But such a blow did not completely dispel the nearby sandstorm.

Vaguely, a melodious bell rang in the weak sandstorm clinging to the ground.

When the light goes out, there is nothing on the earth. Only a piece of translucent blue hem, drifting with the wind, fell into Tachibana’s hand, who was staring blankly, and disappeared without a trace.

“The king’s prediction is indeed correct… It is obviously only this time. I hope it is just a joke.”

When I reached Tristan, ten kilometers away, I turned my head to feel the brightness of the sun rising like the earth.

The storm rolled up his red hair, his face filled with pain and sadness, his eyes slowly opened.

He stared directly at the light that could burn the retina with an indifferent and ruthless gaze.

“The king who does not understand the human heart does not need to exist. The Lion King who truly understands the human heart is the one who is worthy of my loyalty…. It’s so sad that you, like you, tarnish the name of Knight. The evil fakes actually have the same body as my king.”

However, even in the delicate fakes, it is impossible to win the real ones. The sanctions of the Lion King, the purification pillar of the Holy Spear Lungominiad, will make her understand this truth–

at least in the end of her life, let her understand her stupidity.

“It’s boring. But in this way, those small mountain people are over. It’s a good thing to end all of this without pulling the bowstring. But if the king takes action, it can only Shows my uselessness. It’s… sad.”

PS: I didn’t want to describe the confrontation from Zhao Huang’s perspective, but there are just a bunch of interstellar posts in the author’s group. I thought about it. I think, writing from the perspective of Altria, it is really possible that some people can’t see it, so forget it…

015 One sword can beheaded, the martial art of the realm of Tao

Tachibana stood there blankly.

What dissipated in her hand was undoubtedly the corner of that person’s clothes. Whether it is Lingzibo or Magic Wave, they are unique and unmatched things that belong to that person.

But there is hope.

As a master, there is another way to prove that everything he thinks is nothing but superfluous delusions–

“Altriya! What about the contract… through summon. What about the contract?”

“Unfortunately, the lord of mankind. The contract between me and him is broken.”


Ma Xiu, who was listening to all of this, could not make any sound, just stared wide-eyed.

Everything is so sudden, and I still don’t know what the situation is. I just met a round table Knight and lost a reliable companion.

Life is such a fragile thing, it has always been an existence that has nothing to do with strength. As that piece of clothing dissipated, Ma Xiu planted some will that she didn’t know about herself.

“The Lion King is here for me. She wants to kill me. It seems that she also has a court magician similar to Merlin, so she can use Stargazer Art to predict my arrival , And be prepared for all this. What happened today is not accidental. As long as we meet the round table Knight, I am afraid all this will happen.”

Unlike Tachibana and Matthew, who felt sad, Altria’s face is not at all superfluous. Neither sad nor angry. All she has is cold reason that is incompatible with the frenzy that should have been overflowing.

“Fujimaru Tachibana, I will conclude a contract with you and offer the sword temporarily. Let’s go, Master, go to the holy capital. It won’t be that simple, just forget it. Since she is using the holy spear Cut the fetters with one blow, then I will use the sword in my hand to let her see the power of what she wants to abandon.”

Under Roman’s proficient operation, Saberwithin the body’s magic power supply source Replaced by the heart of the Chaldean magic furnace. She was avoided as a result of dissipating, and raised the Demon Sword in her hand.

The Chaldean magic hearth is no better than a direct connection to the Great Saint Cup, and its output ability has returned to the normal level at once. However, the average level is sufficient. She knows how many catties and how many taels from the former colleagues.

The blow of this holy gun is the horn of war. From this moment on, Altria would not hesitate anymore.

Although somewhere in her heart she still believes that Zhao Huang will not be defeated so easily, but she is more aware of the performance of the Holy Spear. Even if it is a god, soaking in the brilliance, there is only a dead end.

The gun shining at the border, the guardian spirit’s long beam, the holy spear Lungominiad-since humans took up the seat of the primate, the way this planet exists has changed , This star holy gun is the Guardian of this change process.

The Anchor of Lan that tied the stars has begun to liberate [Thirteen Constraints], this blow is proof. Therefore, what the Lion King can do and what he wants to do, Altria has already had a guess in her heart.

What she wants to do is definitely not what the man expects.

So, what you have to do is simple.

“Tachibana, Matthew. Next, we will be enemies with the holy. I will defeat both Knight of the Round Table or the Lion King himself. As King Arthur, I will not approve of her behavior.”

The person who really recognizes is already not in, then the status of the follower naturally loses its meaning. Knight’s creed is good, but the king’s arrogance is good as an armor.

Regardless of Hassan, who was busy unifying the scattered compatriots, Altria took Tachibana and Matthew around the area that was still emitting high temperatures, passing through the area of ​​the crater, and moved straight. towards the holy capital.

And Hassan, it wasn’t until after his compatriots gathered together that he had saved his entire group, and the people who had kept hope from the impossible survival sage had disappeared without a trace.

“That’s the last lord of mankind…this kind of grace, I will never forget Hassan when I am drunk. The Cursed Arm is right, it’s time to give up my thoughts. Hey Fortunately, I even parted ways with him. Now it seems that I am naive.”

Looking at the direction of the holy capital one last time, the drunken man pulled up his hood and greeted his compatriots to leave. Slowly disappeared into the night.


The huge sandstorm made Zhao Huang unable to see clearly.

Silf’s power was cut off by an invisible flash long ago. If it weren’t for Zhao Huang to explode all the power of the wind, it would be not just a corner of his clothes that would be cut off, but his head.

At the same time, the contract with Saber and Chaldea was also broken. However, Zhao Huang did not have the extra energy to detect this.

That was a blow that you couldn’t even see. Zhao Huang’s ability to escape depends on the strength of the wind, luck and time. If he was a spearman, he might be able to catch the trajectory of this attack with his own eyes, but he was weakened as a mage, so he didn’t have to think about it.

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