However, she did not expose Ancient One. The Supreme Mage should have had her own thoughts in doing so, at least it would not harm Strange.

Drawing a golden portal, Ancient One took advantage of the situation and teleported Sona and Strange to Kama Taj, lest Strange see the beach that had only been ten minutes ago and realize that he was lying to him.

Kama Taj doesn’t know how long it has existed on earth. Its overall appearance has always been that of a temple. It is renovated every once in a while to keep it in line with modern civilization.

Sona sensed that the surrounding magic elements were abundant, and she knew that this was the Kama Taj that Ancient One had told her, a pilgrimage place for earth mages.

Even Guqin seemed to be aware of the changes in the surrounding environment, and was vaguely a little anxious. After all, the magical artifacts stored in Kama Taj were much more powerful than those in the New York Sanctuary.

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Miss Sona, would you mind visiting Kama Taj? Ancient One asked.

Of course not. Sona replied politely. She was also a little curious about the magic of the earth and just took this opportunity to get in touch with it.

Picking up the teapot on the table, Ancient One poured a cup of tea for Sona and Strange, then pulled out two chairs and motioned for them to sit down.

Sona sat down naturally, but Strange acted a little reserved.

Very good tea! Sona took a sip and praised, both in terms of taste and refreshing effect, this tea performed very well.

As long as you like it. Gu Yi poured himself a glass.

So, do you know what I went through before? Strange was not in the mood to drink tea. He was still recalling everything he had encountered in the misty forest.

Suddenly, a mage ran in from outside the hall, looking nervous, as if something big had happened.

Honorable Sir, Casillas took away the pages of The Book of Camustro! He also killed Pell! Modu spoke very excitedly. He did not expect that his senior brother who has been with the school for many years would actually do this. Something like this happened.

Gu Yi's expression didn't change much, but he still got up without saying a word and walked towards the library.

She did see this happening in the future, but it seemed to be a little earlier now.

Could it be that because she trained Strange in advance, Dormammu also secretly accelerated the progress?

Sure enough, the timeline cannot be changed at will, and Ancient One really wants to reduce the use of the Eye of Agamotto.

Many mages gathered around the library, and they discussed everything about Casillas in low voices.

Kassadin was also among the crowd. He did not return to X Academy immediately, but chose to recover for a period of time at Karma Taj.

Sorry, when I came, he only had one head left. Kassadin felt that it was his fault. He noticed the changes in the surrounding space, but did not rush over in time.

What should we do now?

Casillas wants to summon Dormammu!

Why are they doing this?

The mages all knew that the lost pages contained information on how to draw energy from the dark latitudes. The actions of Casillas's fanatics brought them strong uneasiness.

Dormammu is...? Sona asked Ancient One through teleportation. Strange was also confused.

He is the monarch of the dark latitude, trying to devour everything in the multiverse. Ancient One dismissed the surrounding mages, leaving only Modu.

The reason why mages exist on earth is to resist the invasion of magical power.

“In addition to the New York sanctuary, we have two sanctuaries in Hong Kong and London.”

Casillas' next step will be to destroy these sanctuaries and destroy our protective shield against Dormammu. If they are allowed to succeed, everything on Earth will cease to exist.

In a few short words, Ancient One explained things about the Dark Latitude to Sona and Kassadin.

It's as good as resisting the void... Kassadin felt a headache after hearing Gu Yi's explanation.

Why are these creatures at other latitudes interested in the earth? Is this the center of the universe?

Wait, what are you talking about? Strange suddenly spoke. He heard the word void, and the dark latitude that Ancient One mentioned to him not long ago. These two words are not good things.

He had not forgotten how his hand was broken. From what they said, it seemed that a bigger disaster was about to happen.

All eyes were on Strange, making him feel like a newbie trying to fit into the circle of bosses.

Where can we find those...zealots? Sona wrote on the clipboard, spelling the word zealot incorrectly, to let everyone know what she wanted to say.

Ancient One hesitated for a moment, and then took everyone deep into the library, where the Eye of Agamotto was stored, and there were portals leading to other sanctuaries.

The reason why she hesitates is because Sona and Kassadin are both outsiders. If they are involved, it will trigger an unknown butterfly effect. And Strange has not fully grown up yet, so it is not too late for him to face Dormammu. Too early.

According to the original plot, the Ancient One wanted to use his own death to awaken Strange's belief in fighting the Dark Latitude. Then Strange took over as the Supreme Mage and shouldered the burden of protecting the earth, while he retired gloriously and welcomed his death.

