A gunfight broke out in the control room of the aerospace carrier, and Rumlow took advantage of the chaos to activate one of the aerospace carriers.

The aircraft carrier's turbine uses void crystals that SHIELD has been secretly researching, so the ascent speed is much faster than that of the first-generation aerospace aircraft carrier.

Sona knew that she couldn't let it go to the sky successfully. While using the floating technique to fly up, she plucked the strings and attacked the turbine of the aerospace aircraft carrier. The blue energy beam was powerful, but it was completely blocked by the sudden appearance of the purple shield.

This kind of purple energy was very familiar to Sona, but she didn't expect that Hydra could already use void energy so maturely.

Hydra's scientists fully absorbed the weaknesses of the first-generation aerospace carrier, and all four turbines added a protective shield of void energy.

Sona frowned. Steve said that successfully flying into the sky was equivalent to giving Hydra the Sword of Damox, but right now she seemed unable to directly destroy the aerospace carrier's hull.

Unless... no, Sona has not mastered all the magic in the memory of the ancient one, and communicating with other latitudes to draw energy at will may bring disaster to the earth.

The door on the top has been fully opened, and the other two aerospace carriers have also been activated.

I have no choice but to go up first and talk later.

Sona's floating figure was very conspicuous. The agents on the ground focused their fire on her. The bullets hit the green magic shield like dense raindrops, quickly shattering the first layer of shield.

Next, those agents only need to break four more layers of shields to hurt Sona!

Apart from some sounds and slight vibrations, Sona was basically unaffected.

This is the advantage of magic in the face of low-level technology. Unfortunately, those agents did not realize the gap and still shot at Sona as if bullets were free, the traditional US military style of play.

Just when she was about to land on the aerospace carrier, Sona stopped in the air because she saw all the anti-aircraft guns on the aerospace carrier aimed at her.

etc! Is it too late for me to become invisible now? Only then did Sona realize her oversight. She thought that the aerospace aircraft carrier had to fly very high to be effective.

The artillery controlled by the system will not hesitate and attack directly after locking the target.

Explosions resounded through the sky, and countless missiles bloomed with orange flowers in the sky.

Volume One: Chapter 128 The Winter Soldier

Image: Hawkeye Purple Outfit, Location: Images/




Clinton, what are they fighting? Agent Hill who was staying in the command center saw the aerospace aircraft carrier firing rashly and hurriedly contacted Hawkeye who was standing on the high platform and raising the bow.

Uh...a green thing? No matter how good the eagle's eyesight is, he can only see a faint green light in the thick gray smoke, and cannot clearly distinguish what it is.

Green? Is it the Hulk? Agent Hill replied subconsciously.

No, Hulk can't fly... Natasha said as she pressed the earphone, with a serious expression on her face. She hoped that the truth would be what she guessed.

Natasha was holding a pistol at the moment, with the muzzle pointed at Alexander Pierce's head. All the Serpentis and Shield agents who came to support were subdued, and she had taken control of the conference room on the top of the building.

However, their plan failed. The three aerospace aircraft carriers were still successfully launched. The next step was to see if Steve and Falcon could put the control chip into the aircraft carrier's control room.

We want to create a harmonious and equal world without superheroes and super criminals. Why can't this great concept be understood? Pierce obviously was not robbed of the proper attitude and complained to Natasha and the people of the World Security Council. road.

This is the philosophy that Hydra has always implemented. A world maintained by order first needs absolute unity.

As long as you go be a homeless person tomorrow, I will support your great idea. Natasha pressed the virtual keyboard with an unchanged expression and replied coldly.

Pierce was choked by this, curled his lips, and stopped talking. His words were very beautiful, and he wanted to create a perfect world, but in the final analysis, it was for power. No one wants to work hard for most of his life and still be ranked among thousands of people. Next?

Natasha kept operating on the computer screen, and the information repeatedly displayed on the virtual screen made Pierce's eyelids jump.

What do you want to do? Pierce was no longer as calm as before.

Public all information about Hydra so that you have no protection. Natasha finished the operation and was just short of the Enter button.

Don't forget your former identity, Black Widow, the world will know the dirty things the Avengers have done! Pierce threatened.

Will I lose money if I switch to N this time? Natasha had a playful smile on her face, as if she was deliberately trying to annoy Pierce.

The Enter key was pressed, and countless identity lists were about to be released to the Internet. In the end, they were stopped by SHIELD's security code. Two people with A-level permissions must give iris authentication before this order can be executed.

I want to see where you are going to find the second person with Class A clearance. Pierce almost forgot about SHIELD's last layer of protection.

Nick Fury has been killed by them, and the remaining people with A-level permissions are Hydra people. Pierce has regained his previous initiative.

