Tree men, synthetic monsters, murderers, muscle men, and witches of unknown origin.

In comparison, Star Prince seems relatively normal.

...Okay. Rocket finally chose to compromise.

The group of people returned to the Milan, left the land of nothingness, and came to space. The predator fleet had not yet flown far.

How do we save him? Do you have any ideas? Because Rocket was the one who planned the previous prison escapes, Gamora felt that Rocket should have some ideas for rescuing Rocket this time.

Just rush in front of them, and then /all said that if you don't hand over Quill, I will shoot down your spaceship. Rocket's tone was calm, but what he said made people's eyes jump wildly.

Even Sona, who doesn't understand spaceships and weapons, understands that the Milan is almost like an appetizer in the main ship of the Predator. Is the rocket method really okay?

Seriously? Gamora thought Rocket was just joking.

I'm Groot.

Otherwise? Do we have that much time to designate a battle plan? Rocket asked impatiently.

Sona thought the little raccoon was a bit reliable just now. Although his words were sharp but his words were reasonable, who knew that now he would also become a reckless man?

How about... I open a door and go in? Sona wrote on the writing board. They all knew what door was opened.

Is it okay? I thought there were restrictions on that thing. Rocket asked doubtfully.

It would be best if there are photos from inside the spaceship, otherwise I can only give it a try. Sona wrote another sentence.

In addition to distance restrictions, the portal opened by the Xuan Ring must also have a picture of the other end of the portal. The clearer it is, the easier it is to succeed.

Unless the spiritual power reaches a certain level, it cannot be used as any disciple.

That's easy. The rocket clicked on the control panel and found a prison surveillance video of the Predator spacecraft from the information flow of the universe network.

Of course it's not real-time. It would be much more difficult to hack into the spacecraft network, and most spacecrafts have an independent encrypted network to prevent so-called high-tech failures. This video was leaked.

Ignoring the video of a group of people torturing a person, Sona concentrated on observing other details in the video and closed her eyes after writing them down.

Then put on the hanging ring and start drawing circles out of thin air.

Mental power constructs the space model, connects the bridge, calculates the energy required for molecular transmission, changes the original spatial parameters, stabilizes the structure, and opens the portal.

Who would have thought that such a magical move could have such a scientific explanation.

The portal was successfully constructed, but before they even walked in, everyone was dumbfounded by the scene on the other side.

I saw Quill and a blue-skinned middle-aged man leaning against each other, with smiles on their faces. There were a group of younger brothers around them who were echoing, and those who didn't know thought they were celebrating Quill's successful return.

Is this what you call being captured? Gamora was speechless. How could this mean that she was captured? This is obviously the Chinese New Year coming back to my hometown from other places!

The marauders soon discovered the anomaly and raised their weapons towards the portal.

So, Quill, you are actually the leader of the Predators? Rocket didn't know what was going on and could only make a bold guess.

Somehow, Rocket felt as if the clown mask that had been on Quill's face was about to be put on his own face.

Volume 1: Chapter 174 Guardians of the Galaxy

So, that's probably what happened.

On the Milan, everyone sat around and listened to Quill's narration, and it took him a while to explain the situation clearly.

The content includes how he persuaded Yondu not to roast him for the time being, and how he lured the predators into the camp against Ronan, etc.

I can only say that he is worthy of being Star-Lord. His ability to talk is much better than his ability to fight.

It's a pity if you don't become a politician. Rocket felt that Quill was really good at talking.

I've thought about it before. Quill stood with his hands on his hips, waiting for someone to ask Then why didn't you go? so that he could brag about his past.

Unfortunately, no one was interested in this matter, which made him a little embarrassed.

emm...then what's our next plan? Quill asked.

You go contact the people of the Nova Legion so that they can be prepared to fight against Ronan in advance. Gamora responded.

...This really looks up to me. Quil didn't think he was that proud, but it shouldn't be difficult if he thought of a way.

Then what?

Then? Then we fly straight to Ronan's main ship, rush in and blow up that blue-skinned madman. Rocket said impatiently. He originally only wanted to make a lot of money when he got involved, but he was inexplicably involved in an interstellar war. Among them, everyone is at fault here.

What? Is this your plan? Quill raised his eyebrows, full of confusion.

What's the plan? Don't you understand Quill? It's impossible to fight against Ronan! The little raccoon stood up excitedly and said: How many people are there in the Undead Legion? What level is the main ship? ? Do you want me to tell you all this?

This is simply a proposition!

The title of war madman is not given casually. The undead army of Kree is also a fleet that most planets do not want to see.

Even with the addition of the Predators and Nova Legion, their winning rate is still very slim, not to mention that Ronan also got the Power Stone, the kind of weapon that can easily destroy the planet.

In the face of absolute power, any plan is useless.

Seeing Rocket so excited, Quill originally wanted to say that he had a plan, but now he didn't know how to say it.

Indeed, even if a team of all elites were thrown into an interstellar war, it would be difficult to make too big a splash.

What's more, they are just a patchwork of passerby teammates.

Morale is very low...

Sona looked at everyone bowing their heads in silence, thinking that it would be great if Steve was here at this time.

Sona discovered in Steve's dream that the captain's speech was indeed very helpful in improving the team's morale.

In fact, Sona didn't think their chances of winning against Ronan were that low.

It's not that she has no concept of interstellar war. On the contrary, she has experienced several interstellar wars, although it was only one-sided defense.