She deceived Strange before to give him a bad first impression of the Dark Latitude and leave a subconscious impression.

We don't know when they will launch an attack. These portals can allow us to quickly go to various sanctuaries. Ancient Yi waved his hand, opened all the doors, and said: Domammu's power should not be underestimated. Light Kamal Taj cannot ensure the safety of all temples, so I hope you can help.

This should be my responsibility. I'm sorry to involve you all. Ancient One looked at Sona and Kassadin.

It's just about protecting the world, let's do what we do. Kassadin felt it didn't matter. Besides, Ancient One had saved him before, so he shouldn't quit under any circumstances.

It's no problem for me either. Sona was not one to run away from battle.

Can I say I can't do it? Strange laughed awkwardly a few times. He didn't understand the rest, but he did understand that there might be a battle later.

He is just a doctor, and he only learns magic to heal his hands, not to fight against enemies from the dark dimension.

Having already experienced three days of inhuman life, Strange did not want to see those weird monsters and monsters again.

Volume One: Chapter 110 Fanatic Invasion

Hearing Strange's answer, Gu Yi inevitably frowned. She had been worried that this would happen and that Strange would be scared away after knowing everything.

It may not be because of fear, but as a doctor, Strange is unwilling to harm others.

The Ancient One must do something to let Strange know how important the mission he shoulders is, the necessary killing is unavoidable, and there cannot be no Supreme Mage on the earth.

It's just that everything is deviating from the original time track now, and Gu Yi doesn't know what to do next.

Just when Gu Yi was still thinking about what to say to change Strange, Sona stepped forward first. She bent the fingers of her right hand and hit Strange on the head in a hook shape.

If Loki saw this scene, he would jump up with excitement and say This is what it feels like!

How could you escape in the face of battle? the words on the writing board asked Strange, and Sona was a little confused.

But...I'm just a doctor... Strange glanced at everyone present. Needless to say, Sona and Ancient One, the strength of the masked weirdo was unfathomable. Even Ancient One's disciple Modu had something in his body. My magic energy is higher than his, why do I have to drag him with me?

Strange ignored that he had only learned magic for less than half a month, while Mordo had been immersed in it for at least three to five years.

What's wrong with the doctor? Is the doctor weak?

Can Soraka use the Endless Electric Knife and the Big Banana Thunder Half-Moon Slash to be eaten by ordinary people? Isn’t Venom Snake from Metal Gear Solid next door also a medic? Which base can’t he enter? The angel next door begs Anna every day for hormones so that she can fly and pump her breasts. Is she weak?

(Strange: I am an ordinary surgeon! Please stop persecuting me!)

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

The differences may be due to different concepts. The education Sona received in Demacia is that when resisting foreign enemies, all people are soldiers, and no one can shirk responsibility.

Strange's original goal as a doctor was to save people. He didn't want some people to die because of him, let alone let his hands be stained with sin.

Strange wanted to try to refute, but a figure suddenly flew over and interrupted his thoughts.

The figure flew over from the gate of the London Temple. In a thrown way, he fell to the ground with a transparent magic blade inserted in his chest, but he had already died.

Gu Yi reacted the fastest and instantly raised his hand to cast a spell, conjuring two semicircular magic folding fans and knocking away the magic blades that were flying towards him.

Frowning slightly, as if he sensed something, Gu connected his feet and jumped into the door of the London Temple as if he was a light kung fu. Then he opened the mirror space. It seemed that there were very difficult enemies. Even the Supreme Mage was in the mirror space. deal with.

Before the others realized what happened, another explosion occurred behind the door of the Hong Kong Temple. The air wave passed through the portal, and the powerful shock wave directly shattered the door. Only Kassadin reacted and at the last second, used Walking in the Void stepped into the door to the Hong Kong Temple.

Sona was closest to the door of the Hong Kong Temple, and before she could cast her levitation technique, she was knocked away by a huge shock wave.

Has this started? I thought it would take a few days... Sona complained in her mind, waved her hand to disperse the dust in front of her eyes, and stood up holding on to the wall.

In her panic just now, she seemed to have caught something.

Opening her fingers, she found a pocket watch-like pendant lying in her palm. The texture of the decoration was obvious, and powerful magical energy emitted from the inside, making Sona feel very uncomfortable.

Is this...that thing placed in the center of the hall?

Not knowing what use it had, Sona had to put it into the piano case and then return it to Ancient One.

The teleported door had turned into rubble, and Sona had no choice but to walk out.

The current situation is that the enemy suddenly came, invaded the two temples, and scattered them all. I don’t know where Strange and Mordo went, and Sona’s teleportation did not sense it. them.

