Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4374: Three lives martial soul, shaking the heavens

Earth volcano.

At Shanmen Square, a grand event is being held.

The event is very lively.

In addition to the host’s volcano, it also encompasses the major forces of the heavens.

There are at least half of the fire powers in the heavens and ten thousand realms, whether they are sects, academic palaces, or sects, and there are even hegemonic powers.

In the Kaiyang clan, there are also elders leading the team, leading the clan Tianjiao to come here.

This is a grand event, very lively, but now it is about to end.

Moreover, it was an unexpected and shocking way that ended.

No... It should be said that this has been the case from the beginning to the end of the curtain.

Because... Since the beginning of the event, since the start of the first competition, the arrogant Tianjiao has been there on the competition stage.

He has been there since the first game.

Now it's the last one, and he's still there.

Only his opponent changed one after another.

All the Huo Dao evil spirits who were famous in the world in the past were defeated in the hands of this arrogant and mysterious Tianjiao.

Now, this is the last one, and the last Huo Dao evildoer who has countless hopeful gazes around him.

Half-dengmen, under the main seat of the door, personally pass on the second disciple, Duan Qing.

"Duan Qing finally made a move. With his ability, he should be able to defeat this madman."

"The half-fire supreme Duan Qing's name, no one in the heavens and ten thousand realms knows."

"Although he is only an emperor, but in rumors, he is a special creature, born with a vision of the world, the world is red and hot."

"Although he is young, he is rumored to have extremely terrifying attainments in the way of fire."

"Any flame that reaches his hands will instantly become superb, endlessly changing, and full of mystery."

"In the past dynasties of the Ban Dengmen, no one has been able to do what he did. The control and understanding of flames seems to be innate, powerful and enchanting to the extreme."

"So even though he is an emperor, he has been dubbed the title of Half-Fire Supreme."

"It seems to be just a compliment, but in fact, many martial arts seniors in the heavens and all realms have asserted that if this person does not fall halfway, he will become the Supreme Fire Dao in the future."

Around the martial arts platform, this huge mountain gate square has already been heated and discussed.

There are countless spectators around, and the reason why they are so excited now is that Duan Qing’s reputation lies here; secondly, the current situation is extremely delicate. All of their evil spirits have been defeated, but their opponents have never been A fire fighter.

Yes, since the madman came to power, from the first battle to the last battle, all the evil spirits of their heavens and all realms have been defeated.

If this madman is not defeated today, how will their faces be in the future?

Just at this time.


On the competition stage, there was a clang.

That is the sound of spears.

A long spear hit the earth.

On the gun, thunder screamed and raged.

"The fire control evildoers of the heavens and the world are so capable? But that's all." The madman, arrogant, unusually cold and arrogant, with fierce and domineering eyes, scanned the audience.

His eyes finally fell on Duan Qing.

"You are not bad, I heard that Huo Boy is your senior?" Madman asked.

Duan Qing nodded, "Yes."

"But my senior brother was in retreat and couldn't come to this event."

"Today, the host is the Earth Volcano, but I heard that the Earth Fire King Kong is also in retreat."

"Therefore, today I can only defeat you in the second half of the lamp door."


In Duan Qing's hands, a flame condensed, "Today, this is a grand event for the fire martial artist, and it is not possible for you to be a Lei Tao martial artist to come here arrogantly."

Duan Qing's tone is actually neither humble nor overbearing, but with inexplicable aura and extreme self-confidence.

He is very strong.

He also just left the customs not long ago.

He asked himself, even if his opponent today is the chief of the Earth Volcano, Earth Fire King Kong, he can still fight between the first and second without losing.


The madman pointed his spear sharply.

"Haha, hahahaha." The madman looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Huo Boys are all defeated, you are the second child, and you are naturally going to lose today."

"Remember, I was the one who defeated you today... Sky Spear, Ran Qi!"

When the words fell, a spear moved violently.

Yes, this madman is Ran Qi.

Holding a long spear, the spear is like a dragon.

That is his crazy dragon cloud-piercing spear!

The gun moved, seeming to be a fierce shot, and the momentum of passing through the clouds, but it was thunderous in an instant, reflecting the sky.

With this shot, the mad dragon pierced the clouds.

With this shot, the mad dragon turned into a thunder dragon, not only through the clouds, but also to blast through the sky!

"So strong." Duan Qing's expression suddenly changed.

"Fire barrier."

Duan Qing stretched out his hands together, and layers of flame barriers appeared quickly.

The flame barrier is like a prism like a mirror, layered on top of each other, but suddenly intersects each other, and the flames refraction and converge like light.

At this moment, the layers of flame barriers were rather a mysterious composition refracted by countless fire lights, but there was no gap between the fire lights, and they were extremely perfect.

"Appeared." A fire expert exclaimed, "Duan Qing's strongest protective method, one of the half-dengmen's unique skills, is very impressive when used in Duan Qing's hands..."

Then, the words of this fire-dao powerhouse have not been finished...Boom...

On the competition stage, the spear was already flashing past like a Pentium Thunder Dragon.

Layers of layers, seemingly solid flame barriers, were instantly penetrated by Thunder Dragon, and collapsed layer by layer.

"Not good." Duan Qing was taken aback, watching the fierce spear among the thunder dragon getting closer, only having time to hide away in a hurry.


The spear flashed past, but it rushed past like a fierce thunder dragon.

Duan Qing was able to escape, already crying out in a cold sweat.

"Such a fierce offensive is worthy of being a strong gunner." Duan Qing said inwardly.

"Can't be led by this guy."

Duan Qingneng is well-known in the heavens and all realms, and he is not general.

He is a monster of Fire Dao, but at the same time, he is also a powerful fire Dao powerhouse.

"Fire Dragon Breath." Duan Qing yelled coldly, with both hands out, one hand seemed to be condensing the fire road rune, and the other hand seemed to be under virtual manipulation.

In an instant, the ground on the martial arts stage cracked, and the cracks were full of flames. The flames in the sky were raging, and countless flames fell sharply.

The flow of fire, like a drop of water.

This is simply a rain of fire from a vast sky.

As soon as Ran Qi's figure was about to move, flames rose from the ground under his feet, cracks, like a dense net, which was a huge fire net.

Duan Qing sneered, "Through the sky, the fire dragon breathes, you are defeated."

High in the sky, the violent and hot breath belonging to the flames, terribly suppressed.

Drops of fire rain, for some reason, instantly became violent after contacting the air, turning into a huge flame swimming dragon.

It was a intensive rain of fire.

Drops of fire and rain drenched the huge flames to swim the dragon, what kind of scene is that?

Then, it is the power of countless huge wandering dragons that are densely packed and blasted and destroyed.

And if the rain does not stop, it will continue, and the bombardment of these countless flame dragons will also be endless, wave after wave.

"Furious?" Ran Qi didn't move anymore, only sneered.

"Don't you think it's ridiculous to say the word violent in front of me, a Lei Dao warrior?"

"Thunderstorm." Ran Qi shouted violently.

For a time, the sky thunder rolled, and the violent force far outweighed the fire and rain in the sky.

A giant beast, transformed by thunder, lay across the air, covering the sky and sun in an instant, but it stopped all the bombardment of the flame dragon.

Duan Qing looked up, his face changed drastically, "Ancient Thunder Beast?"


The first is more.

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