After entering the door, a waiter took me to a seat, handed me the menu, and waited quietly.

Sona ordered a green salad and oriental handmade dumplings, which she loved. This restaurant seems to include Chinese and Western food.

Her food intake has returned to normal, and she won't be full like she did last time after eating several takeaways.

After returning the ordered menu to the waiter, Sona placed the koto on the seat next to her.

Hello, can I sit here?

Sona looked around and was a little surprised. It was Natasha, wearing an evening dress for the banquet. Her red hair had been permed and curled, and she also put on light makeup.

After she saved him from the evil ghost that day, Natasha left before he could express his gratitude to her.

Nodding in agreement, Natasha opened her seat and sat opposite Sona.

My name is Natasha. My commander originally wanted me to be friends with you first, and then find a way for you to join my organization, but I think it's better to say it directly. Sona didn't expect Natasha to say. Did she think she would talk about old times first?

Behind the bug, Nick Fury's face darkened when he heard Natasha's words. He clearly didn't ask Natasha to do that!

Organization? Sona wrote on the writing board.

Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D., its full name is the Homeland Strategic Attack Defense and Logistics Agency. It is mainly responsible for handling supernatural events and superpower crimes that occur in various places around the world. Natasha's face remained as cold as ice, and Sona didn't even see it. She had smiled.

We know that Miss Sona has extraordinary abilities, so we would like to invite you to join SHIELD to protect the vulnerable people in disasters and work together for world peace. Natasha's words were very beautiful and full of justice. People may feel a sense of mission and join.

Is my ability important to SHIELD? Sona did not choose to use a writing pad this time, but directly sent a message to Natasha.

The world-weary novel group is so angry that Umbrella is bullying the leader

Fortunately, Natasha's mental quality was quite strong and she didn't show any abnormality. She quickly accepted Sona's ability.

It's very important. Whether it's the attack method or the green healing energy, it's a rare ability for us. Natasha paused, showing a touch of sadness, and continued: Aegis The bureau lacks rapid treatment methods, and many partners have died because of this while performing missions.

SHIELD probably learned about Sona's abilities from Tony. In fact, Nick Fury was shocked when he learned that Sona had left Tony's home. He couldn't understand why Tony could put aliens in the center of New York so easily. Wasn't he afraid of something happening?

Tony is really not afraid. SHIELD will handle the funeral anyway. He has a steel armor. If Sona encounters a big problem that cannot be solved, he can fly to New York City as soon as possible.

Many friends have died because of this... This may be the reason why Natasha has remained so cold, Sona thought.

It's a pity that Sona won't know how many skills the red room has taught Natasha.

I'm looking for a job, and it's been a long time with no results. It just so happens that SHIELD also needs my abilities, how about... just join? But why did Sona feel that something was wrong?

Seeing that Sona was still hesitant, Natasha stepped up her offensive and said, Stop hesitating, Miss Sona!

Why don't you let this young lady think carefully? Suddenly a voice interrupted Sona's thinking. Charles suddenly appeared next to the dining table, followed by Alexander pushing a wheelchair.

SHIELD is not a formal organization. A man's voice suddenly sounded in Sona's mind. She looked at Charles in surprise, a little curious about his teleportation ability. There was no trace of magic energy on Charles.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Professor

In fact, when Natasha saw Charles, she probably guessed that this mission would not succeed. Now she was just waiting for the ending.

I'm sorry, Miss Natasha, please allow me to think about it for a while. Sure enough, Sona chose to believe the man who appeared later and temporarily rejected Natasha.

Natasha was also very straightforward and received a reply from Sona. After showing some unwillingness, she left, leaving her contact information for Sona before leaving.

After receiving the notification of mission failure, most people in the restaurant left one after another. Well, half of the restaurant was filled with people from SHIELD.

Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Charles Xavier, and I am the principal of a school. Yimei (who plays the professor)'s smile is still very friendly, not to mention that the professor's hair is still healthy.

Sona smiled back. In fact, she wanted to eat first, but she never saw the waiter who served the food...

