Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4311: All worlds are enemies, so what?

One-eyed bald head, stunned in place.

He didn't quite understand why Xiao Yi had to leave at this time.

At this time, as the strongest combatant, shouldn't he stay in the turf, and then rush to the turf as he did when he was in the Yanlong League?

That is the safest way.

He did not understand.

However, he knows that his adults must have their own reasons for doing things.

And, his lord, this time is really angry.

Is it because he has been holding his stomach for a long time since these days, and now these people are still hitting him?

Is it because those newly recruited warriors are already under his command, so he wants to protect them?

Or was it because of the word ‘faith’ he didn’t understand, what his adult once said to him?

Or is it because those followers were deceived? Seriously injured?

He could not understand.

Many times, his adult is a simple person, but also a complicated person.

Speaking of these followers, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These are all followers cultivated by his adult himself.

When we parted, he asked, and his adult answered.

At that time, his adult answered that he had nothing to teach them, but since they followed him and became his followers, then he tried his best to give them what they could give.

This endless void is extremely dangerous, and life is too easy to fall.

So what he taught them was the ability to save lives.

One-eyed bald head, shook his head, and took out a copy of the dossier information in the Qiankun Ring in his hand.

These, originally he wanted to submit to Xiao Yi, and then discuss how to deal with it.

Now, there are more than a hundred powerful forces to deal with Xiao Yi?

Among them, there is no shortage of big powers such as the Double Saint Sect and the Thousand Boundary Academy, which have long been known for nothing.

In just a few days, the star world that they conquered, one by one, was almost completely destroyed.

It seems just a few days.

However, when the emperor and the strong are walking in the teleportation formation, where is this endless void not in a flash?

Naturally, the situation changes rapidly.

With so many forces retaliating against them, they even stood firm, and even had no time to wait for support.

This may be the reason why Xiao Yi chose to leave now instead of staying behind.

One-eyed brow frowned.

He didn't know what would happen next.

He didn't even know how the Blood Flame Realm should deal with it next; whether he promised Xiao Yi's promise to let his adults become the overlord power.

But he never expected that next, the heavens and myriad worlds would usher in a **** storm and bear the anger of a murderous **** that was no longer bound.


A few months later.

Blood inflammation world.

One-eyed bald head was stunned, looking at the dossier information over there.

"One-eyed lord?" Li Shi called.

One-eyed reacted, and smiled bitterly, "Let a bunch of top emperors be a spy and collect information. I am also luxurious enough."

Li Shi smiled, "The one-eyed adult is just worried about the adult's safety."

One-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "Obviously, I am worried for nothing."

He looked at the dossier information over and over, completely unimaginable, in these short few months, this endless void, within these ten thousand worlds, what a huge storm was set off by his adult with the single hand.


Endless void.

Thousand Realms Academy, within the depths of the palace gate.

The old man sat there with an ugly expression.

The middle-aged man was already kneeling bloodless.

The second elder smiled blankly.

On the ground, there are countless dossiers.

"Master, take a look." The second elder smiled lightly, but laughed more ugly than crying.

"How long is this? Only three months."

"How many disciples of our school did this lunatic massacre?"

"How many fellow students who have left their teachers a long time ago, how many strong men who have already established their own academic palaces, how many families, relatives, and friends behind the elders and deacons? Anyone who supported the academy three months ago, Those who participated in the revenge on the blood flame world are all killed by the sect."

The second elder's expression was cold, "Either force can retaliate against the purple flame, but we are the only one who shouldn't be from the beginning."

"Master, you have countless disciples, and my disciples are all over the Thousand Realms Academy."

"The forces that are related to us are linked together."

"Our Thousand Worlds Academy is a lush tree, here is the trunk; and this madman is now trying to eradicate all the branches and leaves of this tree."

"Master, do you know what you have done in these three months?" The second elder smiled sadly.

"He is madly traveling through the world, venting his anger regardless of the consumption of spiritual veins."

"No one can escape his chase, and he wiped out the crowd with his hand."

"It's only three months. How about three years? Thirty years? That's just a snap."

"If you continue like this, he is going to kill all the hands and feet of our Thousand Realms Academy alive."

"We are a great academy of thousands of realms. Even the elders of the emperor can only stay in the academy, never ending, never want to take the first step outside, he wants to trap us alive."

The second elder's voice just fell.

Outside, two disciples came with a pale object.

That... is a corpse.

The second elder glanced, his body trembled, and he took a step back unconsciously, "Yes... it's the third younger brother."

"Ha, ha ha, is it finally the turn of the third junior brother?" The second elder smiled blankly.

"A month ago, it was the Ninth Junior Brother, then the Eighth Junior Brother, and the Seventh Junior Brother..."

"They are all well in the academy."

"This madman is like a ghost now, lurking in our Thousand Realms Academy, but you, Master, cannot find him."

"In this way, he shuttled from all walks of life to slaughter my disciples."

"On the one hand, sneak into the entrance palace like leisure, directly assassinating our elders."

"Haha, today, it's the turn of the Third Junior Brother."

"Tomorrow, it's me."

"The day after tomorrow, it's a big brother."

"Of course, Master, you are the Emperor of Consummation, and you will be fine."

The second elder's face was pale.

To be more serious, on one side of the ground, there were seven corpses, so dazzling.

"Bastard." The old man gritted his teeth.

"Old man, Ding and this Ziyan will never die."

"Second, you stay by your teacher today. I see how this villain can assassinate you."

The second elder sneered, "Master can protect us, what about other disciples?"

The old man's face was cold, "You stay at the gate of the palace, old man, go to the blood inflammation world to take this son's life."

The old man is already crazy.

The second elder laughed blankly, "Master, wake up."

"Although you are expensive for Consummation, you cannot cross the void."

"You go kill it yourself? How long will it take? Ten thousand years?"

"If you don't care about all the cost, you will die, how about a hundred years?"

"In a hundred years, how far should he grow? To die, he hasn't improved his sense of measure in a hundred years, and stayed on the ground."

"But... in these hundred years, even if one of those days he knew Master you were rushing to the blood spirit world, he only had to leave the teleportation formation ahead of time, and he was instantly out of the distant void.

"Master is on the way for a hundred years, it is better for him to send a large array of breath and leave."

Hearing this, the old man sat back weakly.

The second elder lost his mind and said, "Master, wake up."

"That's the top ten in the void, even the second line and three leagues must be regarded as the top ten of the void."

"Do you really want to watch the Thousand Realms Academy's roots for billions of years, but it will not be broken?"


Second more.

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