
Chapter 412: Exercise Start

After discussing the development direction of aerospace technology with Li Xiang, Chen Nian finally ended his day's work.

However, this does not mean that he stopped thinking completely. In fact, even when he was having dinner with Li Xiang and Wang Jiancheng, his mind was still thinking about "going into space with electric power".

You can say that this thing is easy to realize, and it is indeed easy to realize. After all, with the blessing of room temperature superconducting technology, the power limit of the motor is increased geometrically, and it is not difficult to fly casually in the atmosphere.

But if you say that it is difficult to achieve, it is really difficult.

The reason is simple, there is no atmosphere in space.

Without oxygen, there is no working medium. Without working medium, the traditional "fan engine" is useless.

To solve this problem, either install an additional jet engine like the picture in Chen Nian's mind, or really only have no working fluid engine.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Damn, go around, dare to go around the Nantianmen project again?

If you really want to do this, it's better to install the electric motor on the aerial platform.

Sure enough, the space carrier is the ultimate destination of mankind

However, he didn't give up immediately, but turned on the system to test the source consumption of several kinds of non-propellant engines.

The results were disappointing.

Whether it is electromagnetic propulsion, ion propulsion or the legendary gravitational propulsion, the source point consumption is full of question marks.


Well, at least it proves that these things still exist, it’s just that the current technology accumulation can’t reach it.

Chen Nian reluctantly took a mouthful of food and put it into his mouth. Wang Jiancheng looked at his unpredictable expression curiously, and asked:

"Senior, what's the matter? Why do you keep your face in one minute?"

Hearing this, Li Xiang couldn't help being a little funny.

"Leave him alone, he's thinking about something, I guess I gave him a bad idea."

"It's not a bad idea."

Chen Nian waved his hand and replied:

"It's just going around and coming back, it's okay, it's not urgent work to leave this thing alone."

"What job?"

Wang Jiancheng asked curiously.

"Astronautics, or more precisely, space delivery."

Li Xiang briefly recounted the previous discussion with Chen Nian to Wang Jiancheng. Wang Jiancheng nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"Why not use a space elevator?"

Hearing this, Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment, and then explained dumbfoundingly:

"Space elevators are actually not as efficient as you might imagine in the current environment. Its core design concept is actually to solve the problem of 'sustained acceleration' so that humans can enter at a relatively low initial speed." Space."

"But the problem is that it will only exist at the end of technological development - it should be said that it is more like a downgrading and sinking solution after the technology is highly mature."

"It's like the evolution of small eDonkeys at the peak of motorcycle development. Lower mileage, slower speed, and cheaper prices are the competitive advantages."

"If you want to ask the reason, it is actually very simple: space elevators have too high requirements for materials. If human technology can meet its material requirements, using other directions can save more costs and achieve a higher cost-effectiveness ratio. .”

"In a word, it can be the sand that fills the gaps, but it will certainly not be the cornerstone of the main body."

"However, it is indeed a very grand romantic fantasy—like a Dyson sphere."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Jiancheng couldn't wait to ask:

"Didn't it mean that carbon nanotubes can now reach the strength of a space elevator? I was looking forward to it before."

"Carbon nanotubes can only be achieved in terms of theoretical strength, but is it calculated based on theoretical strength in engineering?"

"How to consider the intergranular defects of materials? How to consider cheap? How to mass produce ideal defect-free materials? Is the safety factor up to standard?"

"These are all problems, and they are all problems that cannot be solved in the short term."

"Only after the technology develops to the level of 'exceeding expectations' will it be possible for human beings to turn around and engage in space elevators."


Wang Jiancheng nodded sincerely. Obviously, Chen Nian's logic could convince him.

"Then what are you going to do now? Or go in the original directions?"

"Yes, let's take a look first, let's point out the line of the electric motor for the time being."

"What you said is as simple as this direction. If other people hear it, they will probably die of anger directly."

Li Xiang couldn't help but interjected, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and finally skipped the topic.