Volume 1: Chapter 14 Communication with Professor X

Hello, my name is Sona. Out of politeness, Sona still did not refuse Charles' invitation to communicate and replied with telepathy.

Charles was not surprised by Sona's telepathic ability. When he sensed Sona using the brainwave enhancement device, he knew that Sona was not an ordinary person.

After a brief exchange, Charles determined that Sona was not the kind of person who would bring disaster to human society, because even if Charles did not have telepathy, he could still feel the peace of mind that Sona brought to people. Feel.

Professor X has always judged people very accurately.

Professor Charles, what did you mean when you said that SHIELD is not a formal organization? Sona asked. Judging from the current situation, SHIELD left a good impression on her.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is maintaining world peace on the surface, but in fact they are using greater violence to prevent violence. From Charles's tone (emmm, do you have a tone in your head?), you can hear that he has feelings for S.H.I.E.L.D. His behavior and style are very disdainful.

If I'm not wrong, the reason why SHIELD wants to recruit you is not only to gain access to your abilities, but also for the purpose of supervision and restriction. Charles added.

As far as Charles knows, many mutants who want to live peacefully have been included in the danger list by SHIELD, and he may be included. After all, telepathy and control, for Nick Fury, are the most important thing for all mankind. The Sword of Damocles above his head.

Is this like this... Sona didn't say anything. She thought of Demacia's unique magic hunters. They are very similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. in Charles's words. In order to ensure the safety of Demacia, they will expel all civilian mages found. , or imprisonment.

But those people just want to live, what's wrong with them?

Sona sighed imperceptibly and stopped thinking about Demacia.

In that case, thank you very much for the reminder, Professor. Sona sincerely thanked Charles. She was indeed close to agreeing just now, but she was not willing to be used as a weapon.

World-weary novel group⑦1④4⑧67⑦0

No need to thank you, Miss Sona. Charles paused, took out another business card, and said, This is the address of Xavier Academy for Gifted Talents. If Miss Sona has a chance, you can come and visit. Don't get me wrong. I'm not like SHIELD, this is just an invitation.

Sona smiled and took the business card. She really wanted to have a meal!

The corners of Charles' eyes twitched, apparently he accidentally read Sona's inner thoughts. After bidding farewell to Sona, Charles left with Alexander.

The two of them were talking in their minds the whole time. Hao Jie didn't hear anything, but he wasn't interested either... In fact, he was still a little curious. After all, Sona was a girl who could remember it for a long time after just one glance. He wasn't interested at all. That's not true.

This is what Charles accidentally read.

Professor, where should we go next? Back to the academy? Alexander asked.

No, book a flight and go to Tennessee. Charles' expression turned a little gloomy. He accidentally read the confidential information received by a SHIELD agent in the restaurant.

Purple strange insects? Strange energy fluctuations? Charles pondered. This was very similar to his nightmare. It seemed that besides Sona, another person with special mental fluctuations was the target of his trip.

SHIELD may not have seen her, but Charles has sensed it with a brainwave enhancement device. As long as he reaches Tennessee, he can find the target...

After Professor

Sona was wondering why such a dignified lady would work as a waiter here. The other party first said: I am very sorry, this guest, due to our negligence in management, the meal service time was too delayed. We will compensate you. Loss.”

Such a tone made Sona a little flattered, and she quickly wrote on the writing board, No need, no need, it has no effect on me.

As a Chinese who immigrated to the United States very early, Su Yun also experienced a period of struggle when he was young. Now he runs such a large restaurant and has always adhered to the concept of customer first.

Su Yun seemed to have discovered that Sona had lost her voice. Su Yun was a little surprised and a little regretful, lamenting that fate is always so dramatic.

After helping Sona handle the dishes, Su Yun left and went to the kitchen.

After a night of burning in the Engine Bomb Tavern and the rescue efforts of firefighters, the fire finally died down. The firefighters who arrived at the scene immediately discovered Mark lying on the ground and contacted an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

Mark is now lying in a hospital ward. The diagnosis is only a broken arm and a mild concussion, but the cause of the patient's loss of consciousness has not yet been determined.

