Chapter 905 905 weapons (19) four more

"Yes, I actually knew it already," Ye Haohua nodded. It seemed to be a bit ridiculous. "Do you know that I will practice medicine?"

Shenran certainly knows how amazing her medical skills are.

"In the beginning, I was still wondering why Yan Wang would swear at me until I went to Ye Family to see my sister. She was sick in her mother's womb." Ye Haohua looked at the people very calmly. "I knew you in that time." I have thought about it. I thought that when you went up the mountain last time, you would kill me directly. After all, you have been holding a few stones in your hand, but I am also very surprised that you did not kill me."

Suddenly, I went back several times, my face was pale, my lips were trembling, and my former self-righteous luck disappeared at this time.

It turned out... It turned out that she knew it from the beginning!

Mrs. Shen was completely out of force at this time, but she couldn’t say a word, but she went to the face of silence, and slammed him with a slap. "Suddenly, the loss of China has also saved you, you are true." The idiot!"

Silently squatting on the ground, his lips squatting tightly, and a request did not say much.

Shen Shen is only fortunate. Fortunately, Ye Haohua is still fine now. If not, how can he dare to meet his sister after he died?

"Yuyu, you leave Shenjia." Shen Fu turned his eyes to Ye Yuyu, looking at the crazy color on her face, and even some could not believe it, this is Ye Yuyu, "I will let people The countryside will set up a house for you, and don’t come to Beijing in the future."

Hearing the words of Shen Fu, Ye Haoyu finally couldn’t help but widen his eyes, "Hey!"

If it was before, I heard the voice of Ye Yuyu, and the father couldn’t bear it.

I just heard Ye Taoyu’s vicious words, and Shen’s father could not afford any sympathy for her.

Ye Haohua only stood on one side. There were too many scenes she had seen. It was difficult to shake her heart at the moment.

"Master, madam, eight emperors are coming!" The outside guards sang.

How did the Eight Emperors come this time?

The people present, including Yan Wang, were very surprised, but the group had not gone outside to welcome the hundred emperors, and the eight emperors entered the yard.

The Eight Emperors are the most favored princes in the Holy Order today. They are highly arrogant, and both the ministers and the emperors value him very much.

The emperor has now gradually handed over the memorial to the eight emperors.

This shows that the eight emperors now have status and status.

Even Ye Yuyu had a sigh of relief, and then quickly looked up and looked out the door. She had never seen the Eight Emperors, but only listened to people outside.

It is at night.

The moon is rarity, and the lanterns are hung on the eaves and promenades of Yejia.

Dressed in a white robes, the sleeves and skirts are embroidered with dragons. It seems to be the person standing in front of the house. His eyebrows are slightly picky and unparalleled.

Cheng Yan has always been a popular figure in the capital, not only because of his identity, but also because he has a good look.

The royal family is basically not ugly.

Ye Yuyu thinks that Cheng Yan is already a very rare beautiful man. I didn't think that the most outstanding appearance of the royal family turned out to be the Eight Emperors.

Even the journey is far behind.

"Eight emperors." Cheng Yanchao Cheng Yunfei slightly tilted.

Cheng Yunfei was a sullen face, walked to Ye Haohua, looked at the red traces on her wrist, and his face was terrible. "This is why you want to stay in Shen?"

Ye Haohua touched her nose, and there was no excitement to speak. She certainly avoided the design of Ye Yuyu.

However, in order to expose the true face of Ye Yuyu, there is still the death of the former Lord. In the past, these people owe the original owner. They also hope that they will remember it a little bit.

Cheng Yan did not speak. At the beginning, he returned to Ye Haohua for Ye Yuyu, but now his heart naturally points to Ye Haohua.

Seeing that Cheng Yunfei actually held Ye Haohua’s other hand, and Ye Haohua had not refused, Cheng Yan’s face changed. “Eight emperors, you...”

"Worrying the descendants of Ye Family, Cheng Yan, you are waiting to see the father in the morning tomorrow!" Cheng Yun looked at Cheng Yan faintly, and finally put his gaze on Shen Shen. "I don't trust her to stay here, she will immediately Take her back to the emperor's house."

The sinking father at the moment is tired and doesn't know what to say.

However, he believes that Ye Haohua’s decision is that there is no aunt Shi Han in the Eight Emperors’ House, and he has an abnormal trust in his father.

Seeing that Cheng Yun’s fingers were clasping Ye’s wrists tightly, Ye Yuyu’s eyes were filled with blood. She lost Cheng Yan and she was still sheltered, but she also tore open Ye Qihua and their cracks.

She thought that Ye Haohua would be like that in the end.

But Ye Haoyu did not think back, Ye Haohua actually had a better person behind him!

"You don't like it. You have my blood now. You won't be better than me. You can't live more than me for a few years!" Ye Haoyu said to Cheng Yunfei loudly.

Ye Haohua did not intend to pay attention to Ye Yuyu.

However, the side of the body has not always liked to pay attention to the multi-way Yun Fei suddenly stopped to look at Ye Yuyu, "Do you know why she is not worried at all?"

"What?" Ye Yuyu stunned.

"Huahua will be medical, and it is not low. Although your body is seriously ill, she told me that she can be cured, so she is not afraid that you will change her blood." Cheng Yunfei added a very stinging father. If you say, "Ye Yuyu, Yan Hua is able to cure your illness. Before she entered the city, she told me that she wanted to cure you, but unfortunately, you have no chance now."

After the end, Huahua wants to write a picture of this world.

It’s just that my brother was born in this world to the original world of the original Lord. Then he went to the original world of the original owner with Yune, and wanted to make a sound when he wrote it.

This world is almost the same, there is still a chapter at most, tomorrow's new world

Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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