The dinner was simple, and naturally it didn't take much time. After the meal, the three of them were not in a hurry to go back. Instead, they took a walk along the path in the park and chatted with Wang Jiancheng about going abroad.

He will leave for Qatar next week. Although there are people leading the team to guarantee the whole process, he is still a little nervous about leaving the familiar domestic environment for the first time.

".So when it's time for free activities, can I go shopping at the local mall? Or do I have to move within the prescribed resident range?"

"...let Lee want to explain to you."

Chen Nian was too lazy to answer such a naive question, so he simply threw it to Li Xiang, who belonged to the big intelligence outlet.

The latter also couldn't laugh or cry, but seeing Wang Jiancheng's eager expression, he explained patiently:

"The process of going abroad for key personnel, especially confidential personnel, is not as free as you might think."

"In theory, you can indeed go out and hang out during free time, but the problem is that this so-called 'walking' is different from what you understand."

"You have to write a travel plan the night before, report the purpose of the trip, and explain the details of each of your footholds, the time of stay at each foothold, matters, and the trajectory of activities."

"When it's time to go, there will be a special team for cross-monitoring you. If your actions go off track, even for just a minute, it will be a serious control accident."

"Maybe I won't deal with you on the spot, but you don't want to sleep this night, just write the report honestly."

"So, I suggest that you don't run around—wait honestly at the station. After the free time, the organization will arrange one or two group activities. Then it will be the real entertainment time."

"But also pay attention, you must not leave the team, otherwise, this will be a hidden stain on your resume"

"So troublesome?"

Wang Jiancheng asked in surprise.

"Then what else? What do you think you have in your hands? It is a technology that can subvert the way the army will fight in the future."

"I don't know how many people are staring at your group, but we are strictly guarding against it now, and there have been no leaks for the time being."

"Forget it, I'll just stay here."

Wang Jiancheng said kindly.

Looking at his expression, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Still young.

No matter what you are, you are still curious about the outside world.

Unlike myself, at this age, I don't plan to go out to see it anymore.


Well, it's not impossible to really go out, when the inside and outside are not distinguished, it's time to go out unscrupulously

A few days later, when Chen Nian started the new electric engine project with 606, 624, and 621, on the other hand, Wang Jiancheng had already flown to Qatar with the technical team and arrived at Ras Rakila in the northeast of Doha. Temporary residence.

In fact, rather than saying that this is a "resident", it is better to say that this is a newly planned industrial zone.

Large-scale infrastructure construction activities have already started. There are temporary iron-sheet houses and large-scale infrastructure equipment from China everywhere. The workers on the site communicate loudly with Chinese accents that are familiar with all over the world. This situation even made Li Xiang forget. I am already in Qatar, but I suspect that this is a new base in the northwest region.

Only when he saw the heavy transport planes taking off and landing on the newly built airstrip two kilometers away from the "big construction site" did he truly realize his situation.

But at this time, his feelings can only be described as "magic".

This is simply unbelievable.

Think about it 10 years ago, even in our own country, we still had to be on guard against high-altitude reconnaissance and electronic provocations from our opponents. Military planes, not to mention unscrupulous takeoffs and landings, even leaving the hangar, were sometimes counted as A dangerous move.

But now, we have actually opened up our first official "overseas base", which is still a well-organized base with sufficient combat effectiveness.

what does that mean?

This means that the goal of "realizing strategic projection through large air platforms" that I previously conceived has been realized in a new form.

After this goal was achieved, Huaxia's "control" over this area also increased visibly to the naked eye.

After all, it is the number one monster raised from Gu in the monster room in East Asia. Not to mention that in the future long-term plan, there will be an entire synthetic brigade stationed here. Even with the current standard of half a synthetic battalion, it can already Teach any opponent here a lesson.


Of course, some thorns may not believe this fact. According to the information he has obtained, among the countries that oppose the integration of the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey is the one that jumped the most.

But Wang Jiancheng knew that after this joint exercise, all doubts would come to naught.

