Lin Tianyu and other super ancestor lifeforms were dumbfounded.

You Ruodan was also dumbfounded.

No one thought that Chu Lingxiao would let a trifling Xuanzu be the emperor of their 12th layer Lou Xing.

This is too…

It’s overbearing!

Not only did he kill the emperor Tianqinghou, and the 12th super ancestor lifeform, but now he has to turn it around and let You Ruodan be the emperor. This is undoubtedly the destiny of their 12th layer Lou Xing , Treat it as a puppet!

“Why? Is there a problem?”

A faint voice fell.

In the lonely forbidden area and deep in the mountains, only the sound of Chu Lingxiao’s fingers flipping through the classics was heard, and everyone who was frightened immediately lowered their heads.

No problem!

How dare they still have problems.

Tianqinghou, the emperor of the 9th layer of Chaos Peak, was killed by you. What can we say?

For a while.

Lin Tianyu and the others can only accept this fact. An emperor Xuanzu waiting for the 12th layer of Lou Xing, thinking of this, feels bitter in their hearts.

Powerhouse is respected since ancient times.

But when I arrived at Chu Lingxiao, it was the other way round. It was the first time they saw this kind of thing.

At this moment, You Ruodan’s brain has become blank.

She has become the emperor of Lou Xing on the 12th layer?

Can’t believe it.

I can’t believe it.

Actually, until now, there is a secret in You Ruodan’s heart. Her parents, who were supposed to be the emperors of the 12th layer of Lou Xing, just didn’t know why, but suddenly died suddenly. Tian Qinghou boarded this position.

One day later.


She heard the conversation between Tianqinghou and others, and she knew that her parents were indeed the best candidates for the 12th layer Lou Xing emperor, but only because the father opened the twelve Daotian points , And suffered a killing disaster, because at that time the 12th layer building star Old Ancestor had not yet reached the Primordial Chaos Realm, fearing that his status would be threatened, he secretly joined Tianqinghou and ruthlessly killed his parents.

until now Tian Qinghou thought he didn’t know.

But all these years.

She has already investigated clearly.

The parents had a chance to escape back then. The reason why both died suddenly was because they were poisoned by the Qing Dynasty!


Chu Lingxiao killed Tian Qinghou, she was too happy to be too late, because her long-cherished wish in this life was finally completed!

“You can withdraw.”

hearing this.

Lin Tianyu and many other super-ancestor-level lifeforms could not help but glance at each other, face revealing a trace of hesitation, and then slowly withdrew from the forbidden area of ​​Holy Mountain.

In fact, they really want to ask Chu Lingxiao.

Is it from the ancestral land of Myriad Realms? Just think about it, or forget it.

What they are most worried about right now is not the news of Tian Qinghou’s death, which spread throughout the entire 12th layer Lou Xing.

It’s not You Ruodan…

Suddenly sitting on the 12th layer Lou Xing emperor’s position, causing an uproar in the entire 12th layer Lou Xing.

One of their biggest concerns at the moment is!

If the news of Tianqinghou’s death spread to all nearby planets, it would surely reach the ears of Primordial Chaos Realm Old Ancestor!

When the time comes, I will definitely come!

Once the two Primordial Chaos Realm meet.

In their hearts, there is really no bottom line.

If Chu Lingxiao wins, then forget it.

If Old Guy wins.

If you turn your head and ask them, why a dozen or so super ancestor lifeforms are dead, and even Tianqinghou was killed by the opponent without the slightest hesitation, but they are still alive.

This is for and so on.

How should they answer when the time comes?

No need to think about it.

In Old Guy’s mind, they must be identified as spies, and it was they who led Chu Lingxiao in.

“Brother Lin, what can I do?”

Just out of the forbidden area of ​​Holy Mountain, a super-ancestor-level lifeform couldn’t help but speak up.

He said this.

All the gazes of the super ancestor lifeform around, all looked towards Lin Tianyu.

Lin Tianyu is the closest to Chaos Boundary among them.

Just now in Holy Mountain forbidden to speak.

Now they naturally want to listen to Lin Tianyu’s views.

But Lin Tianyu also shook his head straight, and his eyebrows were even tighter than any super-ancestor lifeform present.

said solemnly :

“Now I only have to take one step, so it’s one step.”


Everyone’s faces sank, and their eyes were full of anxiety.

If the Primordial Chaos Realm Old Ancestor did not appear before.

They are not so worried yet.

But now since they appeared on the 12th layer tower, they feel that they are really bode ill rather than well. Back then, they did not send troops to help Myriad Realms on the 12th layer. The important thing is that Old Guy hid the sky with one hand.


They will not be indifferent to their conscience.

Goodbye Old Guy now, appearing in the 12th layer tower, they probably heard a layer of meaning from what Old Guy said. I’m afraid that when Old Guy was invaded in the land of Myriad Realms, He has already taken refuge in the enemy, otherwise now, how can there be a chance to become a relationship with those enemies!

Once Old Guy knows that Tianqinghou is dead.

Even if Old Guy is really invincible.

Those who stand behind him, the terrifying enemies who once invaded the land of Myriad Realms, are the real…

“Hey… the trees want to be quiet but the wind keeps going, What can we do now.”

Lin Tianyu looked back at Holy Mountain with a worried face, and could not help but sighed, helplessly said:

“Let’s go, if Danden is the king of God, and we still have to be busy next. Let’s first think about how to explain this to everyone on the 12th layer Lou Xing.”

hearing this.

Everyone shook the head with a wry smile.

For Chu Lingxiao, killing more than a dozen super ancestor lifeforms is no different from killing a peak emperor in the 9th layer of chaos. He came to the 12th layer of Lou Xing and just wanted to see. This was transported to the Myriad Realms of Lou Xing on the 12th layer. Did it record the two things he was looking for?

In the vast ages.

He has experienced too much.

But there are some things that are not invincible, so they will know it. If there is no suitable opportunity, it will always be impossible to know.




Along with one book after another, Chu Lingxiao threw behind him, and instantly turned to ashes.

In a huge golden palace.

The same thing happened.

A bunch of white haired old men of the super-ancestor-level Peak, looking at the bookshelf in front, one after another classics, just like this in front of them out of thin air, they were thrown out, and then turned into fragments in the sky. , His eyes were almost red, and an extremely old face, full of distressed meaning, couldn’t say a word at all.

These are all the precious books in the land of Myriad Realms!

They copied it perfectly from the Holy Land of the 12th layer Louxing, but there is a drawback, that is, there is a problem with any one of the classics, and the other must also follow It will be affected.

But how could this be!

“Quickly…notify the general, let him come over quickly and see what is going on!”

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