Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4359: Dao Yue Clan

A few days ago.

A huge warship floats quietly beyond a star in the sky.

The warship has been flying for a long, long time.

Yes, for a long time.

Even if it's actually just counted as ‘month’.

But for humans, it seems that a long time has passed.

Well, maybe it's the so-called life like years?

Human, holding a piece of intelligence in his hand.

Behind him, Wu Ming's figure walked respectfully.

After reaching five steps, Wu Ming knelt down, "Emperor..."

Wu Ming called out tentatively, and looked at the expression on Yiyi's face that was definitely not ‘good’.

The warship did fly for a long time.

After starting from the Nether Territory, until a few days ago, it was considered to have passed through the void and darkness range and entered the void range with at least normal stars.

"Emperor." Wu Ming still smiled bitterly, "In the past, with our Nether realm as the center, an extremely large area was a place of absolute silence."

"Any creatures and forces are forbidden to step in, so..."

Their emperor is eager to find their king in the endless void.

The battleship flew for such a long time before it entered the normal range, and only then began to inquire about the king's news.

The emperor, how could she have a good face.

Wu Ming thought to himself.

Yiyi, did not speak, and ignored it.

The warship did fly for a long time.

With the Netherworld as the center, within an extremely large area, there is a dead silence, darkness, and coldness.

There is nothing but nothingness.

It was so silent, there were no creatures, not even barren stars.

No creature can bear the dead silence there.

The silence there, even the barren stars would collapse and disintegrate.

But during this period of time, she has always felt that her son, at least, has always been innocent.

Today, intelligence is finally available.

In terms of intelligence, Ziyan, Yi Xiao, and Tiandi Zhiqiang Huo are such purple inflammations.

But she knew very well that this was her son.

"My son, it's okay." Yiyi muttered to himself, showing a slight smile, and forcibly suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, all the coldness that emerged from the thoughts.

Her son said that he didn't like her frowning, he didn't like her being unhappy.

"Is there any new information?" Yiyi turned his head slightly and looked at Wuming.

But the tone, after all, is light.

Wu Ming nodded respectfully, "I'm the emperor, yes."

With that said, Wu Ming took out a large amount of dossier information from Qiankun Ring and sent it to Yiyi respectfully.

Yiyi read them carefully one by one.

His face was sometimes cold, sometimes angry, and sometimes frowned.

The slight smile that appeared at the beginning has long since disappeared.

This piece of information is her son's deeds in this endless void over the years.

But inside, nothing can be called cheerful.

Her son, in these years of endless emptiness, has never been happy for half a day.

And she has never felt it all these years.

Because her son, obviously has long been numb to these things.

"Fucked with the Amber clan, with the Cold Abyss Alliance, chased by the Bloodthirsty Alliance, expelled from the Yanlong Alliance, and the Ten Thousand Realms as the enemy..."

Yiyi, almost every word, his tone is extremely cold.


Yiyi's pair of hands that clearly saw the extreme of Bai Zhesu's hands, held them tightly at this moment.

Among these pieces of information, only the most recent information could allow her to suppress such a bit of anger.

"The son has no problem, and has established his own power." Yiyi whispered to himself, and frowned slightly.

After a long while, slowly put down the dossier information.

Yiyi pondered, and muttered to herself, "Fighting across the world and expanding the territory, the son must be short of spiritual veins, and wants to accumulate spiritual veins quickly."

"Cooperating with Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank to purchase the corpses of the Soul-Tulking Race, the young master should refine the origin of heaven and earth.

Her mind was never much worse than Xiao Yi.

However, almost all of her thoughts were on Xiao Yi, and she ignored the foreign objects.

She knows Xiao Yi better than anyone else.

Naturally, she can judge all this based on intelligence alone.

Yiyi slowly stood up and stared at the huge stars in the distance.

"Here?" Yiyi frowned and whispered.

Wu Ming said respectfully behind him, "Given the emperor, this range, if the old slave remembers correctly, it should be the swordsmen."

"Among the heavens are the sword-yue clan with the top physical talent among countless races. Their bodies are hard and indestructible, and their bodies are as tough as a hardened sword stone."

"The Dao Yue clan belongs to my underworld and guards the outside of the underworld."

"But now it seems..." Wu Ming frowned again.

"The special law of observing these heavens and stars seems to be no longer the law of swordsmen."

Wu Ming squinted his eyes, perceiving carefully, "If the special law changes, it means that the heavens have disappeared and the experience is reborn."

"Want to come, the heavens have changed hands."

"Inside, now occupying the heavens, I don't know which family line it is."

Yiyi said nothing.

Wu Ming hurriedly said, "The emperor can rest assured that the old slave has already sent someone to investigate, and it will be clear soon."

He is not only a loyal servant, but also the strongest elder who has commanded countless demons and ghosts in the closed underworld for countless years.

He can plan the conspiracy against the Yanlong Region again and again, and he can manage the elders, ghost masters and countless monsters under his command in an orderly manner. It can be seen that he himself is an extraordinary ruler.

For a long while.


There was a sudden surging in the space behind Wu Ming.

A figure appeared invisibly.

Here, but within the void.

Can this figure still manipulate space?

"Elder Yuanxing." Wu Ming called out.

The figure, it was the elder Yuanxing, who quickly handed over a dossier information.

The elders and ghost masters of the great underworld are the most talented races in the underworld.

Wu Ming took it, and read it quickly.

After a long while, Wu Ming reportedly reported, "Given the emperor, as expected, the heavens on this side have already changed hands."

"The Eight-Bone Clan who occupies this place now are the Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider."

"This emperor, who is called the Empress of the Thousand Spiders, is extremely furious."

Yiyi frowned slightly, "Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider? Is your family of the Nether Realm?"

Wu Ming shook his head repeatedly, "No."

"But not all races are qualified to become our Netherworld races."

"In the memory of the old slave, the Daoyue Heavens in the past, walking out, almost half the distance of the star field, is the territory of the Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider."

"Back then, including the Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider family, as well as many family families, were all affiliated families of the Dao Yue family."

"And this Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider family is considered strong among these subsidiary families."

"Now, the Dao Yue clan is gone, but the Eight-Bone Ghost Face Spider clan dominates the Dao Yue heavens."

The non-minded tone, a little joking.

The Nether realm has been closed for endless years, and today, everything has gone wrong, and the vicissitudes of life have been vicissitudes of life.

Even the heavens on one side have experienced death and rebirth, and the heavens have changed hands.

Yiyi nodded and asked lightly, "Is there a spiritual vein here?"

This is the second question she asked.

Wu Min nodded, "That's natural."

"The number of spiritual veins in one side of the heavens is huge; the quality of spiritual veins is far beyond the birth in the small world."


The first is more.

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