The surrounding scene is very familiar, it is the New York Temple.

Since the other two temples have been invaded by fanatics, there is no reason why the New York Temple should be empty.

Sona floated in the aisle vigilantly. She had put on multiple layers of shields for herself in advance. If those transparent magic blades were to be attacked by sneak attack, it would be impossible to prevent them.

A black mage walked out from the corner. He looked at Sona suspiciously, but he didn't seem to be hostile.

Sona didn't notice the look in his eyes and subconsciously launched an attack, hitting him with a single heroic hymn.

The world-weary Xin Zhong wrote the postscript of Jiu Si ベλ 00

The black mage quickly raised a stick, which looked like a magic weapon, and blocked Sona's attack with some difficulty.

Miss Sona, are you going to invade the temple? the black mage asked in a deep voice.

Invading the temple? Don't you want to...

Do you know me? Sona sent a message to the other party. There must be some misunderstanding.

Of course, Miss Sona from the Avengers ranks very high on the popularity list. Daniel shrugged. He didn't pay attention to these things originally, but she was just too big... Ahem, uh, no, she was checking her phone. I see it occasionally, yes, occasionally.

Then you are...

Daniel, Patron Master of the New York Temple.

Hit the wrong person?

Sona patted her forehead, her expression a little embarrassed. It seemed that this was not the first time that she had accidentally injured a friendly force.

It's like the Sword Master is spinning around in the frame of his own little magician, dodging his own Izawa's ultimate move, and opening the wind wall to help the enemy block his own destiny master's ultimate move. This kind of behavior that can't tell the difference between his teammates will always make him It makes people laugh and cry.

It would be nice if teammates had signs like in the game. Sona felt that opening friendly damage was very malicious to her.

Just when Sona was about to explain to Daniel that it was a misunderstanding, there were strange fluctuations in the hall of the New York Temple, and the main entrance began to appear like a mirror repeatedly.

Special effects are worth every penny. The director took great pains to arrange a cool appearance for the villain. Three people walked in from the door, Casillas and his two fanatical followers.

Their eyes were so purple that they looked like multi-sport enthusiasts.

Daniel, they regard you as the guardian mage of this temple. Casillas entered the scene slowly, with a hint of contempt in his tone.

Then you should know what this means. The conscientious Daniel did not seize the time to communicate with Sona in depth, but stood resolutely opposite Casillas, as if he would not give in.

After all, girls like heroic men.

Casillas chuckled and said, It means you will die to defend the temple, today.

He formed his hands into palms, forming a transparent magic blade like ramen noodles. The other two fanatics followed suit, and the three of them quickly attacked Daniel.

The magic blade and the black rod weapon collided fiercely, sparks bursting out in the air like broken glass. Daniel was worthy of being the guardian mage of the New York Temple. He could actually fight one against three...

No, he fought twice and was knocked down by Casillas. If Sona hadn't put a shield on him in time, the professional team would have appeared.

If you can't do it, then don't be brave... Sona thought that even if three of them hit one of them, they would be counter-killed.

Daniel felt miserable, could a man say no? Of course not!

Who are you? I haven't seen you at Karma Taj. Obviously, Casillas, who is obsessed with multi-player sports (chanting Dormammu with the fanatics), does not know who Sona is. .

Sona didn't want to use teleportation on the enemy yet, so she only responded with a piano sound attack.

Seeing such magic for the first time, Casillas's eyes lit up and he actually chose to do it forcefully.

The magical power entered his body, just like injecting drugs into an addict. Casillas actually had an intoxicated expression on his face.

What kind of power is this? He suddenly opened his eyes, and his dark eyes were faintly glowing, and the way he looked at Sona was wrong.

As expected, the Ancient One has hidden a lot secretly. Casillas regarded Sona as the secret disciple of the Ancient One, teaching other types of spells.

Volume One: Chapter 111 The Arrival of Dormammu

What other magic is there? Use it quickly, otherwise you will have no chance. Casillas didn't understand the principle of Sona's magic at first glance, so he wanted to stimulate her to fire more shots and make the most of it.

He is so crazy!

Sona almost fell into the opponent's taunt, so she calmed down, pressed her fingers on the strings, and did not attack rashly again.

The other party is so confident, it seems that he is hiding his trump card.

Just when both parties were suspicious of each other, the addition of a third party broke the balance.

A golden circle appeared in the center of the battlefield, the portal was constructed, and the figures of Mordo and Strange appeared behind the portal.

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