Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4335: Call of the Void

Xiao Yi was surprised at first, then frowned.

"The trajectories of Erjue's martial arts are incompatible, and they are about to collapse.

However, this could not trouble him Xiao Yi.

As long as the trajectory of the two martial arts can be broken, the common point of convergence is enough.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, staring carefully, and also comprehending.


Time passed slowly.

The superposition of Heaven, Earth Soul Sea and the base of the Yiyuan Wuji Array became closer and closer to perfection.

The big array has become more stable.

Xiao Yi didn't stop until the formation was completely stable.

"Okay, temporarily stabilize it, and then slowly continue to improve it." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's eyes were full of joy, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He condensed this hundred thousand wild scorching formations, but not used as a bombardment like an ordinary large formation.

Rather, the flame increases.

The coincidence of the Heaven, Earth Soul Sea and the One Yuan Wuji Formation directly serves as an amplifying formation, falling on his own Fire Dao strength.

Xiao Yi felt this increase in detail.

At this moment, he is even stronger.

"Hundreds of thousands of ignorances, start again." Xiao Yi shouted violently.


This time, Heaven, Earth Soul Sea and Yiyuan Wuji Formation were all condensed behind him.

Inside, one hundred thousand flame scale fire holy snakes flew.

It was a terrible flame explosion.

Xiao Yi felt the continuous increase in flames, pouring from behind.

He would be equivalent to carrying such a terrifying flame array at any time and receiving its increase.

"Six Seals of Hell." Xiao Yi shouted violently, taking a virtual shot with his palm.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Ahead, six huge flame ghosts appeared out of thin air.

Within it, the six heavens and the earth are the strongest fire, sealing the heavens and the earth.

In the center, the amethyst spirit flame that destroys everything is fierce and abnormal.

That, like a terrible flame cage, will block all enemies and burn them all.

The joy in Xiao Yi's eyes grew stronger.

This is the true application of Bajue.

One is the major and the other seven are complementary.

Since he is the master of fire repair, he is the master of the divine fire vein, and the other Qijue are supplemented.

Baju is an independent Baju.

But how to fit his whole body's martial arts, whole body's fighting ability, this is the meaning.

This is the true power of Bajue.

Rather than as usual, he brutally burned seven powers into his body.

Bajue, truly powerful, is its ability and its anti-day effects.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "Blood Spirit Emperor, don't let me run into you again."

At this moment, he has absolute certainty to defeat the Blood Spirit Emperor.

However, he is not sure if it says kill.

It's not the blood spirit emperor's strength, but the blood spirit emperor's own special spiritual talent, the inherently powerful physical power and the immortal body.

Killing it is probably extremely troublesome and extremely difficult.

Judging from his combat experience over the years, the blood spirit emperor, blood creatures, might have more life-saving capabilities than the previous ones.

Xiao Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Continue to sit cross-legged, ready to continue to refine.

It is common for warriors to retreat.

But Xiao Yi obviously had very little time.

The other warriors, the young Tianjiao, often retreat and count on a yearly basis; the old monsters often spend millions of years, tens of thousands of years.

Those perfect emperors who are almost never born are hundreds of millions of years or longer.

Xiao Yi secretly shook his head.

He was still too young after all, and the life span was too short.

All he can do is try his best.

Xiao Yi just wanted to put away all distractions and fully comprehend.



In the ear, there was a strange but familiar old voice.

"Soul Emperor..."

"Soul Emperor..."

Xiao Yi gave a sharp shot, and the eyes that had just been closed opened instantly.

The figure also stood up instantly.

The sharp eyes look around the void and darkness around him.

Xiao Yi squinted, "It's not an illusion."

This time, he caught it.

His eyes also stared tightly in one direction.

"I can't feel you, but my instinct tells me that you are in this direction."

Xiao Yi stared into the distance.

There is a void and darkness.

"Soul Emperor..."

"Soul Emperor..."

Xiao Yi frowned.

He had heard this voice a few months ago.

But compared to the last time, this time, there seemed to be eagerness in the voice.

But that seemed to call out again.

Xiao Yi frowned.

He can feel that there is no malice in the calling of this life.

But even so, Xiao Yi was extremely cautious.

"I want to see where you are." Xiao Yi's figure flashed before disappearing in place.

The ghost mask is his greatest reliance.

He sneaked past it.


An hour later.

Xiao Yi was still flying in the void and darkness.

However, he did not find the location of this calling voice.

However, the call in his ears became denser.

"Soul Emperor... Soul Emperor... Soul Emperor... Soul Emperor..."

There is only one reason, this calling sound, the distance is farther than he imagined.


After half a day.

This calling voice became more and more urgent.


after one day.

Xiao Yi finally paused.

In the void, ahead, a huge black shadow.

No, that is a behemoth.

Very huge, even much bigger than the stars.

The breath, the ancient anomaly, is even longer and more ancient than the birth and death time of a star.

"It's you?" Xiao Yi just appeared.

He recognized this giant beast.

This behemoth had been seen as early as when he entered the endless void at the beginning of the year.

At that time, he was amazed and horrified.

But at that time, he noticed that this behemoth seemed to be full of sadness and desolation.

This behemoth is sad.

It is the Void Origin Beast, the unquenchable turtle!

There was a small barren star in front of the immortal turtle, and Xiao Yi appeared and fell.

He could feel its eagerness, its weakness, its innocence.

This time, it was also looking straight at this legendary Void Origin Beast.

If it is for another creature, I am afraid that seeing the existence of such legends, it is absolutely difficult to conceal peace, either with excitement or fear.

But for some reason, Xiao Yi's heart was very calm.

He looked at the huge eyes of the giant beast and stared.

He could see the sadness in his eyes, the turbidity in his eyes.

For some reason, that kind of sadness, like resonance, made him feel uncomfortable.

"You are very weak..." Xiao Yi couldn't help frowning and opening his mouth.

That kind of feeling, it seemed that the giant beast in front of him, this powerful Void Origin Beast, might fall at any time.

"Are you looking for me?" Xiao Yi frowned.

If he guessed correctly, the call he heard a few months ago was real.

It's just that at that time this behemoth must be extremely far away.

Now, the giant beast dragged a weak and exhausted body and flew in this vast endless void for a whole number of months before coming here.

The behemoth moved its body.

It seems to be nodding.

"My son..."

The behemoth did not open its mouth.

But Xiao Yi could feel it talking and hear its bleak and endless ancient voice.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The giant beast did not open its mouth, but its huge and round eyes stared at Xiao Yi tightly.

In the eyes, the cloudy eyes seemed to move a little.

"My son..."

Under Xiao Yi's mask, his face twitched, "I am a human."


Second more.

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