Chapter 216: The truth is gradually revealed

“Ding! It is detected that the host is preparing to use a plane-level artifact, the universe rebellious chart.”

“The Universe Rebellion Board is activated…”

As the sound of the system sounded, a faint crystal light began to flicker continuously from the universe rebellious chart in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible power centered on Ye Kuang and instantly enveloped the entire Shrek.

No, to be precise, the whole world!

Because it not only affects this continent, but also the gods above it!

After all, the universe rebellious chart, that is a plane-level artifact, if you don’t even have this influence, then you are too sorry for the three words “plane-level”.

After the entire world was frozen, a huge illusory screen appeared in front of Ye Kuang with the names of everyone in the entire continent.

“Host, you only need to fill in the fate of the person you want to change, and the Universe Destiny Chart will have the corresponding effect and affect all Karma and memories of the relevant person.”

“So convenient?”

Hearing what the system said, Ye Kuang didn’t say anything to the other party, and directly filled in Tang San’s name.

Not long after, the dense network of relationships appeared in front of him instantly, and Ye Kuang felt a headache.

“It’s really worthy of being a son of the plane, and it’s obviously related to so many people.”

“The princesses of the Principality, your Royal Highness, the hidden families, are all existences that he encounters with probability.”

It’s no wonder that after he took away the opponent’s chance in the eyes of Bing and Fire, Tang San’s strength could still keep up. It turned out to be like this.

But none of this has much to do with him. What he needs to solve now is the relationship between Tang San and Martial Soul Palace.

As long as you reduce the contradiction between the opposing lineup levels of the two sides to the personal contradiction, it will be much simpler for you to go to the Martial Soul Hall to gather the benefits in the future.

“Modify the character incident, Tang San’s mother died at the hands of Qian Xun Ji Martial Soul Hall and others. Correct, Tang San’s mother died at Qian Daoliu’s hands, because Qian Daoliu greedily love Tang San’s mother’s appearance.”

“The system began to automatically generate corresponding events and character relationships…”

As Ye Kuang successfully filled in the modified content, each relationship appeared in front of Ye Kuang.

Chihiro Ji has changed from a relationship between a teacher and a student to a subordinate relationship.

The reason why Bibi Dong became the Pope has been transformed into an extraordinary talent, which has made outstanding contributions to the Martial Soul Palace.

The relationship between Tang Hao and the Martial Soul Hall has never been dying, but has turned into an absolute hatred of Qian Daoliu and his confidant, as well as an upset towards the Martial Soul Hall.

Tang San’s mother, A Yin, had a relationship with Bibi Dong, from a small relationship, to a close relationship with sisters.

Seeing the relationships and events that emerged one after another, Ye Kuang nodded slightly.

In this way, the hatred of Tang San and those around him towards the Martial Soul Palace was transformed into hatred towards Qian Daoliu and his confidant.

Such a change is very beneficial to him.

“Wait! System, although you did change the relationship between Tang San and Martial Soul Palace as I thought, his relationship with Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, and Qian Renxue’s characters is too much, right?”

“What brothers and sisters? All confidantes have come out? Can this be changed!”

Is this the treatment of the children of the plane?

Even if he took away all the other party’s original opportunities and benefits, Tang San could go wherever he could get, and where he would get the benefits, the attraction would be the one that blazed the mark.

“It can be changed, but relatively, the will of the plane will compensate for it.”

“Make up for it, as long as it doesn’t affect my interests, I don’t care.”

“Yes, host.”

As the sound of the system fell, invisible fluctuations appeared again.

Soon after, the whole world returned to normal again.

“The Universe Fate Board has been used.”

“Master! How did you become like this, who you were at the beginning, that’s… alas.”

At the moment when the system’s voice just fell, the Titans burst into tears.

It’s just that even though he was very heavy, he still didn’t reveal Tang Hao’s identity.

When Tang San heard the words, the expression on his face gradually changed from embarrassment of the other party’s admission to solemnity.

“Senior, are you sure you didn’t admit your mistake?”

“Acknowledgement? Impossible. Young Master, you should know that the three strongest Sects on the mainland are called the Upper Three Sects. They are the Clear Sky Sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.”

“And I have followed my master for many years, how could I not even recognize the Martial Soul Clear Sky Hammer as a symbol of the Clear Sky School? Young Master, you are the master’s child, and your Martial Soul is Clear Sky Hammer.”

Hearing the decisive words from the Titans, Tang San fell into silence directly.

Because if the truth is really the same as what the other party said, then own father will become as decadent as he is now, and then leave home.

Among them, there must be a hidden story that I don’t know.

“Senior, can you tell me, since my father came from the Haotian School, why did he suddenly leave and go to the Holy Soul Village to be a blacksmith?”

“I don’t know this. After all, the master didn’t notify us before he disappeared. We only learned some things afterwards.”


Next, Tang San handed the envelope that Tang Hao had left to the Titan, trying to learn more.

Who knows, after finishing reading the letter, Titan knelt down on one knee.


“Young Master, the old slave left Clear Sky School to come to Tiandou City to stand on his own because of the disappearance of the master.”

“Now that the master has reappeared, and the young master is such a talented person, then the old slaves, the Titans and the power clan, will definitely assist the young master!”

“Assist me? No way, senior, I have already joined Ye Ge’s power divine court, how can I accept your assistance anymore.”

Hearing Tang San’s words, Titan’s face instantly became heavy.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes gradually became cold, and he said in a deep voice.

“The young master has joined that kid’s power? Young master, you are the master’s child, and that kid is the aunt of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. If you join his power like this, isn’t it the same as serving in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

“You are the master’s child, how can you be so subdued? What’s more, the master also said at the beginning that Ning Fengzhi, the current Sect Leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, is definitely not easy. You have rashly joined that kid’s power, I’m afraid…”


As soon as these words of the Titan fell, Ye Kuang’s body suddenly appeared between him and Tang San.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of radiant dragon power instantly rushed towards his face, enveloping the Titan.

“I don’t care what the relationship between you and Xiao San is, but you are what you are, and you dare to point fingers at me about marrying Rongrong and the forces I have formed?”

Speaking of this, the Demon Dragon Sword in Ye Kuang’s hand trembled slightly, and the Sword intent was on the verge of triggering.

“Your head, don’t you want it?”

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