Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4331: For the first time, retreat

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I think you are very happy now."

One-eyed bald head looked anxious.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Okay, it's so decided."

"Decision, I'm down."

"How to do it is your business."

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head looked overjoyed, "Don't worry, the lord, the villain said that the blood inflammation world will definitely become the most powerful star world in the heavens and all worlds."

"Our blood flame world forces, given time, will definitely be the overlord of the void."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly and said nothing.

Every force has its meaning and purpose.

The meaning of sects, families, and academic palaces may be the original intention of the founders; or, to give certain living beings a safe place to live; or perhaps, the founders' own ambitions.

Just like the Yanlong League, the meaning of existence is for the Yanlong Continent.

Now, many things in the blood inflammation world can be considered finalized.

The sites of all parties, on the one hand, are to stabilize as soon as possible.

On the one hand, it was the acquisition of the corpses of the Spirit-swallowing tribe from the hunters.

On the one hand, at the same time, as before, like a spirit hunter team, accepting various tasks and employment.

Today, the big business of Wanjie Commercial Bank has been added.

In short, a power must naturally have what it should do, rather than simply exist.

The operation of a power, and everything gradually stabilizes, will become a stable and huge power.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before all the sites under his command will be very busy, and of course, they are also full of vitality.

If we say that before, the blood inflammation world forces were just a rudimentary form.

So now, on a road of rapid rise, one day, it will dominate the world.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

From the moment he decided to create this force, he already had his ‘ambition’.

"You take a trip later." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"You go to discuss these matters with the Seven-Eyed Emperor."

"Follow up, you are the one to deal with."

"The price is there, it's hard to press."

"Seven-eyed emperor, such a shrewd businessman, won't do business at a loss, so you don't need to worry."

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "Don't worry, adults, the villains have not lived in vain these years."

Bargaining this kind of thing should be done by the thick-skinned rascal and at the same time savvy guy.

Xiao Yi got up and prepared to leave.

"My lord." The one-eyed bald head hurriedly stopped, "There is one more thing."

"How?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Evil Territory." One-eyed bald head solemnly said, "Tian Luomen and Miao Yinzong are dumbfounded, and no one of those top forces will lead them and dare not come."

"It's the evil realm. Most of them are sinister people. They haven't exposed their heads from the beginning to the end, and they have been dealing with us in secret."

Xiao Yi frowned, "As far as I know, although the heavens in this evil realm are mysterious, the evil cultivators in the heavens and the realms are also the rats crossing the street."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded, "That class is notorious, even far more than the Void Bandit."

"The emperors and world masters of all parties hate these guys most."

"Because these guys always like to act secretly, and behave badly, either to disturb one party, or to massacre people."

"Many times, in one world, a large number of evil repair divisions appear inexplicably."

"Temptation, drives a large number of creatures into evil cultivation."

"In short, Xie Xiu originally exterminates humanity, and they are all people who fear that the world will not be chaotic."

"The emperors and world masters of all parties have a headache."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes for a long while before saying, "In my subordinate territory, there is no trace of evil repairs."

"This is my first world master order."

"And other things, since the evil realm's heavens haven't committed crimes from the outside, just ignore it for now."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded.


Xiao Yi's figure left silently.


On a barren star nearby.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged.

Regarding power matters, he is still used to being a shopkeeper.

Of course, the forces have what they should do.

And Xiao Yi himself has something to do.

For example, become stronger!

In any case, he is the greatest guarantor of his own power.

While the power is rising, he must also become strong enough, stronger, and stronger!


Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, and around him, six solid magic shadows appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi looked carefully and thought about it carefully.

There are only two ways for him to become stronger now.

One, breaking through the emperor realm and entering the emperor with eight perfections, there is no need to worry about failure.

Normal warriors use the form of ‘Tao’ to attack the imperial realm.

But when Bajue entered the emperor perfectly, there was no shock at all, it was just condensed.

Treat these eight ‘foundations’ as heaven and earth to condense.

Therefore, as long as there is enough power of heaven and earth, there will be no failure.

But now he obviously doesn't have such a large amount of heaven and earth origin.

Second, since the cultivation base is unable to advance, then it is the enhancement of one's own means.

Different from the normal martial arts, the eight martial arts, which belong to the martial arts, martial arts, and combat methods, all contain them.

Now that Bajue is complete, then this is the way he should think about it most.

Yes, think.

In fact, even if the exercises and martial skills are understood and controlled, they still need the martial artist's own refinement.

Otherwise, it can only be used in accordance with the methods of predecessors.

This is why the same kind of martial arts derives different martial arts and different fighting methods.

It's also like the One Yuan Wuji Formation, which is incomparably profound in itself and can break through the ten thousand formations, but when it comes to fighting power, he still uses the method of the Heavenly Secret Palace Master, palms the Dharma Realm, and the ten thousand formations are all blown up.

But this suits the Master of Heaven's Ji, but not necessarily his Xiao Yi.

If the martial artist's method is created by himself, then naturally it is the thing that fits all the martial arts and all the methods of oneself best.

But the path he Xiao Yi took was different from that of the Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall.

This is why the old monsters always have to retreat, always need to refine and study.

Because of one thing, that is, everything.

And Xiao Yi, never had time to calm down and think about these things.

Today, it's rare to be idle.

Xiao Yi quietly looked at these six demon statues.

Of course, this is not a true magical statue.

Three thousand demon statues have long been lost in the endless void.

But the Three Thousand Demon Dao Statues themselves represent a kind of Demon Dao.

It is the so-called three thousand magic gates.

Now these six statues are also one of the three thousand demon statues, but Xiao Yi himself condensed them.

"Bajue, they belong to the same way of demon, burn demon, undead demon, demon..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"But only the Six Swords of Frightening Demons, which contain the Six Demons themselves."

"The black demon itself is hailed as one of the most complicated methods."

"Six Frightening Demon Swords, I use them only for sealing up."

"Senior Ke Luo made it, but it was a shocking sword."

"The Six Swords of Frightening Demon, belong to the Demon in the Demon, and should have great fighting ability.


A sword gas condensed from Xiao Yi's fingertips.

That is the seal of the seal of breath.

Xiao Yi frowned, thinking.


Third more.

Update today, not finished, but it is not recommended to wait.

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