Loki... Sona has not forgotten him. If he was just teasing herself, maybe he can be forgiven.

But after Loki arrived on Earth, he killed many innocent people, opened the door for the Chiritans to invade, and treated the lives of people on Earth like ants. This kind of bad behavior cannot be erased with an understatement.

If you really want to apologize, Loki should go and tell the people on Earth in person. Sona replied calmly. She didn't know what kind of punishment Loki would receive in Asgard, but because of him on Earth, And there are many broken families.

Thor's ability to return to Asgard with the Cosmic Cube and Loki was actually a decision made by the people in power on Earth weighing the pros and cons. If they really wanted to keep Loki for trial, they would be breaking up with Asgard. Shameless.

When Odin heard this, the expression on his face changed slightly. He squinted his eyes and looked at Sona without saying a word.

Undaunted, Sona looked at Odin, knowing what this answer meant.

The atmosphere was a little cold for a while, and no one around him dared to make a sound.

Being able to confront Odin without fear at all is something that will definitely shock the universe.

Loki only received a hundred years of imprisonment. Although no Asgardian said this, everyone knew that Odin was favoring his son.

After all, if an ordinary Asgardian had done this, he would have been dragged to Fenrir's dogs long ago.

Everything Odin says and does represents Asgard, and he cannot leave anything that can be criticized by others.

In the end, Odin took a step back and replied to Sona: I will consider it.

Asking Loki to go to Earth to apologize would bring disgrace to Asgard, and Loki himself would definitely not be willing to do so, but if he refused Sona, it would definitely have an impact on Asgard's reputation.

It's really difficult for Odin to make a choice as he is both a ruler and a father.

(Sorry, I faked the corpse...)

(I’m in my senior year of high school and I’m quite tired. I may be more casual after school starts.)

(But again, I will definitely give you a normal ending.)

Volume One: Chapter 140 Prison Riot

In the end, there was still no accurate answer to this matter, and Odin's view of Sona also changed somewhat.

I don't know, what are you two doing in Asgard? Odin turned his gaze elsewhere, as if no matter what Sona answered, Odin would let the two of them leave.

Thor said the ether particles in my body would bring danger. Sona answered truthfully, but she didn't feel anything was wrong with the ether particles.

Except for the initial explosion caused by Daisy's collision, the ether particles flowed through Sona's body quite peacefully, without any further accidents.

Sona also discovered that she could control etheric particles to turn into what she wanted, just like what was recorded in ancient books, distorting reality and shaping everything.

She was able to speak, probably because the ether particles distorted reality, temporarily invalidating the curse on Sona.

Ether particles? A trace of surprise appeared on Odin's face. He hadn't heard the name of this ancient item for a long time.

That goes back to the story Odin's grandfather Bol told him when he was a child.

The dark elves who believed in darkness created ether particles and wanted to return the universe to the dark nothingness before the Big Bang. However, they were ultimately defeated by the coalition of Asgard and other races from the nine realms, and then disappeared.

Bohr once told Odin the hiding place of the ether particles. It is not an exaggeration to call it the corner of the universe. It is difficult to reach by ordinary methods. He did not expect that it would be found.

This is not a good sign. Although the dark elves were wiped out at the end of the story, Odin knew that it was just a happy ending to the fairy tale. They were probably hiding in some secret corner, waiting to make a comeback.

By then, the entire Nine Realms will be in turmoil again.

Thinking of this, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in Odin's heart. He may not be afraid of the dark elves, but Asgard now is not as strong as in ancient times. If the dark elves were to revive and return, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Follow me. Odin motioned for the three of them to follow him.

They walked through many tall corridors and came to Asgard's library, where almost most of the books worth collecting in the known universe are stored.

Opening the dynamic magic book, Odin introduced everyone to the legends about ether particles and dark elves, which were not recorded in Kama Taj's books.

So, the ether particles will swallow my life? Sona asked in confusion after listening to Odin's narration.

Yes, this is the property of dark matter. Odin closed the book and put it back into place.

If life is being sucked out, it is impossible for Sona not to feel it. She is not an immortal, so she will still feel it even if she is constantly being -1s-1s.

But she didn't notice that the ether particles were absorbing her life force. On the contrary, it was feeding back part of the magic energy to Sona. This was also what puzzled her.

She even suspected that Odin was tricking her in order to get her to hand over the ether particles.

But just thinking about it, after all, the ether particles were the trophies of the Odin family thousands of years ago. If they wanted to, there was no need to seal them.

Then how can we take it out? Sona asked again.