The Battle of New York, the Dark Elf Incident, the Void Invasion, Dormammu, compared with the so-called big guys, I don't know if Ronan can be ranked high.

Sona actually wanted to tell them that Ronan was not that difficult to deal with and that they should cheer up and face him. What if they won?

But as a mute, she was not good at inspiring speeches.

It is recommended to learn the art of speaking with high emotional intelligence.

Low EQ: As long as we unite, we will definitely win!

High EQ: Take me away now, you just lie down and don’t send me away.

The current situation is that Quill and the others thought that with five bronzes, they would not be able to defeat the opponent's five golds, but they didn't know that their support was killing randomly in the King's Game every day.

And Sona had never fought such a rich war, with a legion and a fleet as allies.

When we were on Earth, Serpentis and Shield didn't help much. They were pretty good if they didn't cause trouble. The Avengers didn't even have enough members to form a football team. Didn't they just defeat Kirita's army?

Although outstanding personal ability is also a reason. After all, if Sona doesn't help, Hulk may be able to defeat everyone on the Milan.

But all in all, as long as Ronan didn't have the ability to blow up Xandar Star, they would have a chance to fight.

Don't be like this, guys, I just told Yondu that we have a foolproof plan. If he comes and sees us like this, maybe the predators won't dare to help us.

Quill couldn't stand the atmosphere and decided to say something.

Look what we are now? Losers?

I know that we may not have done anything earth-shattering. At most, we have escaped from prison and violated various laws.

We're losing all the time.

Our homes, our friends, our lives.

“Our lives may be like terminal cancer, with no cure.”

But now an opportunity has presented itself to us, and it's a twist of fate.

Only by grasping it can we change the status quo!

Billions of people on Xandar are facing annihilation.

But as long as we do this, they can all survive! We are their heroes!

Taking a big picture, as long as we successfully stop Ronan, we will protect the peace of the galaxy!

We are the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Quill became more and more excited as he talked, and he even started to feel a little happy later on.

Although such words were a bit inconsistent coming from the mouth of a big liar like Quill, they had some effect.

Even if we can successfully stop Ronan, we may lose our lives. Rocket was slightly touched, but it still felt that life was the most important thing.

I once lived as a killer. Gamora stood up, looked around at everyone, and continued: But now I prefer to live and die with my friends.

Me too. Drax also stood up. He was determined to die, but now that he has such a bond, he will not back down.

I am Groot. The tree man said solemnly. He also stood up. This time there was no need for translation. Everyone knew what this sentence meant.

The perspective moved to Rocket, who laughed at himself a few times, and then stood up.

Okay, okay, I don't have long life anyway, so I might as well go on an adventure with you fools.

Seeing that everyone cheered up, Sona smiled with some relief.

Once upon a time, our friends on Earth also felt confused and overwhelmed by powerful enemies.

Sona was one of them at that time, and she thought that her own power could not turn the tide of the war.

But no one will choose to give up until the last moment.

The Guardians of the Galaxy in Quill's mouth have taken shape, and everyone has the same goal, but to completely complete the transformation, a victory is needed.

Experiencing this similar scene again from the perspective of a bystander, Sona felt a lot.

Don't worry, everyone.

Sona's voice sounded in everyone's minds.

You will all live until I fall.

The words reveal full confidence and give people a great sense of security.

Today is different from the past. The assistant who once needed protection from others has now mastered a variety of forbidden magic techniques and most of the power of runes.

Although I am still not very proficient in practical application...

But if Sona now meets her former enemy, she will definitely not be as embarrassed as before.

If her shield and healing magic can't protect her teammates.

Then she would just pull an arcane comet and blow away Ronan and his fleet.

This is assistance.jpg

(I feel that Mage support should be played in the middle. A few days ago, my Glory support did 80,000 damage, and QR immediately beat the enemy. The opponent's highest damage was only over 50,000, but I still lost...)

Volume One: Chapter 175 Beheading Operation

The capital of Xandar, the central tower.

The administrator known as Nova Supreme was handling political affairs, and the people below suddenly reported bad news.

Ronan's undead army is about to attack Xandar.

Legion Commander Thrall looked at the person who reported the news and felt that he looked familiar.

You are... the one last time... your name is Roman, right? Sal asked.

Unexpectedly, the legion commander could still remember his name. Roman was a little flattered and carefully replied: No...that's right.

Sal remembered him because Roman mentioned the witch of unknown origin to him last time, but he ignored it.

Later, Asgard came to ask for someone, but Nova Legion lost the person and has not found him yet. This gave Thrall a headache for a while.

Where did you get the news? Supreme Nova spoke.

A sweeper told me. He also said that Ronan has obtained a weapon called the Infinity Stone, which can easily destroy us as long as it comes into contact with the ground of Xandar.

Is the news true? The matter was so important that Nova Supreme became nervous all of a sudden.

Sweepers? Those mercenaries who are greedy for money? Sal didn't believe Roman's words, but he didn't deny him immediately. After all, it was such negligence last time that led to a series of subsequent diplomatic problems.

He said they had just escaped from Klin Prison and could have fled. If they didn't really want to help, there was no need to come back and tell us about it. Roman paused, and after hesitation, he told him what Star-Lord told him. Original words: He also said that if he deceived us, he would be covered with cow's hair...

Do you believe him? Nova Supreme ignored the vulgar metaphor behind it.

I find it disgusting to have cows all over my body, so...

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