He's confident in that.

Not only because of the suppression of equipment, but more importantly, because of the almost mature killer in their hands.

Cham Lu.

The combat power shown by this AI far exceeds everyone's imagination. To some extent, it has indeed subverted the way modern army combat.

As for the specific combat power

The exercise after six days will become a stage for it to perform alone

Passing through the periphery of the construction site, Wang Jiancheng finally arrived at the real interior of the resident. The infrastructure here is much better than that of the large construction site. The barracks have been basically completed, and various equipment including radars have been put in place. , is actually no different from the battalion-level resident he saw in China.

After putting down his luggage, Wang Jiancheng had no time to rest. The notification of the battle situation analysis meeting had been sent to his personal interrupt. He immediately went to the command center to discuss the plan for this exercise.

And when he opened the door and walked in, several commanders had already started a discussion. Everyone here knew him, so there was no need to make additional introductions. After simply nodding, the discussion continued.

".So this exercise is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the Air Force's 'air darts' subject. Because the air power of the participating parties is quite different, the competition and actual combat in this part are of little significance. In fact, it is a performance. Lord."

"With the cooperation of the Air Force, we won't think about it."

"The second part is the maritime search and rescue exercise, and the location is the Persian Gulf-nothing to talk about, just going through the motions to set the tone."

"The third part, joint Army exercises, is what we're really thinking about."

"This joint exercise will be divided into two teams, red and blue. Our side and the Russian side will serve as the leaders of the red and blue teams respectively, and each will lead half of the multi-national participating teams to participate in the exercise."

"To a certain extent, our combat purpose is not to 'conquer', but to 'conquer together'."

"That is to say, as the red team, even if we can win the exercise purely on our own strength, we cannot do so."

"We need to ensure the coordination and cooperation of the participating groups so that they can play their due role in the exercise."

"Or to put it more bluntly: what we must guarantee is the minimum battle damage and the highest survival rate of friendly units."

"This point has been made clear in our previous plan, can it be done?"

Hearing his words, several people in the command room frowned.

In fact, even if it is a directly subordinate team that is completely under its own command system, it is an exaggeration to talk about "going to minimize battle damage" in a high-intensity confrontation environment.

Because you can't guarantee that there will be no accidents during the battle, and you can't ask the opponent to cooperate with your performance according to your plan.

No matter how weak the old man is, he is still a strong opponent with long battles and rich actual combat experience. The difference in the army equipment between the two sides is not too big. It is not difficult to win, but a big victory?

No one can be sure.

What's more, now I have to bring a bunch of oil bottles.

Seeing that no one answered, the commander-in-chief slammed the table and continued:

"If you don't answer, then I will take it as your acquiescence."

"After the official start, let's execute it according to the scenario."

"When the time comes, if something goes wrong in the middle, or if the expected result is not achieved, all of you, just wait and see!"

The commander-in-chief's tone was harsh, and the others wanted to refute, but they felt it was not the time, so they had no choice but to shut their mouths and nod silently.

However, in this silence, Wang Jiancheng suddenly spoke:

"We can try—it's not impossible."

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes immediately focused on him.

He has long been used to such scenes, so he continued to speak:

"I don't understand the specific combat matters, and I don't participate in them."

"However, as the technical support personnel this time, I personally think that if we can make some technical adjustments, the difficulty may be reduced if we want to achieve the expected combat goals."

His words are relatively conservative, but everyone can hear the confidence in his words.

"How to do it?"

The commander-in-chief asked.

Wang Jiancheng didn't hesitate, but said bluntly:

"Connect all participating units of the team members to the one-way data link, and Zhanlu will conduct unified dispatch on them."

Hearing this, the commander-in-chief frowned.

"The problem now is that they don't have a complete data link system, and our command has no focus."

"It's okay, they don't need to have it."

"Anyway, we don't expect them to really play a role in combat, so the information we need is only location information."

"What they have to do is just to run the position."

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