This kind of powerful power that can be obtained without any effort is still too suspicious for Sona. Even the rune foundation stone will use backlash, and the ether particles will absorb the host's vitality, so it cannot be groundless.

Odin poured divine power into his eyes, and his golden eyes shimmered. After his consciousness swept over Sona, he closed his eyes again.

After a while, Odin stroked his beard and said, There are two ways now.

The first is to find a host that the ether particles are more suitable for, and let it take the initiative to leave you.

This method is difficult. Unless the adaptability is very different, ether particles will not actively change hosts.

Sona nodded, Strange's figure appeared inexplicably in her mind. After all, didn't the guy who dominates always say that Strange's magical talent is higher than hers and that he can exert greater rune power?

Maybe the ether particles will also like Strange?

Wait, could the reason why the Overlord disappeared be that he went to find Strange?

Although the possibility is small, it is not zero...

Sona's thoughts wandered further and further away, and were finally brought back by Odin's cough. She spoke with a little embarrassment: What about the second one?

The second is relatively simple. Odin paused and then said: The second is to kill you. When the host dies, the ether particles will come out on their own.

Okay, it's really simple enough.

Sona looked at Odin with a question mark on her face, thinking that the old man was joking. Unexpectedly, Odin shrugged slightly and said that this was really the second method. Bol was taken out of Malekith's body tens of thousands of years ago. of.

Then this method is really reasonable... Sona complained in her heart, even if there is no precedent, she also knows that the ether particles will come out when the host dies.

Now it seems that the ether particles may not be retrieved for a while, and we have to wait for the group of witches in Asgard to study it before they can come up with a better method.

After asking Odin some more about the dark elves, Sona left the Asgard library with Thor and Jane and went outside.

However, Odin actually relented and allowed Jane and Sona to stay in Asgard for a few more days, which was completely different from his previous attitude of comparing people to vegetables.

Not long after she came out, Sona couldn't find Jane and Sol. It seemed that she thought her light bulb was too bright, so she left her to go to the world of two.

Sona didn't pay much attention and just wandered around Asgard alone. The environment here was comparable to that of Ionia, and just walking could make people feel happy.

Would you like to talk to me? Miss Sona. A dignifiedly dressed woman stopped Sona.

Just by listening to the voice, Sona could feel the tenderness of the other party. She turned around and looked at her. She was indeed a noble lady whose charm was still there despite the passage of time. Her long brown hair was tied into a classic double dish shape, and her eyebrows were locked. The years are quiet.

It's an honor. Sona smiled in return and sat down with her on the resting seat by the pond.

I am Frigga, Loki's mother. Please allow me to apologize again for what he did on Earth. It was our neglect of discipline that caused such a tragedy.

Compared to Odin's arrogance, Frigga sincerely apologized for her son's mistakes as a mother, which made Sona have no intention of blaming her anymore.

Madam, you don't have to blame yourself too much. After all, not everything can be predicted. Sona comforted. She could feel that Frigga cared about Loki, but she never thought that he would do such a thing. .

Loki is actually not a bad kid, he just wants to prove himself too much. Frigga sighed: He has grown up under the halo of his brother since he was a child, and has always been ignored by others.

Is he always like this when he was a child? Sona's impression of Loki was that he regarded the earth as an ant, didn't care about other people's feelings at all, and was self-centered.

No. As the best witch, Frigga could sense Sona's inner view of Loki, but it was only one-sided and misunderstood, so Frigga began to whitewash her son. .

It was difficult to close the chat box once it was opened, and Sona was willing to listen to Frigga quietly telling stories about Thor and Loki when they were young.

There were many ridiculous stories that made Sona want to laugh out loud, but she held it back out of etiquette.

World-weary zinc transfer ⑨④⑧③2⑦⑧00

Sona also learned that Loki was not actually the leader of the Kirita incident. He was also deceived. The Kirita people simply found a tool man to help them invade the earth.

Although this does not excuse Loki for killing many people on Earth, Sona no longer has a relentless attitude toward Loki. As long as Loki can be reformed in prison and become a new man, he can still be forgiven. of.

At least he didn't hurt Lu Lu when he kidnapped her, which is worthy of recognition.

(Loki:? Who hurt whom?)

Just when the two were chatting happily, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the distance, causing quite a commotion.

That's the direction of the prison. A worried look suddenly appeared on Frigga's face. There had been no prison riots in Asgard for a long time, and Loki was also there now.

Sona saw the people around her fleeing and going home to seek refuge, and she instinctively summoned the guqin to go to the prison to help.

Sona, leave it to Asgard's guards there. You don't have to put yourself in danger. Frigga found it hard to understand why a lady like Sona would be like Thor, wanting to rush in when something happened. The front.

