ye Haohua was still a very powerful figure in their eyes, leaving the first position to Ye Haohua.

Mei Jiamin did not say anything, and sat with Ye Haohua.

When Ye Father came, he saw Ye Haohua sitting on one side and paused.

The secretary's brow around him was screwed up slightly. He inquired a few words before he whispered to Ye.

"What happened to this position?" Ye Father stood on his own seat and asked a few words at first.

Everyone who lays the seat is heart-wrenching. However, other shareholders of Ye’s family have long seen that Ye’s father is not pleasing to the eye. He has long wanted to find a reason to cast Ye’s father out.

"Ye Zong, this time the position is ranked according to the bidding candidates. Do you have any opinions?" A shareholder asked.

Any comments? Of course there are.

Ye father just wanted to talk, but he received a peace of mind from Ye Haohua.

Ye father endured the words of the mouth.

When I saw Ye Father, the other people looked at each other and could see the ridicule of the other side.

It was at this time that Xue Jinxin was late with her group of planners.

When she came, several major shareholders stood up and smiled very warmly and greeted Xue Jinxin with great enthusiasm.

It’s totally different from the one who just came to Ye Hao, who loves to ignore it.

"Shu manager, you are just here." Just the big shareholder, also greeted Xue Jinxin with a handshake at the door.

These high-level members of Yip's are not fools. They have arranged their own eyeliner in every department. Of course, there are also planning departments. Especially after Xue Jinxin came, at least half of the office is the eyeliner of these people.

They know the specific process of Xue Jinxin's planning.

The plan that Xue Jinxin signed was the biggest one that Ye’s signed in three years.

Yeh has now gone downhill. Without any innovation, he is eating old, but now the industry is developing faster and faster, and it is no longer possible to eat old people.

Fortunately, Jin plans to bid for a new project, and there is Xue Jinxin. In the next few years, this joint venture must be the mainstream of Ye.

The major shareholders of these companies naturally know the relationship.

Xue Jinxin directly asked people to send a copy of the plan, and then spoke to the plan.

"This joint venture has just begun, and we have not enough people." Jin plans to open.

"There is a department responsible for recruiting people." Ye Ershu did not dare to scream when Ye Haohua came. The scene that he sent the cloud last night was really scaring him. He only spoke when he heard the sound of gold planning.

Gold planning is also awkward. "If you recruit people, our office is not enough."

“The planning room is not small,” the big shareholder glanced at Ye Haohua. “Ye, manager, what happened to your cooperation with Shen?”

"Alright." Ye Haohua's careless words.

This is still a slap in the eyes of major shareholders.

"In this case, you only have two people in this group, and you still have half of the office. If you move out, I will let you find another one again." The major shareholder simply does not think that Ye Haohua can really sign a contract with Shen. It is better to push Xue Zhou to personally affect Xue Jinxin.

(End of this chapter)

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