Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4090: Emperor Without Amnesty

"Damn it, how could the Bloodthirsty League suddenly join forces with Cold Moon Realm?"

This is the only doubt he doesn't understand now.

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi stopped thinking about it, and quickly yelled, "You and everyone contain the elites of the Cold Moon Realm and let the elites of the Ice Mansion Realm withdraw temporarily."

"I went to blast the blockade of Emperor Wushe."

It doesn't make sense to think more now.

Once the elite bloodthirsty alliance on the far right arrives, the entire Ice Mansion Realm will lose all by then.

Once the two parties are completely encircled by teamwork, the elites of the ice house will be dead.

"Yes, sir." One-eyed bald head replied.

With a one-eyed bald head and four hundred elites, without hesitation, they headed towards the countless huge fierce beasts in the cold moon realm ahead, without any fear.

They never had to obey Xiao Yi's orders absolutely.

Xiao Yi instantly went to the rear.

The sacred fire giant leaped up, attacking the back like a sea of ​​blood at an astonishing speed.


The sacred fire giant bluffed his hands, and a large flame burst out, as if his hands were breaking the waves, he would tear open a huge channel of blood.

"Hurry up." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

In the front, although there is a giant yellow sand helping to contain it, the retreat speed of the elites of each team is still slow.

Dozens of fierce beasts of the Cold Abyss Alliance were fighting frantically.

"No." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

One-eyed team alone can't contain much.

"Bring it to me." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The sacred fire giant, Shengsheng tore the entire sea of ​​blood, and the blood was scattered all over the ground, flowing on the entire barren land.


Xiao Yi instantly dissipated the Shenhuo giant, his figure lied, his hands moved quickly.

Countless purple fire talisman urns, densely packed, and they all accurately turned into huge purple fire talisman chains to bind dozens of fierce beasts of the Cold Abyss Alliance.

He only had ten thousand purple fire talismans, and when dispersed in this way, his power was greatly reduced.

It could restrain these dozens of cold abyss fierce beasts, but could not hurt them at all.

Moreover, after only a few dozen breaths of time were bound, all the purple fire talisman chains had been broken away by the huge cold abyss beasts one by one.

But this time of a few dozen breaths also gave the elites of the Ice Mansion realm a lot of retreat time.

Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and kept painting the talisman with both hands.

Just at this time.


A **** fist came banging.

"Don't get in the way of Laozi." Emperor Wushe punched.

Xiao Yi's chest slammed hard.

The blood color on Emperor Wu'she's fist was extremely scarlet and extremely thick.

Even the flesh given by Xiao Yi's peak Shura battle body was pierced by a punch.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood.

The powerhouse at the commander level is indeed powerful.

But fortunately, in Xiao Yi's judgment, the Emperor Wushe, one of the nine leaders of the Bloodthirsty Legion, was significantly weaker than the nine leaders of the Flame Dragon League.

"Quick rewind." Xiao Yi ignored it, still shouting violently.

A huge purple fire talisman chain was formed again, and then dozens of cold abyss beasts were prevented from chasing.

The elites of the ice house retreat one after another.

"Damn it, die for Laozi." Emperor Wushe blasted with a punch again.

This time, punch through the heart.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

"Get off." Xiao Yi's eyes cold, and a purple fire talisman blasted out from his backhand, forcing Emperor Wushe to retreat.

The two pierced wounds on his body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The effect of the immortal Dao body against the sky is terrifying.

This is the benefit of fellow practitioners in Bajue.

It seems that one more immortal combat body is built, and there is no direct increase in combat power.

But in the real battle, this kind of anti-sky effect is already an increase in disguise.

The promise of Emperor Wushen's obstruction allowed the Dehanyuan Fierce Beast to catch up with the retreating Bingfu Realm again.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and moved his hands violently, once again a chain of purple fire talisman left dozens of cold abyss fierce beasts.

But, for the strong and the elite, what are those distances?

Ice Mansion Realm here is not the battlefield of Tianlong Fortress that is larger than the ordinary heavens; here, it is just a small world star, how far can it be?