As a warrior, Thor has his own responsibilities. Frigga will naturally not be too worried, nor will she prevent Thor from going to the battlefield just because of doting.

Leave those battles to those who should stand up. Frigga advised. She vaguely felt that this crisis was not a simple prison riot, and she did not want the child in front of her who had a good impression of her to do it. Such a dangerous thing.

Sona looked at Frigga's sincere eyes and almost agreed, but she still shook her head and said: No one should stand in front of danger as a matter of course, but there will always be people who do that.

Frigga was stunned by Sona's answer, and for a moment she had no reason to let Sona stay.

Don't worry, I'm not a flower in the greenhouse. In order not to worry Frigga, Sona also showed off the magical energy in her body.

Deeper than some of Asgard's court mages.

Watching Sona's figure gradually flying away, with the words Sona said before she left still ringing in her ears, Frigga murmured to herself: Is this why your soul shines, Sona.

Volume 1: Chapter 141 Can Ping An be infected?

Early this morning, Asgard's expeditionary force escorted back a group of orc soldiers from Vanaheim that caused turmoil.

Who would have thought that there was a cursed warrior hidden among these rebels, a relatively powerful being among the dark elves. He hid the shadow of dark matter in a scale on his body, hiding from Heimdall's eyes.

The Cursed Warrior activated the dark matter in the prison. After his true identity was revealed, he easily tore apart Asgard's light energy cage and released a large number of prisoners, which later triggered a riot in the prison.

The cursed warriors kept breaking the barriers to free the prisoners, but stopped at the last one.

There is only one person locked up here, and it is fully furnished and treated like a VIP.

Loki looked coldly at the cursed warrior outside the barrier. He wore a trembling black ram's horn mask, was tall and burly, and had an orange-red light emitting from the gaps in his armor, just like an undead man in an ember state.

The eyes under the cursed warrior's mask were filled with the desire to kill. He could tell that the man in front of him was not an Asgardian, but a descendant of the Frost Giant. However, his physical strength was pitiful and despised.

There is no need to let him go, he might just be a waste. It would be nice to have ideas in the simple mind of the Cursed Warrior.

Loki didn't expect him to help him break the barrier, and he disdained being associated with those barbarians. Even though he was now a prisoner of Asgard, Loki still thought about Asgard.

However, from a prince to a prisoner, you have to charge some interest, right?

He is the vengeful god of trickery!

I advise you to take the stairs on the left. Loki reminded him before the cursed warrior left.

You can reach many important places there, it just depends on what the cursed warrior wants to do.

Hopefully he can pull out a few of Odin's beards.

Loki couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of that scene.

-Prison gate. -

Cure your formation! Don't let them break out! The prison guard captain shouted loudly, asking his soldiers to gather towards the gate.

However, the soldiers who guarded the prison and the soldiers who went on expeditions could not be generalized. They could not stand up under the attack of the violent orc soldiers. Moreover, the incident happened suddenly. Many soldiers were surrounded and attacked while they were still in a state of confusion. It was terrible to watch.

What a rotten fish! One of the orc warriors easily broke the guarding soldier's neck and roared mockingly while standing on his corpse.

His arrogance only lasted for a scene, and then a war hammer carrying thunder flew in from outside the door and directly smashed his head. The momentum was so great that even the people fighting around him couldn't help but stop and look at the incoming man.

If you stop now, then I can forget about it.

In a typical way for the protagonist to appear, Thor recalled Mjolnir and glanced around with threatening eyes.

But he was not a person with the face fruit ability. After a brief pause, the prisoners continued to fight with the guarding soldiers.

Thor eliminated the two miscellaneous fish that rushed towards him with three strikes, five and two, then raised his hammer and raised his arms and shouted the Asgardian mantra: For Asgard!

It may seem childish to describe this behavior verbally, but when it actually happens, chanting slogans can really inspire soldiers to fight.

Under the influence of Thor, the soldiers who had originally collapsed took up their weapons again, gathered together, and backed up with vertical shields, barely blocking the attack of the rioting prisoners.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Bridge.

Waves suddenly arose on the wide sea, as if it were cut open by a transparent knife.

Heimdall frowned, realizing something was wrong.

He made a prompt decision, jumped off the platform, and ran towards the Rainbow Bridge. He jumped close to the bridge and drew a dagger from his waist to stab forward.

The invisible blade spacecraft immediately revealed its prototype, and it was rushing towards Asgard at an extremely fast speed. If it were just allowed to rush in, the consequences would be disastrous.

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