Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4378: The decree of the universe, disappeared

In these short days, all the sites under his command were attacked, and the fighting situation not only did not disappear, but intensified.

Those offensive forces will never stop unless they capture the territory under his command.


The one-eyed bald figure flew quickly.

The one-eyed bald face was ugly and inexplicable, but at the same time it was full of guilt.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked with a bald-eyed face in his eyes.

"Can't find it?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded hard, "My lord, this thing is really strange and weird."

"The previous offensive forces, the forces from all walks of life, and the hegemonic forces such as Tian Luomen, etc., as long as the offenders, we can at least find some traces and find out that they are related to Lin Yin, so as to determine the origin ."

"This time, there is no trace of it."

"We still don't understand why so many big forces have joined forces to target our blood inflammation world."

"In the past few days of investigation, more and more big forces have surfaced, and the pressure on our blood inflammation world is getting worse."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes when he heard the words.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi slowly opened his mouth, "The **** mission of Wanjie Commercial Bank will continue as usual."

"But all other tasks and transactions in various regions, including the hunting missions, the trading of the corpses of the spirit swallowing tribe, etc., all stop."

"Except for the combat power assigned to the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank's **** mission, the rest, all combat power from various regions returned to defend the territory."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Even if it is the overlord force, even if the heavens are enemies, but the emperor's combat power is only the emperor's ability to shoot."

"It's up to the sky, it's a large pile of emperor realm, and it's just a crime with enough emperor realm essence."

"I see how these major forces do what I belong to in the blood inflammation world, and how do they do what Yi Xiao personally cultivated."

In Xiao Yi's cold words, there was absolute self-confidence.

His 20,000 followers are the absolute guarantee for all major sites.

The power of the Blood Flame Realm today is no longer as weak and fragile as it was when it was founded 9 months ago.

Today, the territory is stable, and there are at least dozens of followers in each territory, and its own combat power even exceeds the major territories of the Three Leagues.

Even if there is a full-scale war and a full-scale war, what's the point?

"My lord, don't worry." One-eyed bald head said earnestly, "Everyone will do their best to guard the adult's territory."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "You guard all the sites."

"The rest, what's going on in it, I'll go and investigate it myself."


After half a day.

The one-eyed bald head has already left.

Xiao Yi, still at that lean on the railing, stared at the world.

Just as he was about to leave, outside the sky, a stream of flames swiftly arrived.

The streamer leaped across the void, almost appearing outside the firmament for a moment, and for a while, it had fallen behind Xiao Yi.

"Void Lord?" Xiao Yi was startled, but not afraid.

He recognized the breath of the coming people.

Exactly, the patriarch of Kaiyang.

"Patriarch Kaiyang?" Xiao Yi was puzzled, and at the same time, his heart burst again.

He could notice the complex expression of the Kaiyang patriarch at this moment.

If he didn't guess wrong, it would be unusual for the Kaiyang patriarch to come here.

"Little Brother Yi Xiao." Kaiyang Patriarch said inexplicably.

"If you want to find out who is dealing with you behind this, you don't have to."

He can perceive the place where the sun shines.

It is not difficult for him to pay attention to the movement of the blood flame world forces.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Patriarch Kaiyang knows?"

"Yeah." Patriarch Kaiyang nodded, but this nod seemed a bit difficult.

"Five days ago, I opened the Yang family and received an order."

"At the same time, the Yaoguang clan also received this order."

"There are the remaining twenty-two star Yao families, four gates and five mountains, and almost all of the three hundred heavenly emperors."

"There is only one sentence for this order, killing Ziyan Yi Xiao, and his subordinates belonging to the Blood Flame Realm, it will be destroyed and wiped out."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Without waiting for Xiao Yi to open his mouth, the Kaiyang patriarch directly gave the answer, "This order comes from... Tianyu!"

"Sky Domain?" Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

"Not bad." Patriarch Kaiyang nodded.

"The nine heavens are the real masters and masters of this endless void."

"They want a creature to die, but between waving their hands."

"No powerful creature dared to disobey their orders."

"So you can see that after this order is issued, the heavens and the realms, as if almost all the big forces are swarming, want to destroy your **** inflammation realm."

"It seems that, in an instant, you and your blood flame world belonged to everyone shouting, and there is no place for you in the heavens and myriad worlds."

Xiao Yi squinted and was silent for a while.

After a long while, he asked in a deep voice, "Which party?"

Kaiyang patriarch Shen Ning spit out four big characters, "Nothing Heaven."

Patriarch Kaiyang stared at Xiao Yi earnestly, "I'm here, there are two things."

"One, a piece of advice for little brother Yi Xiao."

"I hope you will give up all the territory and all the connections you have now, starting today."

"Otherwise, with such a huge force on your back, you can't get out of it."

"If you are alone, based on your ability, no one in the heavens and all realms can do anything to you."

"I'm afraid, even if the Emperor Void pursues and kills himself, you can survive safely."

"Because the Void Lord can't achieve the instantaneous transmission speed of the large array."

"On this alone, you can save your life."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The Kaiyang patriarch said in a deep voice, "Second, I'm here to tell little brother Yi Xiao, starting today, my Kaiyang clan and Yaoguang clan have nothing to do with you and your blood flame world forces."

"You and me, there will be no more contact."

"Although he is not an enemy, he is no longer a friend."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, "Yes."

The patriarch Kaiyang was taken aback for a while, looking at Xiao Yi's chuckle, he felt even more guilty.

"Brother Yi Xiao, sorry."

"I have my people."

"The order of the heavens is enough to destroy my Kaiyang heavens. I can't make fun of the lives of countless people from my Kaiyang clan."

Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled, "Don't worry, I understand."

"Yi, doesn't blame Kaiyang Patriarch."

"On that day, your husband and wife were able to rush to the evil realm to save their lives. It is already a reward."

"Today, braving the power of the universe, I specially informed Yi that it is Gao Yi."

"Yi is so grateful that he doesn't blame Kaiyang Patriarch."

The Kaiyang patriarch nodded and said with a serious expression, "What I can guarantee with little brother Yi Xiao is that afterwards, even if all the forces are directed at you, although the Kaiyang clan cannot help you, it will never be. Attack one of the forces in your blood inflammation world."

Xiao Yi smiled, "That's enough, thank you."

The patriarch Kaiyang took a few steps forward, walked away from the step ahead of Xiao Yi, and whispered slightly.

"As far as I know, although this order comes from the emptiness horizon, it does not come from the horizon itself, and it is not the real sphere of law.

"This order seems to have only been issued by a certain important person in the Void Sky Territory."

"So, brother Yi Xiao, you don't have no chance."


The second is more.

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