Chapter 914 tarot cards (8) three more

A group of maids who are not far from Ye’s home are also facing each other.

Originally they thought that Xue Jinxin was back, and Ye Haohua must give way.

Seeing this situation at the moment, they are more or less disappointed, watching Ye Haohua's expression with some disdain.

I did not think that Ye Father actually stood on Ye Haohua.

I really don’t know what Ye’s father is thinking. There is such a wonderful daughter of Xue Jinxin. It’s still so good for Ye Haohua. Isn’t this a lost watermelon and sesame seeds?

A group of servants thought so, but now they dare not respect Ye Haohua.

Xue Jinxin saw that Ye Haohua’s back had to disappear, and finally added a faint sentence. “Xue Jinhong needs the contact information of relatives. My parents have no time to manage him. All my money is given to him. Now I also No, he will give your mobile number to his assistant."

Xue Jinhong, the former pro-brother, is a full-blown gangster who smokes and drinks in high school.

However, he grew better and was explored as a star by scouts, but he has always been very confused.

At the moment, Xue Jinxin’s heat is just right, and a variety show has taken a fancy to him.

Xue Jinhong’s assistant took the heat and wanted Xue Jin’s last mirror.

Because of Xue Jinhong's rebellion before, Xue Jin was upset that he was annoying to die, and he would go to the variety show with him. She changed her hand to give Ye Jinhua's mobile phone number to Xue Jinhong's assistant.

After all, Xue Jinhong is just a small star who has been immersed in the 18th line. Now he can have a variety show. His assistant is of course concerned.

So I contacted Xue Jinxin early.

After knowing that Xue Jinxin, who is very famous on the Internet, is coming, he is also very concerned about it. He even used Xue Jinxin to quarrel a fever and let the program ratings rise.

Xue Jinxin saw the heat rising up on the Internet and could not help but sneer.

When the time came out, the audience found that only Ye Haohua, there is a good look, Xue Jinhong and Ye Haohua, the brothers and sisters, the reputation will only get worse and worse, see how they will end.

Xue Jinxin is very clear that the advantages of one person on TV may not be obvious, but the shortcomings of one person will be magnified to countless times.

When Ye Haohua received a text message from the assistant and saw that the other party called her "Miss Xue", she knew what was going on.

She immediately sent a text message to the other party, telling her that she arrived ten minutes later, and very kindly said that she is not Miss Xue, but Miss Ye.

The assistant didn't react at first, and when it came to the reaction, it was directly blown up. "Director...Director! Not good!"

The director is now preparing for the arrival of Xue Jinxin.

He also specially prepared the Tarot card.

The popularity of the Internet has been fried, and netizens are very much looking forward to their activities.

"What's wrong?" The director smiled at Xue Jinhong's assistant. "So rushed and dry? Isn't Miss Xue arrived?"

"It’s not Miss Xue, it’s... Miss Ye." Assistant.

The director's face began to darken. He looked at the tarot cards he had prepared for, and the guests tonight. He specially invited Fenghua, and now he told him that he was not Xue Jinxin. What did he speculate on the Internet?

When the public opinion arrives, I don’t know if I can control it.

"Miss Ye has arrived." The assistant looked at the text message on the phone. "I am going to pick her up?"

"Go and go." The director waved his hands very irritably and his face was dark.

Ye Haohua, he also heard that Ye Jia’s daughter, although there is a burst of points, but the other side has no flash point, there is no effect on the variety show, his planned script is not used now, very not optimistic This season's show.

(End of this chapter)

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