Lancelot browses tightly knit. Although he had been told that this might happen before, even he could not expect that the Lion King would bring the whole army to fight. Is it really worth paying attention to here?

Zhao Huang, does that make her nervous?

Lancelot was glad that he was still alive when he thought of this. If you stupidly meet Zhao Huang and go to war, he would have died without accomplishing one thing he should do now.

…Sure enough, Age Guiwen is very suspicious. Although he seemed to be a dedicated assistant officer, secretly he would place himself under the Knights of the round table as his colleagues. If Lancelot hadn’t had a sad blessing, he really couldn’t see such a thing.

It’s just that, even if he could see it, he had been guerrillas all the time, unable to find an opportunity to report to the king and expose his evil deeds.

Now, he is convinced that the first summon’s Ager rule text is the culprit that caused the king to lose his heart and embark on evil ways.

So, he will fight to change the Lion King back to King Arthur. 1st Step, let’s start by defeating Age Guiwen.

“Our military strength is not enough. Just relying on Suzhen Knight, no matter how reliable it is, it is limited. Even if they can defeat one hundred, dozens of people are too few. Moreover, the opponent also has Suzheng. Knight.”

The expression on Bediwell’s face is also very ugly. The king’s looming approach aroused the fear in his heart, but he had already had a good talk with Matthew and Lancelot, so he was now fully awakened. However, the overwhelming lack of troops made him wonder if he could repay his sins well.


The communicator made a sound, and Roman’s voice came from Tachibana.

“A large number of lifeform reactions and high magic reactions have been detected…! It came from the desert side!”

“It is a hot sand lion. Pharaoh has sent troops!”

Ma Xiu exclaimed, the sadness on her face disappeared-she almost forgot about it!

“Hot Sand Sphinx?! Sphinx? Did you actually move that pharaoh? There are thousands of them-even more!”

Roman was surprised The loud shouts brought vitality to the dull temple.

That’s Ozmandias, that arrogant, self-confident and narcissistic collection. It is indeed Tachibana who can move him!

But in fact, even Tachibana himself didn’t expect, and Pharaoh’s casual remark about the general promise was really fulfilled.

“It’s a group of mythical beasts that can be opponents by ordinary followers and many enemies. It’s a terrifying army.”

Lancelot is also sighed in relief. If this is the case, even if the Holy Capital is almost attacked by the entire army, it is no longer invincible. However, there is still a serious problem that is sufficient and insufficient to mention on equal terms.

“Relying on the terrain, this battle can end without even spreading to the temple. However, the premise is that we can block the Lion King.”

That is regarded as a Spiritual God The lion king of existence. Even if he was blessed, Lancelot could not beat King Arthur, let alone the Lion King. Although Bediwell-ching was much stronger than when he was alive, he still did not exceed the scope of the round table Knight. Matthew’s strength is mainly reflected in the defense, and King Arthur also admitted that she can not deal with the Lion King.

putting it that way, is there really only that person?

“It’s okay. Mr. Zhao Huang said it would be fine to leave it to him. After the battle, we will let the Lion King enter the temple and stop others.”

Ma Xiu’s response , Let Lancelot be clearly nodded. Yes, Spiritual God should be handed over to Spiritual God to deal with.

The king will face the king.

The rest, just look at their respective struggles.

“Shengdu’s round table Knight, there should be only Gao Wenqing and Age Zhiwen. I am going to fight against Age Zhiwen, who will do Gao Wenqing’s opponent?”

“–Gawain will leave it to me.”

Altolia, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said.

Lancelot is nodded, expressing understanding. After so many days, he still failed to find a suitable attitude to face the current King Arthur.

“So, what should Tachibana and Matthew do? And so is Bedeville. Among the enemies, the ones that need to be vigilant are the two Knights of the Round Table and the Lion King. Priority should be given to defeating the Round Table Knight?”

Roman’s words made Tachibana and Bediwell fall into thinking.

Their choices will affect the situation of the battle. If the wrong choice is made, it is likely to cause unnecessary sacrifices and even lead the balance of victory to the losing side.

“–There is no need to be so entangled.”

Suddenly, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and the boy with black hair walked out.

His aura is restrained, and even his magical response is minimal, and he is only maintaining the materialization with the minimum magic output.

It looks like a lone soul that may disappear at any time.

However, his eyes are incredibly divine. Whoever sees these eyes can feel the firm will in them.

“The Lion King is the strongest enemy in this singularity. For the safety of the master, I don’t want the master to get too close here. However, with the protection of Matthew, the master really It’s not impossible to want to come. As for Bediwell… you have something you want to do. Then join me and witness to the end.”


Bedwell clenched his right fist, nodded seriously.

“Well, I also agree with Zhao Huang’s opinion. The power of the Lion King, we have not been able to see the full picture. But just what we have seen is enough to adjust her risk to the maximum Advanced. However, it is precisely because of this that Tachibana cannot leave Zhao Huang too far. The last lord of mankind is the core of Chaldea and the only existence that cannot be lost in the battle designated by the crown. If the Lion King intends to kill first If you die, you don’t find Zhao Huang, then it’s all over.”

Roman’s consideration was more cautious.

The Lion King is the Goddess of the Holy Spear. Gods and humans have different values, and the methods of action are relatively straightforward. If she thinks that killing the master can break the Chaldean side faster, then Tachibana must not leave Zhao Huang too far.

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