A drip was hung on his right hand, and the heartbeat monitor made a regular beeping sound. Mark was lying on the hospital bed like a vegetative state.

Suddenly, the air in the room fluctuated, and a figure appeared in the room. He was very tall and should be a man. He was wearing a thick coat. Even the shoes could not be seen. He was fully equipped with gloves, masks and sunglasses. The man wrapped himself up. Very strict.

Looking at Mark lying on the bed, the man felt a little complicated and said to himself: I'm sorry, Earthling, my daughter hurt you... She... was swallowed up by the void and lost in the void... The man fell silent again. One moment: “Maybe you deserve relief.”

Purple energy emerged from his left hand, forming a rhombus-shaped blade shape, and lightly scratched Mark's body without leaving any scars. The heartbeat monitor next to Mark issued a beep warning.

The man suddenly disappeared again, as if he had never appeared before, taking away the void energy in Mark's body...

Purple light flashed in the dark cave, and Kaisha embedded the crystal stone from the void into the wall to use as a light for lighting.

She unfolded a map, a detailed map of Tennessee, with all the large buildings marked on it, such as chemical plants and nuclear power plants.

Yes, nuclear power plant, that is Kaisha’s next goal.

The energy named core was of great help to the growth of the Void Beetle, and this news seemed to appear in his mind out of thin air.

The door to teleporting void beetles was closed two days ago, and Kai'Sa currently only has less than a thousand void beetles in her possession.

For an Earth that possesses nuclear weapons, hydrogen bombs, and other weapons of mass destruction, a thousand void beetles are still not enough.

Kai'Sa's next plan is to use the nuclear energy of the Kodo Nuclear Power Plant to strengthen her void beetles, and then quickly capture nearby densely populated cities and capture some humans. This way, the people on earth will have concerns and the initiative will be in their hands. into his own hands.

Of course, you can't act too strong and pretend to be weak. This will greatly reduce the chance that the military will decide to sacrifice hostages and use mass murder weapons. They will always send some special forces to stage a movie-like rescue operation.

Only in this way can we buy enough time to slowly grow in strength. There is nothing wrong with the principle of wretched development.

You guys, please post more posts or write more book reviews! Only with feedback from readers can I know more about creative issues! Only then can we write better stories! I will read every one of them carefully! Some students said that Kai'Sa's camp was wrong. Maybe I didn't write it clearly enough. Anyway, the following plot will clear up the confusion!

Volume 1: Chapter 15 Professor X: Help me Thor: On the way

After the SHIELD agents left, the originally quiet restaurant became a little deserted, with only a few diners dining and a pianist playing music in the center of the restaurant.

The tableware on Earth is also very similar to that of Valoran. Demacians use knives and forks, and Ionians use chopsticks. Sona can use them, so it's not too difficult to eat dumplings.

Picking up the dumplings and dipping them into the mature vinegar in the small saucer, the white and tender dumplings are first sour in the mouth, and then the sweetness and saltiness in the filling explode on the taste buds. The ultimate enjoyment of the three flavors mixed together, this is simply a delicacy on earth. !

(Eating dumplings is so much fun, I love it.)

Does it taste good? Guest? Su Yun walked over slowly, holding a bowl of soup in his hand.

Sona nodded quickly, and her smiling expression showed that the dumplings were really delicious!

Su Yun was very pleased to see Sona eating so happily. He placed the soup in his hand in front of Sona, sat opposite and said, Try the borscht soup I made myself.

Sona heard Su Yun's words, put down the chopsticks in her hands, and looked at Su Yun with questioning eyes. After receiving an affirmative answer again, Sona picked up the spoon and scooped a spoonful into the bowl.

In my hometown, borscht is very popular. I have loved drinking it since I was a child. Su Yun introduced, looking at Sona who was sipping the soup, she showed a nostalgic smile, obviously thinking of the past. matter.

The taste is great! And the music is also very good! I will come here often in the future! Sona wrote on the writing board, she really liked this place.