Emperor Wushen's successive obstructions have already delayed the arrival of the bloodthirsty alliance elite.

Of course, Xiao Yi was also trying his best to deal with it. The elites of the ice house world were quite capable of retreating back to the fortress.

Bloodthirsty dragons rushed past.

One by one, the elite of the Ice Mansion world died in the collision of the world dragon.

The bloodthirsty world dragon is known as a creature with broken stars, and its blood is so sharp that it can cut everything.

Even those who only touched the dragon's surpassing might instantly dismembered their bodies, or severely injured their arms.

"Commander Yi Xiao." The commander of the Mad Lion exclaimed anxiously.

"Don't worry, go back quickly." Xiao Yi drank coldly.

A group of elites in the Ice Mansion world returned to the fortress in a state of fleeing in a panic.

"One-eyed, go." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The group of one-eyed bald heads, still like a ‘sharp knife’ together, interspersed and returned from a distance, falling into the fortress of the ice house.

At this moment, Xiao Yi is the only one.

"You don't want to leave." Emperor Wu She's murderous intent came.

Those dozens of cold abyss fierce beasts also chased at this time.

Around, a bloodthirsty world dragon flew around and surrounded Xiao Yi tightly.

Xiao Yi quickly portrayed the purple fire talisman with both hands.

Boom boom boom boom...

Countless purple fire talisman and Emperor Wu'she's **** sea of ​​blood blasted each other out.

The sea of ​​blood was shattered by the force of the explosion.

The purple fire talisman was also submerged and shredded by the sea of ​​blood.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Want to keep me Yi Xiao? You are not qualified."


Xiao Yi's figure slammed in the air, a few flashes, and easily passed through the tight encirclement of the bloodthirsty realm dragon and the cold abyss beast, and fell steadily back into the fortress.


Xiao Yi looked at the elites of the ice house inside the fortress, and squinted.

The mad lion commanded, his face was ugly.

Originally, they alone had the upper hand in a battle with the elite of the cold moon world.

The Cold Moon Realm suffered heavy casualties, while the elites of the Ice Mansion Realm had few casualties.

But when they retreated, especially the moment before returning to the fortress, bloodthirsty dragons attacked, and how many of them died in the ice house?

In that short time, the number of those who fell is no less than a million.

And even those who were lucky enough to escape back into the fortress, the wounded, were all included.

People with broken arms and limbs, severely injured people... a blockbuster.

The pungent smell of blood permeated the entire fortress wall.

The atmosphere was gradually filled with grief and anger.

Xiao Yi frowned and walked to the side of the leader of the wild lion, "Although it was defeated miserably, the war has not disappeared and the crisis has not been resolved."

The leader of the mad lion nodded, "I know, leader Yi Xiao, don't worry, the elite of the ice house world is not as unbearable."

"Strengthen the great formation with all your strength." The howl of the mad lion leader spread throughout the fortress.

"Yes." The elites of the Ice Mansion realm regained their fighting spirit in an instant.

The ice house realm fortress, the defense formation has long been opened, and now it has been resisting the elite attack of the cold moon realm and the bloodthirsty alliance.

"With this defensive array alone, how long can our Ice Mansion Realm fortress support?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Shan Shou..." The leader of the mad lion looked at the defensive formation, a series of cold abyss fierce beasts, one after another bloodthirsty world dragon, shocked, frowning.

"If you only block the elite of the cold moon world, the defensive formation will be able to contend for a long time."

"But now the elite of the bloodthirsty alliance have also mixed in, and the defensive array is constantly under bombardment and pressure, but it is not the pressure of one plus one."

"At most one day, the defense formation will be broken."

"One day." Xiao Yi nodded, "I immediately sent a signal for help back to the Tianlong Fortress."

"The current level of combat power is far beyond what we can resist, let alone solve it."

"One day, it should be enough for Tianlong Fortress to send elite legions to support."


Second more.

Update today, finished.

Four more tomorrow.

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