The person you want to see has arrived. Natasha pointed to the helicopter outside the window. Pierce looked out and saw a familiar black windbreaker that made his heart tremble.

Fuck Farke... Pierce blurted out involuntarily...

Her ears were filled with roaring sounds, and Sona felt like her brain was buzzing.

Sure enough, it’s still too reckless to be tough?

Using a combination of secret magic and earth magic, and with the full support of magical energy, Sona barely managed to withstand this wave of artillery bombardment.

Feeling that the opponent's attack had stopped, a cold look flashed across Sona's face. She placed her fingers on the strings of the guqin, and the majestic magic energy gathered at her fingertips.

This feeling is like Lu Meng, who was being ignored for four consecutive rounds and took out a Zhuge Liannu from his hand with a sneer.

The guqin erupted with a clang that overshadowed the missile explosion, and a golden sound wave broke through the smoke like a crescent moon and flew towards the aerospace aircraft carrier.

The turret of the space aircraft carrier did not have a protective cover of void energy. When it was touched by the golden sound wave, it was like being cut by a sharp blade. The turret fell into the river below, leaving only a cut with electric light and sparks. .

Sona's attack did not stop, more sound waves flew out, knocking out the large and small turrets on the air and space aircraft carrier one by one.

If it were a missile attack, it might be intercepted by the machine guns on the aerospace carrier, but the sonic attack did not appear in the interception system's scan, which is why Sona could easily clear the artillery on the aerospace carrier.

The aerospace aircraft carrier was gradually disarmed by Sona, losing most of its effective attack methods, leaving only its slowly rising body.

According to the movie routines I have seen in the past, such large aircraft should have...emmm life gate? It was the kind of device that couldn't fly if it was knocked off. Sona didn't know where it was, so she could only go on the ship and look for it.

There were originally many Hydra agents on the space carrier, but they had seen Sona's firepower output like a battalion in the air, and they all shouted Hit you? and then decisively parachuted away.

This is still an agent with brains. Some dead soldiers who fully believe in Hydra are still on the ship. It seems that they intend to destroy the ship and destroy everyone on it.

The Hydra soldier pointed his rocket launcher at Sona with a resolute expression on his face, but before he could launch it, he fell to the ground with a black arrow stuck in his chest.

This was obviously not Sona's doing. She looked up and saw a person standing on a Quinjet fighter. It was the somewhat funny-looking Hawkeye Clinton.

Why do you say he is funny? Because the clothes Hawkeye is wearing at the moment are all purple, and he also wears an exaggerated purple eyepatch on his eyes.

The few SHIELD agents were flying the plane. The Quinjet lowered its flight altitude, allowing Hawkeye to successfully jump out of the plane and land on the aerospace carrier.

Long time no see, Sona. Clinton reminisced with Sona while knocking down Hydra agents with an arrow.

Sona nodded slightly and responded to Clinton. At the same time, she put a shield on him, blocking some bullets fired from all directions.

We have to put this chip into the console of the aerospace carrier to completely destroy the aerospace carrier. Clinton took out a green chip strip and handed it to Sona.

Sona took the chip, with a puzzled expression on her face. She looked at Clinton with raised eyebrows. She seemed to know what she was talking about without teleporting: Why are you giving it to me? I don't know how to use it?

Sona's current impression of computers is only at the game console level, and she doesn't understand those complicated codes at all.

Clinton replied without changing his face: I'm the ADC. I'm going to the back row to deal damage. Say goodbye. After saying that, he pulled the line on the Quinjet and left.

There seemed to be a lot of black lines on Sona's head. Although she understood that Clinton meant that he was going to support other teammates, her behavior of leaving behind a clearance item really made Sona want to complain.

Fortunately, Clinton ran away without wiping his mouth after eating, and left a communication headset to guide Sona through the operation.

Under Clinton's voice guidance, Sona successfully found the console under the aerospace aircraft carrier, opened the complex device housing the complex chip, and inserted the special chip into it.

A green reading bar appears on the screen. As long as it reaches 100%, it means that the aerospace aircraft carrier has escaped from Hydra's control.

Everything was going perfectly until Sona heard footsteps coming from behind.

Turning around, he saw a long-haired man wearing a black mask. His eyes were sharp and his steps were steady. His entire left arm was covered with silver-white armor, giving him the impression of a cold killer.

The complex modified firearms in his hands also illustrate his identity.

Doesn't look like an ordinary Hydra agent...

Sona was vaguely affected by the opponent's momentum and took two steps back unconsciously.

The Winter Soldier never talked nonsense with the enemy. He raised the gun in his hand and fired directly. The muzzle flashed. The bullets of this rifle fired faster than ordinary submachine guns.

@I, the Time Manager, the Dark Knight new book py!

It seems to have a previous work. Among the author's fan base, it is a comic book + LOL + supernatural ghost novel covering a wide range of topics.