Thank you, it's a pity... Su Yun suddenly sighed. Yunweiguan can no longer operate... Su Yun's voice was full of sadness. Yunweiguan is the name of this restaurant. It was founded by Su Yun and her husband fifty years ago. It has gone through ups and downs until today. , but have to face the problem of bankruptcy.

The turnover of Yunweiguan has been at a loss for a year. If it does not improve this month, we will have to close it... Since Su Yun's husband passed away and he has no children, Yunweiguan has become a The only thing she cares about is extending the life of the Yunwei Restaurant, which continues to suffer losses, for another year, which has already spent most of Su Yun's savings.

In the era of technological development, Yunweiguan, which focuses on service and dining environment, is indeed inferior to many fast food industries.

Listening to Su Yun's description, Sona seemed to be able to feel that Su Yun had deep feelings for Yunwei Pavilion. This feeling was like watching her child die slowly, but being helpless.

Maybe, I can help her?

Looking at the guqin beside her, Sona's eyes suddenly lit up.

After taking the guqin, Sona stood up and walked to the piano stage in the center of the restaurant. Facing the puzzled pianist, Sona slightly bent down and signaled him to stop playing.

The pianist was very gentlemanly and quickly stopped and handed the stage to Sona.

In Demacia, all the nobles put aside their etiquette and rush to buy tickets for Miss Sona's concerts, and the seats are always packed.

Without using magic power, Sona gently plucked the strings with both hands, and the slow and melodious prelude came to her ears, immediately causing everyone present to stop what they were doing and listen attentively.

The sound of the piano gradually becomes more intense, just like walking briskly into a spring garden, with flowers and birds chirping, and you are immediately immersed in the scenery depicted by this music.

All the listeners experienced the feeling of rising from the ground to the clouds, and then gradually falling from the clouds to the ground.

When the music ended, Sona exhaled. Fortunately, she didn't regress.

It is hard to imagine that less than two digits of people could burst into such warm applause. Every diner and waiter gave the most sincere applause to a performer.

Sona bowed to all the audience and walked off the stage.

Can I work at Yunwei Pavilion? Sona handed the writing pad to Su Yun, who looked shocked. Disgusted

Of course! Su Yun looked at Sona, as if he had seen the savior of Yunwei Restaurant. All the diners, including Su Yun, had one thought in their minds at this moment: How can listening to such soul-stirring Guqin music once be enough? ……World

Asgard claims to be the first of the Nine Realms, and the king of Asgard is the Lord of the Nine Realms. kind

Within the palace, Odin was sitting on the throne, staring into the distance that only he could see. brick

The Void? Odin said to himself. He sensed a connection between another plane and Midgard. The Void is the name of this plane. group

If I were younger, I might start a plane war... Odin sighed. He was already very old and could not continue to fight in all directions, and Asgard did not want to fall into another war. rise

As for Midgard, let Thor handle it.

Using his divine mind, he summoned the prince of Asgard, the user of the Meow Hammer, the blond muscular man, the best warrior in the nine realms, the future strongest avenger, and the future biggest beer endorser in the United States. Thor! Sis

Odin didn't know that what he saw was just a corner of the void...

Professor, where are we going next? Alexander got off the plane with Charles. He was really curious about why the professor would go to meet someone in such a roundabout way. You know, even if he senses a mutant with a powerful talent, the professor is just Write a letter suggesting that he come to the college to take classes. stop

Charles did not reply. He was trying his best to sense the location of the person, but found nothing. An uneasy feeling came to his heart. Either she left Tennessee, or she put on a helmet that shielded people with psychic abilities. stroll

Either way, it's bad news for Charles. Expect

Alexander, pay attention to the recent news, especially the reports of abnormal phenomena... Charles said. start

The clue was broken, and Charles didn't know what to do next. Mausoleum

Charles wanted to contact Eric, also known as Magneto. He was afraid that the X-Men alone could not handle this crisis, especially since Raven was missing and the only original X-Men in the academy who could fight was Hank. and Sean.

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