Volume One: Chapter 128 Bucky with Strange Properties

Bucky couldn't help but know that the opponent was basically immune to most bullets, and fire coverage was just a way for him to get close to Sona. In an instant, the distance between him and Sona quickly shortened.

A crimson thunderbolt shot out from Sona's palm, and the power of the runes of electrocution had a great impact on Bucky's steel unicorn arm.

Bucky, whose arm was temporarily short-circuited, did not stop because of this. He stepped forward suddenly, and a dagger magically appeared on his right hand, slashing on the green shield from top to bottom.

The shield was already fragile after being hit by bullets, but after a critical hit from Bucky, it burst open like a bubble, and the blade was close to Sona's smooth and jade-like neck in an instant.

The Winter Soldier doesn't know how to show mercy, and attacks fiercely and directly to the vital point.

Sona raised her elbow to stop Bucky's dagger. Taking advantage of Bucky's left hand being short-circuited and unable to defend himself, Sona hit Bucky in the abdomen with a knee, and then pushed him away with her hands.

Although it is not a very elegant fighting method, it is very practical. Bucky also did not expect that a woman who looked so weak like Sona could actually burst out with such brutal power.

It is simply better than 0.000000372 Galactus and 0.943 Captain America.

The frontal assault failed, and Bucky did not choose to be tough. He retreated a few positions, took advantage of the metal arm to regain mobility, and immediately raised his gun to shoot.

Sona activated the hanging ring and summoned the golden round shield for defense, but she didn't expect that the opponent's target was not her, but the computer behind her that was still reading the message.

The electronic screen was hit by a bullet, cracks appeared in the glass, and electronic sparks scattered. It was still stubbornly reading the progress bar, but it looked like it couldn't take a few more bullets.

We can't let him attack again! Sona took a few steps back, blocking the electronic screen and console.

Although she didn't know what the consequences would be if this thing was destroyed.

Griphook's voice was extremely clear, and Bucky threw two grenades. Without giving Sona a chance to react, he raised his hand and fired two shots to detonate the grenades.

The shock wave of the explosion was not as big as that of the missile that she had resisted before, and the damage to the shield was not that great. Sona quickly recovered her hearing, closed her eyes and felt Bucky's movements in the smoke, and then predicted a shot. Sonic attack.

Bucky did not dodge, and was hit head-on by Sound Wave. He fell to the ground on his back, and the black mask on his face was also knocked off.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth without changing his expression and stood up quickly. His gun fell down, the grenades were used up, and the long-range weapon was completely lost.

But the Winter Soldier's metal arm is the scariest weapon of all. (In the movie, when Spider-Man took over the Iron Fist with one hand, all the Bucky people were dumbfounded.)

Seeing clearly the face under the black mask, a trace of surprise flashed across Sona's face.

Bucky Barnes? !

Isn't he from the last century? Why is it here?

That sergeant who was very talkative still left an impression on Sona.

Although Bucky's current appearance is very different from what Sona has seen, it was this face that Sona had seen in Steve's consciousness a few months ago.

I originally thought of charging up an energy chord to take him away, but since I knew someone, I definitely couldn't kill him.

After all, Steve is already quite old, so it's time to find him...ahem.

The strange thoughts that appeared in her mind lingered, and Sona looked at Bucky again, as if she was wearing colored glasses.

Bucky doesn't know what Sona is thinking. If he knew, he might be more ruthless.

Unfortunately, it is also an iron fist. Bucky does not have the ability to rush forward as fast as the other Zha Zong, nor does he know how to uppercut. After getting close to Sona, he still used the military's fighting skills.

Sona had received close combat training from Peggy in Steve's consciousness space, and coupled with her body strengthened by the rune foundation stone, Bucky's attack was not difficult to resolve.

After Sona parried Bucky's attack, she used a set of ancient Bagua Palm to push Bucky's chest with her palm, knocking Bucky's soul out of his body.

No matter how you say it, Bucky doesn't look like a bastard, but now he's working as an agent for Hydra. There must be some hidden agenda.

Seeing Bucky's soul, Sona immediately understood what was going on.

Coming out of his body, there are two phantom souls, one is the appearance of the sergeant when Bucky enlisted in the army, and the other is the appearance of the Winter Soldier.

Is this...split personality?

That's really troublesome.

Because Sona doesn't know which one is the real Bucky and which one is the sub-personality that was born later.

If she erased a soul without permission, it would definitely have an impact on Bucky.

Both Buckys were awake, and both looked at themselves in the soul state with shocked faces, and then looked at each other.

Who are you? X2

Although it is the same sentence, Bucky in military uniform said it in English, while the Winter Soldier said it in Russian.

Only Sona could hear the conversation in the soul state. Two identical voices speaking different words in different directions felt a bit spooky.

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